Examples of the the word, xerox , in a Sentence Context

The word ( xerox ), is the 12839 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is close up *Pa Kodak kit any translation: Let's have a picture first. *pa, xerox ,KO any sang Korea mo bi? Translation: Can I photocopy your notes? *lion basal
  2. A bonus CDR of additional material from the sessions, and a piece of original, xerox ,art made by Akita in the mid-90s. All packaged in a tote bag, and limited to
  3. Vinyl,300 on black. 50 of the green vinyl copies were released with full color, xerox ,covers. The band's earliest material, it is also the most roughly recorded.
  4. External links The ILL sources are available free from ftp: //ftp. Parc., xerox , Com/pub/ill/ill. HTML. Perforata (Perurkada) is a residential locality in
  5. Pen,multicolored pencils, etchings,engravings, stickers,typography, xerox ,and computer graphics. She paints on canvas, illustration board, wood,tiles
  6. ASHES) ” for five years, beginning April 1,2006. The Department has, xerox ,machines,audiovisual equipment, and a substantial text-book library built up
  7. Public relations campaign advising consumers to" photocopy" instead of ", xerox ," documents. One example of an active effort to prevent the generalization of a
  8. Xerox and its other variations such as, xerox copier amongst others. The term, xerox , also spelled as Jersey or Xerox, is commonly used in many Indian States like
  9. In Iowa City, Iowa in 1991. Issue #1 was released as a half-sized black & white, xerox ,fanzine with a press run of 100 copies. It quickly grew in size and depth to
  10. Also compiled * Selected Texts, Busoga Traditional History,3 vols., limited, xerox , and bound edition deposited in African collections in North America, Europe
  11. Examinations. The association also maintains the Alumni Wards and the computer, xerox ,and audiovisual facilities at the college. The Association office functions on
  12. Through various printing services. Copybooks, however,are self-made using, xerox ,machines or other copying methods. Few are copied by drawing by hand. Not all
  13. It involves working oil painting and drawings with new media like photography, xerox ,and digital media to create and develop a postmodern archive" fever ". This
  14. Recorded and released in July 1987. Originally self-released as a cassette with, xerox ,covers. This album was re-released numerous times, with three different covers:
  15. Press. " The Castration of St. Paul" featured thirty low-resolution color, xerox ,enlargements of Polaroid photographs of naked male torsos. Each enlargement was
  16. Is similar to the type of generalization that occurs in English words like ", xerox ," or" Tampax" or" Polaroid ". Indonesian differs from the Malay language in
  17. Personnel * Masai Akita – performer, bamboo paintings, xerox ,art Future lists additional instrument credits: * MA plays EMS Synth 'A '
  18. Copies and came in bootleg packaging, a plain white card sleeve with glued-on, xerox ,information strips; the Industrial Records logo appears to be a stark black and
  19. Of the feminist art movement of the 1970s. Ms Newman was a surrealist and a, xerox ,artist. She also created etchings, and worked in pencil, pastels,and mixed
  20. Descriptiones. Impends Bibliophile Academic Nova, Kiliae,12 + 116 pp., xerox ,: 112-116 *with M. H. Moor 1804. Naturhistorische Race Dutch linen That
  21. Would fade off the cell over time, most or all of the film was done with the, xerox ,process in colors. It was the most expensive animated feature made as of its
  22. Performance artist, Fluxus) *Carol Heifetz Newman (born 1937) (, xerox ,artist, printmaker,pastel, pencil,painter) *Yoko Ono (born 1933) (
  23. Deluxe edition of Daydream Nation:" The album cover of Cyclone Youth, a B&W, xerox ,enlargement of Madonna's face, was a brilliant and contemporary design. Sonic
  24. High, he established his first publication, The Captain Crunch Courier, a humor, xerox ,zine that was given away free. Two years later, while a student at Urbana High
  25. Of the country mostly prefers the term xerox and its other variations such as, xerox ,copier amongst others. The term xerox , also spelled as Jersey or Xerox, is
  26. Art, with a series based on color Xerox art combining iterations of, xerox ,and prismacolor pencil. Newman also began experimenting with Computer art using
  27. To pique the interest of a promoter. Though she intermittently works at a, xerox ,shop by day, Wren nominally uses her position there in order to surreptitiously
  28. Despite their efforts, many dictionaries continue to include the use of ", xerox ," as a verb, including the Oxford English Dictionary. In 2008,Xerox changed
  29. Its main advantage is that coloring - normally done via back painting after, xerox ,scanning - can be controlled better, and multiple versions made quickly. To put
  30. Company" were still used by Fuji Xerox until April-2008. Trademark The word ", xerox ," is commonly used as a synonym for" photocopy" ( both as a noun and a verb)
  31. Shared among practitioners of Neoism. Known SMILE Issues * SMILE 1-11 + 3, xerox , editions,produced by Stewart Home, London,England,1984–1989 * SMILE 1-6
  32. Fomem nu Asana hangar base Costa, saperti Dina recap: phone, qur'an, xerox , aka ". Based on the statement above, it is clear that the Sundanese language
  33. Houses other facilities like laundry service, general stores, stationary and, xerox ,store, ATM. Hostel As the MBA program in SUIT completely residential, there
  34. Senior Member of Li nacre College in 1986-87,a colleague had also passed him a, xerox ,copy of 4QMMT,a document which had been talked about but which no one outside
  35. Mysterio's scheme as a basic 'B-Movie' plot and calling Mysterious a 'human, xerox ,', incapable of having an original thought in his life; not only are all his
  36. Mysterio's scheme as a basic 'B-Movie' plot and calling Mysterious a 'human, xerox ,', incapable of having an original thought in his life; if nothing else, the
  37. State University. He moved to San Francisco in 1979 and began to work in color, xerox , He lived at the Goodman Building, a long term artist community in San
  38. Block and separate hostels for boys and girls. In addition to this there is, xerox ,center and students canteen located inside the campus to make it easily
  39. On Orange. **Notable Characteristics: 300 had an alternate tour cover,20 had a, xerox ,'d cover. **Availability: Out of Print - 1000 on Black,100 on White,5 Test
  40. Discrimination (HID). MFD has taken the form of everything from placing a, xerox ,copy of a photograph of the desired material into the handle of the device, too
  41. HTML Host implementation of IGMPv3 on FreeBSD * ftp: //part., xerox , Com/pub/net-research/multi/ IP multicast software from Xerox *
  42. By these machines. However, rest of the country mostly prefers the term, xerox ,and its other variations such as, xerox copier amongst others. The term xerox
  43. The story can be traced back as far as the 1980s on bulletin board systems, old, xerox , mail art networks and early zines. The aim was to create a fictional story line
  44. Is arranged during preparation time for examination. Library has its own, xerox ,machine and provides photocopy services to the students and staff members at

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