Examples of the the word, xxx , in a Sentence Context

The word ( xxx ), is the 12843 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Could be as constitutional as such zoning is in the physical world. (See., xxx ,top-level domain. An alternate proposal promoted by free speech advocates
  2. Has thou oft written there of the felony gender? — Toweled Mystery Plays, xxx ,161 Act One. *1632 - Here's a woman! The soul of Hercules has got into her.
  3. U. Of Oxford,1979 *P. Howard:" Amide: a Forgotten Masterpiece ", Opera, xxx , ( 1982),572–6. *J. Rush ton:" “ Royal Agamemnon ”: the Two Versions of
  4. Number starting with 82 (mostly 820/829) is charged at premium rates (82x xx, xxx ,). Portugal * 607 - Pull opinion,9 tariff up to 3,28 Eur per minute (premium
  5. 1,2,or 3). It also cites Arthur Conan Doyle's usage in 1889 in Micah Clarke, xxx , 316" There is no loading of the dice, or throwing of Fulham. " Politics
  6. Brother of Gad; these two being the sons of Zilch, the handmaid of Leah (Gen., xxx , 10 et seq., xxx v. 26). The Biblical account shows Zilpah's status as a
  7. timeStamp 1995 1 1 1 1 1) (program" xxx " ( version" v1" )) )) (library, xxx ,(dishevel 0) (technology (numberDefinition (scale 1 (e 1 -6) (unit
  8. As follows: xxx XXX (within Athens) (01) xxx XXX (within Greece) +30 1, xxx , xxx x (outside Greece) In 2001,a '0' was added after the area code, which
  9. In Athens would have been dialed as follows: xxx XXX (within Athens) (01), xxx , xxx x (within Greece) +30 1 xxx XXX (outside Greece) In 2001,a '0' was
  10. His signature with a single cross (x) (in some corps with three crosses (, xxx ,)) as an external sign of his duties. *The consenior teaches fencing to all
  11. 2002,the leading '0' was changed to a '2' ( for geographic numbers): 21 x, xxx ,XXX (within Greece, including Athens) +30 21 x xxx XXX (outside Greece)
  12. At that time, the show was called:" The Iran Crisis—America Held Hostage: Day, xxx ," where xxx represented each day Iranians held hostage the occupants of the U.
  13. Railways Organization (ONE) :692 000 XXX up to 692 099 XXX - ONE :693, xxx , xxx x - WIND Hellas mobile :694 xxx XXX - Vodafone Hellas :695 000 XXX up to
  14. Before the change, a number in Athens would have been dialed as follows:, xxx ,XXX (within Athens) (01) xxx XXX (within Greece) +30 1 xxx XXX (
  15. On broadcast and cable television. Actively opposed the introduction of a., xxx ,domain name on the grounds that it would legitimize pornography, and lobbied
  16. It was announced that PETA will be launching a soft pornography website in the., xxx ,domain. PETA spokesperson Lindsay Rat told the Huffington Post,“ We try to
  17. By the rock band ZZ Top::: * arXiv. Org e-print archive, formerly known as, xxx , Lanl. Gov::: * A shortened version of" XXL ", a plus size clothing size: * A
  18. Design The name" AXD" is an abbreviation for" virtual xxx driver ", where ", xxx ," is some class of hardware device. It derives from the fact that most drivers
  19. Form involving only choice (IF THEN ELSE) and loops (WHILE condition DO, xxx ,), possibly with duplicated code and/or the addition of Boolean variables (
  20. Have possible strings combining any number of x and y symbols. Whenever we see, xxx , or XY or ex we may strike these out. We should also remember to strike out YYY
  21. ActionC end exit; exit when is used to specify the events which may occur within, xxx , their occurrence is indicated by using the name of the event as a statement.
