Examples of the the word, ineligible , in a Sentence Context
The word ( ineligible ), is the 12856 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Patent confirming the legitimacy of his half-siblings, but also declaring them, ineligible ,for the throne. Henry IV's action was of doubtful legality, as the Beaufort's
- Numbers, so that the officials can more easily distinguish between eligible and, ineligible ,receivers. In the NFL running backs must wear numbers 20 to 49,tight ends must
- The offensive line and a split end. In most cases where a pass is caught by an, ineligible ,receiver, it is usually because the quarterback was under pressure and threw it
- The officials in spotting certain penalties, such as" illegal formation" or ", ineligible ,receiver ", usually only offensive players with numbers 1–49 and 80–89 are
- III arranged for his new son-in-law to be ambushed and blinded, making him, ineligible ,for the imperial throne. Abandoned by his supporters and enemies alike, Alexios
- Such that spouses who are inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza Strip are, ineligible , On 8 May 2005,The Israeli ministerial committee for issues of legislation
- Asked if he was eligible. Lands settled the matter by placing Gideon on the, ineligible ,list. Two other player gambling affairs marked Landis's early years as
- Or if his or her estate is sequestered (in Scotland). Also, lunatics are, ineligible ,to sit in the House of Commons. Under the Mental Health Act 1983,two
- Pass must be an eligible receiver and must touch the passed ball before any, ineligible ,player. The moment that a forward pass begins is important to the game. The
- Denying any wrongdoing, then refused further meetings. Lands placed him on the, ineligible ,list in March 1921. In November 1921,Lands banned former St. Louis Browns
- For his role in the deception. Four decades later, Laurents learned he was, ineligible ,for WGA health benefits because he had failed to accumulate enough credits to
- 50 and 79 on first, second,or third down, which by rule would make them, ineligible ,receivers. This was because of a change in the definition of a scrimmage-kick
- With which the bettor had a duty to perform shall be declared permanently, ineligible , " In early October 1944,Lands checked into St. Luke's Hospital in Chicago
- Zone when a forward pass which crosses the neutral zone is thrown, a foul of ", ineligible ,receiver downfield" ( penalty—a loss of yardage, but not loss of down) is
- However lost its controlling stake to Roxie after a judge ruled them, ineligible ,to participate. John and Shawn Fanning released the original Napster in June
- Lands. O'Connell did not deny the bribe attempt, and was placed on the, ineligible ,list. In total, Landis banned eighteen players from the game. Lands biographer
- That is, excluding the two players at either end of the scrimmage line) are, ineligible ,receivers; they may not receive a forward pass either. (The two offensive ends
- Almost always the quarterback) Players may only wear eligible numbers at an, ineligible ,position when it is obvious that a punt or field goal is to be attempted. A
- By accepting the settlement payments, disabled veterans would become, ineligible ,for many state benefits that provided far more monetary support than the
- A Catholic, Anthony Farmer, as their president. The fellows believed Farmer, ineligible ,under the college's statutes and so elected John Though instead. The college
- Program at Northrop Aviation Company, but poor grades at school made him, ineligible , Thereafter, he focused on his social life and entertainment for the remainder
- Who ordered Mann to contact Lands at once. The Giants placed Douglas on the, ineligible ,list, an action backed by Lands after meeting with the pitcher. On September
- One player from each team and player-coaches and prior award winners were, ineligible , These flaws resulted in the award's being dropped after 1928. The National
- Any players on offense wearing numbers between 50 and 79 are always, ineligible , All defensive players are eligible receivers and offensive players who are not
- 1701 all Roman Catholics and all persons who have married Roman Catholics are, ineligible ,to be the British monarch and are skipped in the order of succession. In the
- The current most senior living descendant of the Electrons Sophia who is, ineligible ,to succeed due to the act is George Windsor, Earl of St Andrews, the eldest son
- Arizona Territory. After being diagnosed with a heart problem and thus found, ineligible ,for a commission, he was discharged in 1897. What followed was a string of
- And one of the FDP and the far-right Republicans (Germany),making them, ineligible ,for caucus status. This is the result of the municipal elections of 2 March
- Bob Meuse and Bill Percy (who had been called up late in the season and was, ineligible ,for the World Series) as well as Tom Sheehan, who had been sent to the minor
- Series intentionally, and Rose voluntarily accepted a permanent spot on the, ineligible ,list in return for MLB's promise to make no official finding in relation to
- Graduation. His broken tenure at the school due to his work in theater made him, ineligible ,for the Columbia Law Review. Editor-in-chief Charles Archer in later years said
- Players are eligible receivers and offensive players who are not wearing an, ineligible ,number are eligible receivers if they meet one of the following three criteria:
- In the American game, once the play has started, eligible receivers can become, ineligible ,depending on how the play develops. Any eligible receiver that goes out of
- From the Vandals, according to which converts from Arianism were declared, ineligible ,to Holy Orders and those already ordained were merely admitted to lay communion
- A common law precedent from the 18th century that the" deaf and dumb" are, ineligible ,to sit in the Lower House; this precedent, however,has not been tested in
- Player who is not wearing a number that corresponds to an eligible receiver is, ineligible ,even if he lines up in an eligible position. However, a player who reports to
- Sales agents for the company and, unlike in the U. S., salespeople in China are, ineligible ,to receive commissions from sales made by the distributors they recruit. In
- And wide receivers must wear numbers 10 to 19 or 80 to 89. In the CFL, ineligible ,receivers must wear numbers 50 to 69; all other numbers (including 0 and 00)
- To the townsmen. Furthermore, a ban on assembly was decreed, and the, ineligible ,townsmen were stripped of their right to send two representatives to council.
- His 1968 misdemeanor conviction for cannabis possession in London had made him, ineligible ,for admission to the United States. Lennon spent the next three and a half
- Not charged again). Frustrated by the delays, Landis placed all eight on an ", ineligible ,list ", banning them from major and minor league baseball. Mickey supported
- In part due to 60 % of the population being considered“ poor” and therefore, ineligible ,for taxation. The SAT (superintendence of tributary administration),the
- Turn a Lutheran preacher out of the town, a board made up of townsmen who were, ineligible ,for council functions handed the council a 30-point comprehensive list of
- Between two teams controlled by the same major league team to make players, ineligible ,for the draft. His first formal act as commissioner was to declare infielder
- To later ballots, but in the mid-1990s,dropped players were made permanently, ineligible ,for Hall of Fame consideration, even by the Veterans Committee. A 2001 change
- The Crown. Moreover, anyone serving a prison sentence of one year or more is, ineligible , Finally, the Representation of the People Act 1983 disqualifies for ten years
- Pro-Soviet. James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, a top FDR aide, was considered, ineligible ,because he had left the Catholic Church and Catholic voters would not accept
- Deadline; in case it is not submitted by the defined deadline, the film will be, ineligible ,for Academy Awards in any year. The form includes the production credits for
- Is downed behind the line of scrimmage — in either case a down is lost). If an, ineligible ,receiver is beyond the neutral zone when a forward pass which crosses the
- Years as a minimum, rendering something like a third of the adult citizen body, ineligible ,at any one time. An unknown proportion of citizens were also subject to
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