Examples of the the word, apprehension , in a Sentence Context

The word ( apprehension ), is the 12847 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. X. Baxter Stockman, whose race was changed from black to white either due to, apprehension ,toward depicting a villainous African American character in a children's
  2. Or she is about to die or pass out. Emotional effects may include" feelings of, apprehension ,or dread, trouble concentrating, feeling tense or jumpy, anticipating the worst
  3. In the finished play or its drafts. " Instead, Wilde may have transposed his, apprehension ,into Lord Chiltern's (non-sexual) blackmailing situation in the darker
  4. And track other mutants based on their thought patterns, but has a moral, apprehension ,about using this skill due to her experiences as a Hound. It has been suggested
  5. Of an armoring or defensive personality seems to be for some, a logical, apprehension ,of the situation. Therefore, the terminology fugue state may carry a slight
  6. While simultaneously advocating the necessity of an temporal and immanent, apprehension ,of them. In this vein, he asserted that it was the task of contemporary
  7. In form and moving how express and admirable, in action how like an angel, in, apprehension , how like a god! " — from William Shakespeare's Hamlet. In England, the
  8. In June 1950 the South Korean Government ordered the nation-wide" preemptive, apprehension ," of politically suspect or disloyal citizens. The military police and
  9. Problems with evolution, what motivates them to battle its teaching is, apprehension ,over the implications of evolution for religion. " Creation science advocates
  10. A quite precise sense: the existence exercised by things independently of human, apprehension ,and attitude. The much briefer epoch of modern philosophy based itself rather
  11. Semiotic or symbiosis is the process that forms meaning from any organisms, apprehension ,of the world through signs. History The importance of signs and signification
  12. Last Forest Brother was caught in September 1978,and killed himself during his, apprehension , In March 1949,20,722 people (2.5 % of the population) were deported to
  13. As soon as he began to work, he was seized with fits of shivering and an, apprehension ,of death, experiencing an abhorrence for high places, for all metal instruments
  14. The news that Esau was coming to meet Jacob with an army of 400 men. With great, apprehension , Jacob prepared for the worst. He engaged in earnest prayer to God, then sent
  15. The assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran India; also resulted in the, apprehension ,and transfer to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
  16. Hotter climates of Africa? There does not appear to be much ground for such an, apprehension , The enormous combustion of coal by our industrial establishments suffices to
  17. High anxiety is a non-technical term referring to a state of extreme fear or, apprehension , It may also mean: **"High Anxiety ", a song performed by Brooks in the film *
  18. Stress and dissatisfaction with one's own" vanilla"-lifestyle, feeding the, apprehension ,of finding no partner. Moses states that BDSM practitioners having problems
  19. Especially considering the recent strings of political humiliation, such as the, apprehension ,of Pope Boniface VIII by Philip IV of France, the " Babylonian Captivity. " The
  20. In June, and was declared combat-ready the following month. There was some, apprehension , as the F 8 was clearly inferior in most respects to the communist forces '
  21. Republic, and the Parmenides Plato himself associates knowledge with the, apprehension ,of unchanging Forms and their relationships to one another (which he calls "
  22. Can unaided discover most of the truths of the physical order; for the, apprehension ,of religious truths it must trust to faith. This rule is completed in his
  23. Labelling" octopuses" 'rare' and noting that" octopus" derives from the, apprehension ,that octopus is a second declension Latin noun, though it is not. The book
  24. The result is a decline in performance. Test anxiety is the uneasiness, apprehension , or nervousness felt by students who had a fear of failing an exam. Students
  25. Mark ", apostrophe ', or semicolon; can be added to the emoticon to imply, apprehension ,or embarrassment, in the same way that a sweat drop is used in anime. Microsoft
  26. That Picasso! " Jake enthuses. The classic" use of unnecessary violence in the, apprehension ,of the Blues Brothers has been approved" line delivered by a police dispatcher
  27. Logical analyses. Bernard's letters to William of St-Thierry also express his, apprehension ,about confronting the preeminent logician. Abelard continued to press for a
  28. All or most of the cultures, these are insufficient to create a unitary justice, apprehension , Justice as harmony In his dialogue Republic, Plato uses Socrates to argue for
  29. And is able to enter the order with a glimpse of its endpoint, of direct, apprehension ,of the Divine Presence towards which all spiritual striving is directed. This
  30. Grenades was here broadly correct in the behavior described, but not in his, apprehension ,of its causes. Williams argues that members of a cult might live together as
  31. Alfredo to a duel, she gently asks Alfredo to leave. Alfredo misunderstands her, apprehension ,and demands that she admit that she loves the Baron. In grief, she makes that
  32. Occult initiatory school in which varying degrees of expertise, experience,and, apprehension ,of metaphysics are recognized among members. The Temple of Set holds an annual
  33. Lincoln's report as a serious threat to King James' accession:: At the first, apprehension ,of my Lord of Lincoln's discovery I was much moved and troubled, but when he
  34. Its" seemingly limitless ability to manipulate literary techniques as modes of, apprehension ,which apprehend nothing. " Though Barth, in a 1974 interview, stated,"
  35. Supporters behind Obama after Obama won the primary. Such remarks lead to, apprehension ,that the party would be split to the detriment of Obama's election. Fears were
  36. Operations against anti-Soviet ethnic groups and Nazi collaborators, and the, apprehension ,and summary execution of thousands of" turncoats, deserters,cowards and
  37. Among French Catholics. He appreciated Husserl, Scheler, and (but with, apprehension ,) Heidegger. His expressions like" ontology of sensibility" when referring to
  38. And independence. Like other highlanders, they are regarded with mingled, apprehension ,and condescension, for their high regard for personal honor, for their tribe
  39. In itself, but only in consequence of the fear which is associated with the, apprehension ,of being discovered by those appointed to punish such actions. 35. It is
  40. From one of the targeted safe houses in Faisalabad, Pakistan. During his, apprehension ,he was shot in the thigh, the testicle, and the stomach with rounds from an
  41. Of Lady Baby in A Group of Noble Dames. Stonehenge is the scene of Tess's, apprehension , Sutton Point is Overcome. Swan age is the Knoll sea of Hand of Ethelburga.
  42. In like proportion, would have made him a marvel, but he lacked swiftness of, apprehension ,and deep insight, so that his masses of arguments and citations were
  43. S aid more concretely to their dependency on their husbands. Others expressed, apprehension ,about the complicated administrative practices of Social Security. Concerns
  44. Gothic horror setting. Dungeon Masters are encouraged to use scenes that build, apprehension ,and fear, culminating in the eventual face-to-face meeting with the nameless
  45. As heretical princes, and yet he mistrusted Philip II of Spain and viewed with, apprehension ,any extension of his power. Sixths agreed to renew the excommunication of Queen
  46. Of similar origin). It is used in English to describe an intense feeling of, apprehension , anxiety or inner turmoil. The term Angst distinguishes itself from the word
  47. Cairo attempts to approach Nature from a qualitatively different mode of, apprehension ,; that of simply perceiving (an approach akin to phenomenological approaches to
  48. Act by which factual control is established. This can take the form of, apprehension ,(taking an object not in someone's possession) or seizure (taking an object
  49. Owner and sustains injury when jumping from a second story window to escape, apprehension , there is no cause of action against the property owner even though that injury
  50. Charles' brusque manner led many to regard his future accession with some, apprehension , yet he proved to be one of the most popular of Scandinavian kings and a

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