  22. Numbers): 21 x xxx XXX (within Greece, including Athens) +30 21 x, xxx ,XXX (outside Greece) Mobile phone numbers were similarly prefixed with the
  23. Array, or all members of a set or collection. recollection do:: achievement |, xxx , For Item in Collection do begin xxx end; for each (item; collection)
  24. Influence over ICANN. This was a significant issue in the attempt to create a., xxx ,top-level domain and sparked greater interest in alternative DNS roots that
  25. ONE :696 910 XXX up to 696 928 XXX - Greek Ministry of National Defense :697, xxx , xxx x - Cos mote mobile :698 xxx XXX - Cos mote mobile :699 xxx XXX - WIND
  26. Laboratory and called the LAND preprint archive. Its original domain name was, xxx , Lanl. Gov. It is now hosted and operated by Cornell University, with 14
  27. Reduce strings to e, x,xx, y or by. Then note that we may also multiply by, xxx , so we can convert by to x. The result is that we can prove that the word
  28. Step sizes other than 1 can be used. FOR I 1 TO N for I: 1 to N do begin xxx , xxx ,NEXT I end; DO I 1, N for (I 1; I←N; ++I) In many programming languages
  29. The show was called:" The Iran Crisis—America Held Hostage: Day xxx " where, xxx ,represented each day Iranians held hostage the occupants of the U. S. Embassy
  30. A modified version is presented here. Exitwhen Event or Event or Event;, xxx ,exits Event: action Event: action Event: action end exit; exit when is used
  31. 16 rectos: Partners (Partners) (Solidus, Collectanea serum memorabilia, xxx , 25) * Folio 16 verso: Yale (Male) (Solidus, Collectanea serum memorabilia
  32. College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, University of Hawaii; 2000., xxx , 275 pp. (book article) #"Gish Jen. " By: Lee, Rachel. Pp. 215–32 IN: Cheung
  33. Spirits::: * An identifier for pornography, especially X-rated movies: :*., xxx , an approved top-level domain intended as a voluntary option for sexually
  34. The Constitutive Ideal of Rationality: Davidson and Sellers ”, Crítica, xxx ,(1998),29-48 *“ Having the World in View: Sellers, Kant,and Intentionality
  35. 181xx,182xx,183xx - Short codes for private companies :50 - VPNs :690, xxx , xxx x - WIND Hellas mobile :691 300 XXX - Telecom Revolution (Viva Telecom)
  36. Options were proposed including xxx , sex and adult. As of June 2010,the., xxx ,TLD has received initial approval from the ICANN, based upon a proposal by the
  37. On the ground. Flight levels are usually designated in writing as FL xxx , where, xxx , is a one- to three-digit number indicating the pressure altitude in units of
  38. Latter case the body is always executed at least once. DO WHILE (test) repeat, xxx , xxx LOOP until test; while (test) while (test); Collection-controlled loops
  39. Succession. The code" inside" the loop (the body of the loop, shown below as, xxx ,) is obeyed a specified number of times, or once for each of a collection of
  40. The latter comes only with the initiation into duty (Ab. R. N., A. xvi., B., xxx ,.; Mid. The. ix. 2; Eccl. R. ix. 15). *According to Pike R. El. xxvi.
  41. AKQ 0; AKX, AQx or CQX 1 losing trick. * a three card suit AXX, Kxx or AXX 2;, xxx ,3 losing tricks. It is also assumed that no suit can have more than 3 losing
  42. And step sizes other than 1 can be used. FOR I 1 TO N for I: 1 to N do begin, xxx , xxx NEXT I end; DO I 1, N for (I 1; I←N; ++I) In many programming languages
  43. recollection do:: achievement | xxx . For Item in Collection do begin, xxx ,end; for each (item; collection) for each someday Collection coll; for (
  44. 692 000 XXX up to 692 099 XXX - ONE :693 xxx XXX - WIND Hellas mobile :694, xxx , xxx x - Vodafone Hellas :695 000 XXX up to 695 199 XXX - Vodafone Hellas :695
  45. The hardware. __TOC__ Design The name" AXD" is an abbreviation for" virtual, xxx ,driver ", where " xxx " is some class of hardware device. It derives from the
  46. Like paperwork and often the task of a treasurer; his sign is three crosses (, xxx ,) (in some corps one cross (x) ). Being the oldest of their kind, the corps
  47. keywordLevel 0) ) (status (written (timeStamp 1995 1 1 1 1 1) (program ", xxx ," (version" v1" )) )) (library xxx (dishevel 0) (technology (
  48. Case the body is always executed at least once. DO WHILE (test) repeat xxx , xxx ,LOOP until test; while (test) while (test); Collection-controlled loops
  49. US Communications Decency Act of 1996. Several options were proposed including, xxx , sex and adult. As of June 2010,the. Xxx TLD has received initial approval
  50. One of them (No. 119) even presenting a connected commentary on Prov., xxx , 1-6,in which R. Saadia's view is cited—namely, that Thiel and Ducal were

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