Examples of the the word, unprotected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unprotected ), is the 12840 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their expansion cousins, the New York Mets, took turns choosing players left, unprotected ,by the other National League franchises. The Colt .45s began their existence
  2. Estimates of efficacy may not be highly relevant to many women who have had, unprotected ,intercourse, since Ecus are often the only available treatment. Recently
  3. Of traffic or protocols they don't like,e.g. Skype, leaving their customers, unprotected , GEA/3 seems to remain relatively hard to break and is said to be in use on
  4. Or both) found in regular combined oral contraceptive pills. Taken after, unprotected ,sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure, such higher doses may prevent
  5. Nitpick and marketing communications firm Avant-garde in 2004 found that an, unprotected ,and unpatched Windows XP system with Service Pack 1 lasted only 4 minutes on
  6. Other than rolling with a punch) to avoid an incoming strike to an, unprotected ,face or body. Generally speaking, the hands are held high to protect the head
  7. Then protects four of the remaining hydroxyl groups in acetyl linkages. The, unprotected ,hydroxyl group is chemically oxidized to the carboxylic acid by reaction with
  8. To leave, or removed their upper framework, thus leaving the basements, unprotected , The design of the individual shelter would have determined the ultimate result
  9. Can be used as emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy up to 5 days after, unprotected ,sexual intercourse, or sexual intercourse during which the primary
  10. Intercourse; semen exposure from a slipped condom was about one-fifth that of, unprotected ,intercourse. Standard condoms will fit almost any penis, with varying degrees
  11. Many" ), an agitated mammoth who fights them off. Not wanting to be alone and, unprotected , Sid follows Many. Meanwhile, Soto,the leader of a Million pride wants
  12. Of the first rank in their tribe or failed to attain it; and the weak, mostly, unprotected , foreigners. According to In Sad, the opposition in Mecca started when Muhammad
  13. Pack 1 lasted only 4 minutes on the Internet before it was compromised, and an, unprotected ,and also unpatched Windows Server 2003 system was compromised after being
  14. Wood. The June Cole school of naval doctrine suggested that a fleet of fast, unprotected ,steel cruisers were ideal for commerce raiding, while the torpedo boat would be
  15. State the story is not true. The island of Grand Cayman, which lies largely, unprotected ,at sea level, was hit by Hurricane Ivan on 11–12 September 2004. Ivan's storm
  16. Protected foreign copyrights. Pending on the outcome of this case, previously, unprotected , foreign works could be suddenly copyrighted and withdrawn from public domain.
  17. Were leaked to pirate bulletin boards exactly one week after Atari had received, unprotected ,copies for a marketing review, and were in wide circulation months before the
  18. Covering up is the last opportunity to avoid an incoming strike to an, unprotected ,face or body. Generally speaking, the hands are held high to protect the head
  19. And was the first practical method for establishing a shared secret over an, unprotected ,communications channel. Ralph Merkle's work on public key distribution was an
  20. Hugh finds Bred, the half-Fomorian former king of the Agatha DE, alone and, unprotected ,on the battlefield, and Bred begs for his life. If he is spared, he promises
  21. For hate crimes. However, some minority groups (notably LGBT people) remain, unprotected ,by U. S. federal law from employment discrimination. The American federal laws
  22. Practices are advised. Anal sex is considered a high-risk sexual practice, and, unprotected , anal sex is the riskiest of all forms of sexual intercourse," The opening and
  23. Met, capable of being thrust through gaps in the shield wall into an enemy's, unprotected ,groin or throat, while there was no room to swing a longer sword. Such a small
  24. The concern that widespread emergency contraception use would encourage, unprotected ,coitus in teens is not supported in the literature. " And that women who are
  25. With the departure of the Roman Legions in the early 5th century, the now, unprotected ,territory was invaded and colonized by the Anglo-Saxons. By the 6th century the
  26. So is emergency contraception worth the fuss? If you are a woman who has had, unprotected ,sex then of course it is, because emergency contraception will prevent
  27. Used, which were of limited utility, restricting movement and leaving the head, unprotected ,– so they only tended to be worn during high-profile public events, if at all.
  28. The risk of HIV/AIDS transmission by approximately 85 % relative to risk when, unprotected , putting the reconversion rate (infection rate) at 0.9 per 100 person-years
  29. Tolerance, by which exposure of a woman's immune system to semen during, unprotected ,sex may decrease the risk of pregnancy complications in subsequent pregnancies.
  30. One study found that semen exposure from a broken condom was about half that of, unprotected ,intercourse; semen exposure from a slipped condom was about one-fifth that of
  31. To be commodities if they are not discarded, speculatively accumulated, or left, unprotected ,from weather and other damage. Leaded CRT glass is sold to get remelted into
  32. The major French fortresses, followed by a march on Paris. But fearful of, unprotected ,supply-lines the Dutch and Eugene favored a more cautious approach.
  33. Thus, organizations may be at risk when car doors or doors within buildings are, unprotected , According to the US General Services Administration::" ... It is essential
  34. General population since the eradication of the disease would leave most people, unprotected ,in the event of an outbreak. Smallpox occurs only in humans, and has no
  35. Of nitrogen, from fecal and other contamination. Also, the ponds can be left, unprotected ,from natural predators, providing another kind of filtering. Environmental
  36. The light infantry unsupported and the entire left wing of his army completely, unprotected , Caesar's cavalry and the six cohorts that made up the fourth line flanked
  37. Study at Malmö University's Faculty of Ontology suggested that performing, unprotected ,oral sex on a person infected with HPV might increase the risk of oral cancer.
  38. Be used as emergency contraception. If an IUD is inserted within five days of, unprotected ,intercourse, a woman's chance of pregnancy is reduced to that of ongoing IUD
  39. Fire for as long as ammunition lasts. Machine guns are normally used against, unprotected ,or lightly protected personnel, or to provide suppressive fire. Some machine
  40. Into a pregnancy rate of 25 percent. Rather, they mean that if 1,000 women have, unprotected ,intercourse in the middle two weeks of their menstrual cycles, approximately 80
  41. Serious attempts by American raiders. Maritime and American privateers targeted, unprotected ,shipping of both the United States and Britain respectively, further reducing
  42. Should be returning to their rural homes. Thousands of families were left, unprotected ,in the open in the middle of Zimbabwe's winter., The government interfered
  43. On the drug, they are licensed for use for up to 107 to 120 hours after, unprotected ,sexual intercourse or contraceptive failure. Types of Ecus The progestin-only
  44. Held the 1966 NFL Expansion Draft six weeks later in which the Falcons selected, unprotected ,players from existing franchises. The Falcons selected many good players in
  45. The copper-T intrauterine device (IUD) which can be used up to 5 days after, unprotected ,intercourse to prevent pregnancy. Insertion of an IUD is more effective than
  46. Anti-finger trapping device but leaves the rear hinge pin side of the door, unprotected , Full door protection uses front and rear anti-finger trapping devices and
  47. Of Franklin in The Double Helix, writing after Franklin's death when she was, unprotected ,by libel laws, was negative and gave the appearance that she was Wilkins '
  48. Light in the blue spectrum, making it ideal for plant growth but is harmful to, unprotected ,skin and can cause skin cancer. High-pressure sodium emits more light in the
  49. Philippines held that workers who shaved or cropped their hair engaged in an, unprotected ,illegal strike, and thus upheld the dismissal of 29 trade union officers and
  50. Studies of emergency contraception have only enrolled women within 72 hours of, unprotected ,intercourse, a 2002 study by the World Health Organization (WHO) suggested

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