Examples of the the word, deflect , in a Sentence Context
The word ( deflect ), is the 12855 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Nacelles and to the leading edge of the sailplane to smooth the air flow and, deflect ,it from striking the sailplane with such force. These slotsand wing root
- Composed of particles was strong because scientists knew it was impossible to, deflect ,electromagnetic waves with an electric field. Louis de Broglie later (1924)
- Thomson, an English physicist who, in his three famous experiments, was able to, deflect ,cathode rays, a fundamental function of the modern CRT. The earliest version of
- S 2008 marriage to Carole Rome was a strategic political decision designed to, deflect ,attention away from rumors about his sexual orientation. Other politicians
- Deflection of the spillway bed (or sidewall) such as a ramp and offset to, deflect ,the high velocity flow away from the spillway surface. In the cavity formed
- Are more resistant to small arms; some trucks even have high v-hull bottoms to, deflect ,mine blasts. The Army has purchased a purpose-built armored car, the M1117
- Bomber (" B" ) or attack (" A" ) designation. Design The F-117 is shaped to, deflect ,radar signals and is about the size of an F-15 Eagle. The single-seat Nighthawk
- Parrying or blocking uses the boxer's hands as defensive tools to, deflect ,incoming attacks. As the opponent's punch arrives, the boxer delivers a sharp
- Outlet, a very low wing aspect ratio, and a high sweep angle (50°) needed to, deflect ,incoming radar waves to the sides. With these design considerations and no
- By uncertain circumstances. In his view, only religious difference could, deflect ,people from their everyday lives to think about political matters. However
- Break a business. Other objects like Ba GUA mirrors are still regularly used to, deflect ,evil spirits, and buildings often lack any floor number that has a 4 in it, due
- And a fluorescent screen, with internal or external means to accelerate and, deflect ,the electron beam, used to create images in the form of light emitted from the
- The Earth, Sagan proposed the Deflection Dilemma: If we create the ability to, deflect ,an asteroid away from the Earth, then we also create the ability to deflect an
- That rotation of the Earth should cause a cannonball fired to the north to, deflect ,to the east. Early in the 20th century, the term Coriolis force began to be
- Even when new settlers arrived, this new dialect was strong enough to, deflect ,the influence of other patterns of speech. A large part of the convict body
- A bow shock stands upstream from the magneto pause. It serves to decelerate and, deflect ,the solar wind flow before it reaches the magneto pause Solar System
- From the radar hitting hail and being deflect ed to the ground, where they, deflect ,back to the hail and then to the radar. The energy took more time to go from
- Bringing truth to the forefront and fighting for the little man. To, deflect ,suspicion that he is Superman, Clark Kent adopted a largely passive and
- Microchannel plate When displaying fast one-shot events the electron beam must, deflect ,very quickly, with few electrons impinging on the screen; leading to a faint or
- Being the swiftest of the giant planets. These perturbations probably sometimes, deflect ,long-period comets into shorter orbital periods, with Halley's Comet being a
- Weakly magnetized planets such as Venus and Mars set up currents that partially, deflect ,the solar wind flow, but do not have magnetosphere, per se. History of
- Nationalist to the people of China, fighting against British imperialism, to, deflect , criticism by opponents that his government was feudal and oppressed minorities
- Necessary for this dynamo effect. Mercury’s magnetic field is strong enough to, deflect ,the solar wind around the planet, creating a magnetosphere. The planet's
- Cathode to the anode. Furthermore, by applying a magnetic field, he was able to, deflect ,the rays, thereby demonstrating that the beam behaved as though it were
- Could go into the goal, in which case they are permitted to stop the ball or, deflect ,it is safely away. A swing, as in a hit, at a high shot at the goal (or even wide
- Movement out of the perceived path of the attack),Parry (attempt to, deflect ,or intercept the attack with a limb or weapon),or Block (effort to interpose
- Ability to dodge bullets from machine guns and sniper rifles, and is able to, deflect ,gunshots with his bracers. Shang-Chi is also highly trained in the arts of
- Shank of the mouthpiece. He believed that it would be illogical to" violently, deflect ," the air stream downward at the point of where the air moves past the lips. In
- And including an interaction Hamiltonian to describe how the particles, deflect ,one another. The amplitude for scattering is the sum of each possible
- As I have defended it, is not to wreak vengeance, not to punish, and not to, deflect ,attention from one's own debased state. Its point is to avoid degrading
- 800 years to refine its estimates of the orbit of (29075) 1950 DA, and to, deflect ,it, if necessary. The Apollo asteroid 2007 TU24 approached Earth on January 29
- Which limit its speed compared to the B-1A. Vanes in the intake ducts serve to, deflect ,and shield radar emissions from the highly reflective engine compressor blades.
- Flight the surfaces forward from the cockpit became heated, a visor was used to, deflect ,much of this heat from directly reaching the cockpit. Concorde had livery
- Termed" fully protected goalkeepers ". Although such goalkeepers may block or, deflect ,the ball from the goal with any part of their bodies, and propel the ball with
- To 'win' penalty corners by forcing the ball onto a defender's foot or to, deflect ,high (and dangerously) off a defender's stick. The FISH felt it was a
- Vicious cutting, slicing and sawing by an alert opponent who would block it or, deflect ,it with the sharp" rope-glove" edges which are sometimes dipped in water to
- To deflect an asteroid away from the Earth, then we also create the ability to, deflect ,an asteroid towards the Earth—providing an evil power with a true doomsday bomb
- Since large collections of matter (dark or otherwise) will gravitationally, deflect ,light. In clusters such as Bell 1689,lending observations confirm the
- Incoming attacks. A block generally receives a punch while a parry tends to, deflect ,it. A" palm" or" cuff" is a block which intentionally takes the incoming
- Two layers of iron plating oriented perpendicular to each other, and angled to, deflect ,shot hits. As Virginia's designers had heard of plans by the North to build an
- The fleet. German foreign policy as espoused by Otto von Bismarck had been to, deflect ,the interest of great powers abroad while Germany consolidated her integration
- Tail-down attitude on the ground — of the 262 V3 caused its jet exhaust to, deflect ,off the runway, with the wing's turbulence negating the effects of the
- Power source, and is frictionless and constructed from rigid bodies that do not, deflect ,or wear. The performance of real systems is obtained from this ideal by using
- Fiber-optic transmission links that carry internet traffic). These elements, deflect ,ultraviolet and infrared radiation and are commonly used in the production of
- Idea was that when the batsman defended against the ball, he would be likely to, deflect ,the ball into the air for a catch. Sardine called this modified form of the
- In 1820 that an electric current produces a magnetic field which will, deflect ,a compass needle. In the same year Johann Schweitzer invented the galvanometer
- Equipment or apparel deliberately thrown by a fielder, in an attempt to stop or, deflect ,a fair ball that, in the umpires' judgment, would have otherwise been a home
- Of Göring for Germany's defeats. This was a measure by Hitler designed to, deflect ,criticism from himself. The result was that nothing was done – the Committee of
- Soldier knocks him down; it becomes obvious that the attack has failed. To, deflect ,blame for the failure, Mireau decides to court-martial 100 of the soldiers for
- It was a wave. The debate was resolved when an electric field was used to, deflect ,the rays by J. J. Thomson. This evidence that the beams were composed of
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