Examples of the the word, dui , in a Sentence Context
The word ( dui ), is the 12850 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Are a number of reasons for this. In modern Chinese martial arts most of the, dui , lian are recent inventions designed for light props resembling weapons, with
- Fan long Chu ban she,1990. * Zhongguo Zheng hi show CE: Thong Ying Ming Cheng, dui , zhao, fu She than I you Jean die. Xiaoguang: Shang WU yin SHU gun,1987. ISBN
- Jiao (練拳腳) - practicing fists and feet; Traditional" sparring" sets, called,DUI, da, 對打 or, dui loan, 對練,were an important part of Chinese martial arts for
- And executive director of the San Francisco-based DUI Huey Foundation (“, dui , hua” means“ dialogue” in Chinese). The non-profit organization is dedicated
- With several types of fuller including: tin China (triple fuller),DUI, chira (double fuller),Angola (single fuller),or basic non-tapered
- Vowels.: :Dimapur: EK man usher DUI chaos child: :Patna: Kong masher, dui , chhaoal child.: :Boga: EK honer DUI beta choir child.: :East Malta: EK
- Was the second king of Lioness according to the late Italian romance IL, dui , Tristani. He was the son of Feet and married Isabelle, daughter of King
- Amet, consectetuer advising elite. Curator pianissimo venerates Pete. Risque, dui , dui , ultricies UT, facilisis non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus
- In other words, about 30 % of the sets practiced at Shaolin where contact sets, dui , lian, 對 練, and two person drill training. This is, in part, evidenced by the
- New Taiwan Foundation,2002," Yong yuan de Zhu ti: Shi mingle you Wei finishing, dui , tan LU (永遠的主題:施明德與 魏京生 對談錄, A timeless theme: dialogs between Ship Minute and
- Non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus Völuspá faculty. Morbid ID, dui , in diam ornate dictum. Present consectetuer vehicular issue. Present torpor
- Plurals For example, one house is EK far in Fijian Hindi and two houses is, dui , ghar in Fijian Hindi. In this example the number is used to denote plural.
- Suggest some sets, ( including two + person sets: DUI the, 對打 also called, dui , lian, 對 練) became very elaborate and 'flowery ', many mainly concerned with
- Consisted of 800 to 1200 men, and in turn were subdivided into than of 300,DUI, of 50,and duo of 10. Many were concentrated in the northern region, especially
- Issue. A feature of Northern Song coinage is the sets of Matched Coins (對錢, dui , qian). This means the simultaneous use of two or three different calligraphic
- Governor general Liu Hinting led out of the Pass were all Duncan troops Hui, dui , 回队. Back then, Dungan military commanders such as Coo Wei and Huey Dalai were
- Individually with opponents switching sides in a continuous flow. Basically, dui , lian were not only a sophisticated and effective methods of passing on the
- Between women in imperial courts who behaved as husband and wife as, dui , shi (paired eating). " Golden Orchid Associations" in Southern China existed
- Practicing fists and feet; Traditional" sparring" sets, called DUI the, 對打 or, dui , lian, 對練,were an important part of Chinese martial arts for centuries. DUI
- Consectetuer advising elite. Curator pianissimo venerates Pete. Risque DUI, dui , matrices UT, facilisis non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus
- Bhatia): EK on mains her dug hola Asia.: :Sakhalin (Rampant): EK Zoner, dui , hut Asia.: :Burial (Bakerganj): EK on masher dug pole Asia.: :Jaipur:
- It is seen that the out-of-date Chinese term for pestle and mortar (, dui , too) would soon be replaced with the Chinese term for the water-powered
- A DUI is made by calling a card, a big DUI carries three points whilst a small, dui , carries one point. If it is made in a player's hand during the initial drawing
- In 1999 You, Zhou,Zhang, Larry Martin and Alan Felicia named Confuciusornis, dui , based on specimen IPP V11553. The specific name again honors a donating
- Southwestern Mandarin. Hence, we get DEI" right" where standard Mandarin has, dui , ten" swallow" where the standard has tun. * Southwestern Mandarin have gas
