Examples of the the word, chime , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chime ), is the 12851 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tubular bell, or chime s, a percussion instrument struck with hammers * Wind, chime ,or Eolian chime , suspended bells sounded when blown together by the wind *
  2. A variant sequence was also used that went G-E'-C'-G, known as" the fourth, chime ," and used during wartime (especially in the wake of the attack on Pearl
  3. Tuned chime s that can be played by pedestrians as they cross the overpass. Each, chime ,is tuned to the note of a melody, composed by Waters. The melody is in the form
  4. The hair as yellow as corn, and the slipper as pure as gold ", all before the, chime ,of Midnight in three days' time. After the witch leaves, the Baker finds six
  5. Must race round the tower and attached building, beginning on the first, chime ,of the clock at noon and completing before the chime s cease. Unlike Chariots of
  6. The last player to score in the at-bat gets to home plate. The version of the, chime ,is the beginning of" Workaholic" by the music group 2 Unlimited. Since, the
  7. Solo features for each member of the band, but the other soloists are free to, chime ,in as they wish, producing some extraordinary passages of collective
  8. But more significantly, for sound effects. For example, if you wanted a clock, chime , you would set the draw bars at 010010603. The Hammond organ was widely used in
  9. Probably any other parish church in the land: a fine peal of 12 bells and a, chime ,of 9 bells which ring the hours and chime tunes at frequent intervals. Sport
  10. Being renamed to the now-standard" Princess Peach," and the inclusion of a, chime ,to announce stamen. Reception Super Mario Bros. 2 sold ten million copies, and
  11. Long Bridge in the time it takes for the bells at nearby St. Mary's church to, chime ,midnight. In the 16th century Bide ford was Britain's third-largest port. It
  12. Sings" When they get on that train to Niagara, she can hear church bells, chime , the compartment is air-conditioned, the mood sublime, then they get off at
  13. S sirens are tested. During the test, the sirens sounds a light but cheerful, chime ,instead of its three signals, which led to the population's
  14. 1880s,with a clock tower added in the early twentieth century. The GPO clock, chime , chime s every quarter-hour. Tasmania Zoo, which is known for its wildlife
  15. Weighs 595 pounds while the total weight of the bells is two tons. The bells, chime ,the time of day in Westminster style. Minnesota Music Hall of Fame In 1962 it
  16. Tune. Chimes A carillon-like instrument with fewer than 23 bells is called a, chime , American chime s usually have one to one and a half diatonic octaves. Many
  17. On New Year's Eve, the date indicator changed from 01999 to 02000,and the, chime ,struck twice. That prototype, approximately two meters tall, is currently on
  18. Carillon, the largest carillon in New York State, featuring 50 bells that, chime ,on the quarter-hour. During the summer, the carillon features a recital series
  19. For its stations; as a result, it is the first station to discontinue use of, chime ,intonations at the beginning of each telecast, to signal to the affiliates to
  20. A toy piano during their MTV Unplugged set. A toy piano provides the pulsing, chime ,in the song" I Belong To You" by Lenny Gravity from his 5 album. The B-52's
  21. From" Sony Computer Entertainment" to" PS3 PlayStation 3 ", with a new, chime ,and the game start splash screen being dropped. The cover art and packaging of
  22. 7.30pm. The North West Tower (Roundel Tower) contains the cathedral’s clock, chime , The five quarter chime s were taken from the old peal of twelve in the Oxford
  23. Was composed by Roach musical director Marvin Harley as the on-the-hour, chime ,for the Roach studio radio station. Laurel heard the tune on the station, and
  24. A stroke for each year of the current Treasurer's age. The bell would also, chime ,between 12:30 and 1:00 pm when a Benches had died. Inside the chapel are six
  25. In the center from the top of which the Belgian border can be seen. The, chime ,of the belfry is composed of thirty-six bells. History First World War
  26. Seat. Some cars will intermittently flash the reminder light and sound the, chime ,until the driver (and sometimes the front passenger, if present) fasten their
  27. Ringing" and quite different from fixed or limited motion bells which ", chime ,". Unattended bells are left hanging in the normal (" down" ) position but
  28. The bell was used with the tuba, four tam-tams tuned to the pitch of the four, chime ,notes and another tam-tam on which a roll is executed by using a drumstick. In
  29. Land: a fine peal of 12 bells and a chime of 9 bells which ring the hours and, chime ,tunes at frequent intervals. Sport Worcester is famous for its racecourse
  30. Recast from the original five by Richard Keen of Woodstock in 1676. These, chime ,the quarter hours and are rung on special occasions by the Oxford Society of
  31. Been refitted with new signage and ticket vending machines. The distinctive, chime ,used in the Strain system was recorded in 1984–85 at Little Mountain Sound
  32. Chime, suspended bells sounded when blown together by the wind * Warning, chime , a sound used in machinery or computers to alert users of a dangerous condition
  33. The risk of belted front seat occupants' death by nearly five times. Reminder, chime ,and light In North America, cars sold since the early 1970s have included an
  34. Reminder system consisting of a light on the dashboard and a buzzer or, chime ,reminding the driver and passengers to fasten their belts. Originally, these
  35. To the song. When the Yankees scored a run, a version of the Westminster, chime ,played as the last player to score in the at-bat gets to home plate. The
  36. Pendulum clocks may include these complications: * Striking train – strikes a, chime ,on every hour, with the number of strikes equal to the number of the hour. More
  37. 1596,although this is not considered likely. Traditionally, the bell would, chime ,a curfew at 9pm,with a stroke for each year of the current Treasurer's age.
  38. Richard Bentley, a former student of St John's, who dictated that the clock, chime ,once for Trinity, and once for his alma mater, St John's. The College Shield
  39. Change men's hearts, remove the padlock from Pasadena, and present him with a, chime ,of bells to protect him. Pasadena is ordered to accompany Amino on his
  40. Or computers to alert users of a dangerous condition * Macintosh startup, chime , the sound a Macintosh computer makes on startup Popular culture * The Chimes
  41. By the Earth's gravitational pull on Revolutionary War cannonballs. Its, chime ,on Monticello's roof could be heard as far as the University of Virginia.
  42. Closely together. A" Bell Chime" was also offered, which could be set to, chime ,like a doorbell or to ring like an ordinary phone. Following a 1975 FCC ruling
  43. Hopkins. He always denied having conscious knowledge of Welsh, but " his lines, chime ,with internal consonant correspondence, or confined, a prescribed feature
  44. Or gains trust points when answering to a prompt, sometimes there won't be any, chime ,when picking a choice, this indicates that the player has chosen a" neutral "
  45. Tower chime s in the new year, and it is customary to make a wish with each, chime , * In Davos, Switzerland,the final match of the Spengler Cup ice hockey
  46. Was revised. The second version of This is Today incorporated the familiar NBC, chime ,signature (G-E-C) in a bright, appropriately sunny arrangement that was used
  47. Series The Age of Unreason," aetherschriebers" use two halves of a single ", chime ," to communicate, aided by scientific alchemy. The series is set on an
  48. Or chime s, a percussion instrument struck with hammers * Wind chime or Eolian, chime , suspended bells sounded when blown together by the wind * Warning chime , a
  49. The bell twice (kinhinsho); the end by ringing once (Chumash 抽解鐘 ‘ the, chime ,to let go and detach’ ). In Chinese Zen, walking meditation is done with a
  50. Campus. At 10:15 p. m. the lights around campus are extinguished and hymns, chime ,from Britton Tower while students and faculty collect in the Academic Plaza.

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