Examples of the the word, indexing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indexing ), is the 12845 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. It with the new item, so every item in the table has a unique key. Database, indexing ,Hash tables may also be used as disk-based data structures and database indices
  2. Visual surveillance or people counting). * Organizing information (e.g., for, indexing , databases of images and image sequences). * Modeling objects or environments (
  3. Per master, no automatic support for multiple masters per slave. * Full-text, indexing ,and searching using MyISAM engine * Partial Unicode support (UTF-8 and UCS-2
  4. The hyperref package to provide hyperlinks in PDF output. It also has extensive, indexing ,and cross-referencing facilities including cross-references from the generated
  5. And to other user agents that may try to parse the document for search and, indexing ,purposes for example. Escaping also allows for characters that are not easily
  6. The frequency of resizing, but requires an expensive branch instruction for, indexing , * Allocating due contents from the center of the underlying array, and
  7. To continuously updating of its index. With Caffeine, Google moved its back-end, indexing ,system away from Produce and onto Bistable, the company's distributed
  8. New titles they produced each year, in a standard form that would facilitate, indexing , He hoped that this abstracting project would eventually include everything
  9. A post-modern and Perry implementation of AWK in Perl, which supports ranges, indexing ,columns by negative numbers, a Perl mode, and more. *gawk is a SourceForge
  10. Engine),for supporting information retrieval in search engines * Subject, indexing , describing the content of a document by keywords * Web server directory index
  11. By themselves do not allow random access to the data, or any form of efficient, indexing , Thus, many basic operations — such as obtaining the last node of the list (
  12. Options per volume yielded $125 for microfilming,$50 for scanning and minimal, indexing , and, based on a New York Public Library project,$16.20 for acidification.
  13. As the Burroughs B5000 and its successors, had special instructions for array, indexing ,that included index-bounds checking. Assembly languages generally have no
  14. Earl (Bill) Aaron and John Mary Kuhn's published" On relevance, probabilistic, indexing , and information retrieval" in the Journal of the ACM 7 (3):216–244,July
  15. Is often referred to as a user agent (UA). Other user agents can include the, indexing ,software used by search providers, known as web crawlers, or variations of the
  16. Thus, an element in row i and column j of an array A would be accessed by double, indexing ,(AIJ in typical notation). This alternative structure allows ragged or jagged
  17. Personal comments and side trails. At the time Bush saw the current ways of, indexing ,information as limiting and instead proposed a way to store information that
  18. Electronic media offer previously unimaginable capabilities for search, indexing ,and cross-reference. The epigraph from Horace on the title page of the 18th
  19. 1; until (Amid = x) or (min > max); Note: This code assumes 1-based array, indexing , For languages that use 0-based indexing (most modern languages),min and max
  20. The highest possible rate. Other concerns include purchasing power, inflation, indexing , and standardized working hours. In the United States, the minimum wage
  21. Patterns and space overhead to a linked list while permitting more efficient, indexing , However, insertion and deletion operations are more expensive due to the
  22. Manage huge amounts of data efficiently, such as large databases and internet, indexing ,services. Usually, efficient data structures are a key to designing efficient
  23. Note: This code assumes 1-based array indexing . For languages that use 0-based, indexing , ( most modern languages),min and max should be initialized to 0 and N-1. Note
  24. Part of the database and may comprise a substantial portion of it. Database, indexing ,Indexing is a technique for improving database performance. The many types of
  25. FOR TRANSIT, I (S) and FOR TRANSIT II, the latter for machines equipped with, indexing ,registers and automatic floating point decimal (bi-quinary) arithmetic.
  26. Then, and dynamically sized arrays of arrays cannot be accessed using double, indexing , (A workaround for this is to allocate the array with an additional" row
  27. Programming languages. The more popular languages for such search engines and, indexing ,spiders are Perl, PHP and C. Most search engines have their own spider that is
  28. Many of the pre-existing modes, and added quite a bit of flexibility to various, indexing ,modes and operations. Though it was not intended, these new modes made the
  29. The first building explicitly designed to be a library. He also designed a book, indexing ,system in ignorance of the only other such system then extant, that of the
  30. Two tools used to facilitate subject access. The other consists of alphabetical, indexing ,languages such as Thesauri and Subject Headings systems. Library classification
  31. Child. Moreover, it is more elegant to formulate. Heapsort's a natural way of, indexing ,works on indices from 1 up to the number of items. Therefore, the start address
  32. Results. Meta tags are not the best option to prevent search engines from, indexing ,content of a website. A more reliable and efficient method is the use of the
  33. Virtualization software. Addressing modes The new addressing modes added scaled, indexing ,and another level of indirection to many of the pre-existing modes, and added
  34. Phonetic algorithm developed by Western Airlines ** Megaphone: an algorithm for, indexing ,words by their sound, when pronounced in English ** Sounded: a phonetic
  35. Manufacturer * A&I (abstracting and indexing ) services, also known as subject, indexing ,* Adriatic Institute for Public Policy, a free-market think tank in Croatia
  36. Rather than search the entire dataset. This eventually leads to the practice of, indexing , which is used by almost every operating system from Windows to the system that
  37. Function and data pointers supporting ad hoc run-time polymorphism * array, indexing ,as a secondary notion, defined in terms of pointer arithmetic * A preprocessor
  38. By their sound, when pronounced in English ** Sounded: a phonetic algorithm for, indexing ,names by sound, as pronounced in English * String metrics: compute a similarity
  39. Vector and document vector is represented as a scalar value. ** Latent semantic, indexing ,aka latent semantic analysis * Probabilistic models treat the process of
  40. The element addressing formula) are usually, but not always, p. 159 Array, indexing ,was originally done by self-modifying code, and later using index registers and
  41. Industries, a now-defunct British airship manufacturer * A&I (abstracting and, indexing ,) services, also known as subject indexing * Adriatic Institute for Public
  42. In universal algebra are ultraproducts \Pi_A_i/U, where I is an infinite set, indexing ,a system of structures Ai, and U is an ultrafilter on I. While model theory
  43. Academic studies Google does not use HTML keyword or meta tag elements for, indexing , The Director of Research at Google, Monika Hen zinger, was quoted (in 2002)
  44. Centers, publishing,archives, records management, museum documentation, indexing ,and abstracting services, and information science ". The following is a partial
  45. With a view to encoding the text in a format more amenable to editing or, indexing ,(e.g. ASCII). * 2D Code reading of 2D codes such as data matrix and
  46. Their own spider that is a single application responsible for crawling IRC and, indexing ,data itself; however, others are" user based" indexers. The latter rely on
  47. Reconstruction, event detection, video tracking, object recognition, learning, indexing , motion estimation, and image restoration. In most practical computer vision
  48. Of Portuguese naming customs, the main surname (the one used in alpha sorting, indexing , abbreviations, and greetings),appears last. Each person usually has two
  49. Case of non-naval Enigma, deciphering was performed in Hut 6,and translation, indexing ,and cross-referencing with existing information, in Hut 3. Only then was it
  50. Must be made disjoint; an obvious way to do this is to use either a or n as the, indexing ,set for the other. Then, the members of n \dot a\, are exactly those of the

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