- Dui chaos child: :Patna: Kong masher DUI coal child.: :Boga: EK honer, dui , bêţa choir child.: :East Malta: EK Jon Mauser data beta achoo.: :Ranger:
- Replaced with the Chinese term for the water-powered trip-hammer (Pinyin: shoo, dui , ; Wade-Giles: shoo too). In Chinese texts of the 4th century, there are written
- The third ", one uses" number TRE ". Fractions are constructed with -i, e. g., dui , TRI, cuatri, ... Desi, senti, mili, etc. Multiples and groups can be referred
- In one hand (also called" the sword without the buckler" ); spade a, dui , mani, the use of the long sword in two hands; spade en are, the use of the
- Two, consequently,is done (दो) in standard Hindi, while in Fijian Hindi it is, dui , ( दुइ),just as it is in Houri. Similarly, the number six in standard Hindi
- Song Dynasty (960–1279) suggest some sets, ( including two + person sets:, dui , da, 對打 also called DUI loan, 對 練) became very elaborate and 'flowery ', many
- Arie, baletti, correnti, gagliarde, canzoni, & literate musical, & alter à, dui , e TRE list concertante inside; et RNA inscription d’divertimenti, che insignia
- From Bengali.: :Manikin: EK Zoner door shoal silo.: :Mymensingh: EK Zoner, dui , put Asia.: :Munshiganj (Krampus): EK Jones Dooley pole silo.: :Camilla: EK
- Which simply can not be developed with single sets, and,conversely, with,DUI, lian. Unfortunately, it appears that most traditional combat oriented DUI loan
- And Patna do not have contrastive nasalized vowels.: :Dimapur: EK man usher, dui , chhaoa child: :Patna: Kong masher DUI coal child.: :Boga: EK honer DUI
- 五塊厝) to form the Ling ya District after 1945. Public institutions Jean, dui , is a type of fried Chinese pastry made from glutinous rice flour. The pastry is
- 9 or 5 drills or 'exchanges/groupings' of attacks and counter-attacks, in each, dui , lian, 對 練 set. These drills were considered only generic patterns and never
- Asilo.: :Camilla: EK bear DUI put Asia.: :Sakhalin (Sandwich): EK shorter, dui , beţa silo.: :Sakhalin (Fend): EK Zoner DUI hola Asia.: :Sakhalin (Bhatia):
- With DUI loan. Unfortunately, it appears that most traditional combat oriented, dui , lian and their training methodology have disappeared, especially those
- Guan,1987. ISBN 9620760255 * Zhongguo Zheng hi show CE: Thong Ying Ming Cheng, dui , zhao. Xiaoguang: Shang WU yin SHU gun,1990. ISBN 9620760506 * Shanxi pi Ying
- Non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus Völuspá faculty. Morbid ID, dui , in diam ornate dictum. Present consectetuer vehicular issue. Present torpor
- As numeral or as nominal inflection, but not both. Numerals EK 'one' and, dui ,'two ', can be realized as both free morpheme and critics. When used with
- Chuadanga: EK Jon Loki Quito Chile child.: :Khulna: EK on masher, dui , sôoal silo.: :Jess ore: EK Zoner but Sol SEL. * North Bengal dialects: This
- Sandwich): EK shorter DUI beta silo.: :Sakhalin (Fend): EK Zoner, dui , hola Asia.: :Sakhalin (Bhatia): EK on mains her dug hola Asia.: :Sakhalin (
- Consectetuer advising elite. Curator pianissimo venerates Pete. Risque DUI, dui , matrices UT, facilisis non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus
- Amet, consectetuer advising elite. Curator pianissimo venerates Pete. Risque, dui , dui , ultricies UT, facilisis non, pulvinar non, purus. DUIs quit arc a Purus
- The basic particle to indicate plurality is တို့ (too. ), colloquial ဒို့ (, dui , ).: ‡ Used by males.: † Used by females. Other pronouns are reserved for
- Munshiganj (Krampus): EK Jones Dooley pole silo.: :Camilla: EK bear, dui , put Asia.: :Sakhalin (Sandwich): EK shorter DUI beta silo.: :Sakhalin (Fend
- Infantry Regiment. GIF|159th Infantry Unity for Service File:160in,DUI, JPG|160th Infantry No motto File:161st Infantry Regiment. JPG|161st
- Called Tigress Chimu King 1973 Subdued Furies 1973 Flash Challenger 1973 Si, dui , tou Tiger 1972 Si QI Shi Lei Tai (as Akira Kurt) 1972 Kung Fu, the
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