Examples of the the word, ether , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ether ), is the 12854 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Called" ether ," but was once called sweet oil of vitriol. Methyl phenol, ether ,is aisle, because it was originally found in aniseed. The aromatic ether s
  2. Is called a disaccharide and is conjoined tog ether by a glycosidic or, ether ,bond. The reverse reaction can also occur, using a molecule of water to split
  3. Affect polymer properties. Asiatic polyesters Aromatic polyesters The phenol, ether ,polymers are a class of polyesters containing aromatic cycles in their main
  4. Which can be heard, felt and seen. Air can be heard and felt. " Akasha" (, ether ,) is the medium of sound but is inaccessible to all other senses. Buddhist
  5. Are a composite of the two substituent followed by" ether . " Ethyl methyl, ether ,(CH3OC2H5),diphenyl ether (C6H5OC6H5). IUPAC rules are often not followed
  6. Strong acids proton ate the oxygen to give" opium ions. " For instance, diethyl, ether ,forms a complex with boron trifluoride,i.e. dimethyl ether ate (BF3. OEt2).
  7. Of entertainment Ethers () are a class of organic compounds that contain an, ether ,group — an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl or ARL groups — of general
  8. Other functional groups) are a composite of the two substituent followed by ", ether , " Ethyl methyl ether (CH3OC2H5),diphenyl ether (C6H5OC6H5). IUPAC rules
  9. Of polyethylene, polyvinylchloride or polypropylene. Decabromodiphenyl, ether ,can be added to the final polymers. Gasoline additive Ethylene bromide was an
  10. Class of polyesters containing aromatic cycles in their main chain: Polyphenol, ether ,(PPE) and Poly (p-phenylene oxide) (PPO). Related compounds Many classes
  11. That the heavens were made of a fifth element, aithêr (either in Latin, ether ,in American English),but he had no interest in matching it with Plato's
  12. Is a trivial usage. Poly ether s are compounds with more than one, ether ,group. The crown ether s are examples of low-molecular polyesters. Some toxins
  13. Developed, however only the fractionated vacuum distillation of the dimethyl, ether ,adduct of boron trifluoride (DME-BF3) and column chromatography of borates
  14. His drug-induced experiences with opium, cocaine,hashish, cannabis,alcohol, ether , mescaline, morphine,and heroin. Allan Bennett,Crowley's mentor, was said to
  15. Alcohol. With alkyl halves oxides give rise to ether s in the Williamson, ether ,synthesis. Nucleophilic substitution The OH group is not a good leaving group
  16. Indicating good or bad. The word Khan, in later Sanskrit meaning" sky," ", ether ," or" space," was originally the word for" hole," particularly an axle
  17. Formula" alkoxyalkane ", for example CH3-CH2-O-CH3 is methoxyethane. If the, ether ,is part of a more complex molecule, it is described as an alloy substituent
  18. Experimented by continually wetting the ball of a mercury thermometer with, ether ,and using bellows to evaporate the ether . With each subsequent evaporation, the
  19. Original chaos to present arrangements. The division into cold mist and warm, ether ,first broke the spell of confusion. With increasing cold, the former gave rise
  20. As any peroxides that may have formed, being less volatile than the original, ether , will become concentrated in the last few drops of liquid. Lewis bases Ethers
  21. Of air or oxygen, ether s tend to form explosive peroxides, such as dimethyl, ether ,peroxide. The reaction is accelerated by light, metal catalysts, and aldehydes.
  22. Soluble in water but readily dissolve in organic solvents, such as dimethyl, ether , chloroform and 1,2-dichloroethane. However, caffeine dissolves well in boiling
  23. LiAlH4 + (second step) 4 H2O → 2 RCH2NH2 + Dial (OH)4 (under reflux in dry, ether , followed by addition of H2O) Manufacture The principal process used to
  24. Of acetic acid to ethanol using LiAlH4 (lithium aluminum hydride or LAH) and, ether ,is an example of such a reaction.: The PKA for ethanol is 16,compared to 4.76
  25. Spell that seems to bind me. " Slightly more than a month later, having taken, ether ,(ethyl oxide),he had a vision of the universe from a modern scientific
  26. Confirmed that evaporation of highly volatile liquids such as alcohol and, ether ,could be used to drive down the temperature of an object past the freezing
  27. Humane (a common constituent of gasoline),and 34.6 °C for Di ethyl, ether , Alcohols, like water, can show either acidic or basic properties at the O-H
  28. But consists of several resinous bodies more or less soluble in alcohol, ether ,and chloroform, associated with an insoluble bituminous substance. Amber is a
  29. CH2CH3). The nomenclature of describing the two alkyl groups and appending ", ether ,",e.g. " Ethyl methyl ether " in the example above, is a trivial usage.
  30. The ball of a mercury thermometer with ether and using bellows to evaporate the, ether , With each subsequent evaporation, the thermometer read a lower temperature
  31. Directly from current physical theory. Briefly, mechanical theories of the, ether ,and of the behavior of fundamental particles have been discarded in both
  32. Before rules for nomenclature were formalized. Diethyl ether is simply called ", ether ," but was once called sweet oil of vitriol. Methyl phenol ether is aisle
  33. Engines and Pitter-patter engines, used a system to introduce small amounts of, ether ,into the inlet manifold to start combustion. Saab-Scania marine engines, Field
  34. Storage conditions likely to form peroxides, it is recommended, when an, ether ,is used as a solvent, not to distill it to dryness, as any peroxides that may
  35. Describing the two alkyl groups and appending" ether ",e.g. " Ethyl methyl, ether ," in the example above, is a trivial usage. Poly ether s are compounds
  36. A ketone;" -of" represents an alcohol or OH group;" -OXY-" means an, ether ,and refers to oxygen between two carbons, so that methoxy-methane is the IUPAC
  37. Taste. It is almost insoluble in alcohol but readily soluble in chloroform or, ether , Sweet almond oil is obtained from the dried kernel of sweet almonds. The oil
  38. Formula R–O–R '. A typical example is the solvent and anesthetic dimethyl, ether , commonly referred to simply as" ether " ( CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3). Ethers are
  39. Or ladder polyesters. Poly ether generally refers to polymers which contain the, ether ,functional group in their main chain. The term glycol is reserved for low to
  40. Although this reaction is rarely used except in the manufacture of dimethyl, ether , More useful is the E1 elimination reaction of alcohols to produce alkenes. The
  41. Include acetic acid (anhydrous or aqueous),benzene, acetone,petroleum, ether , and a mixture of ethanol and water. By hydrolysis Like any other nitrite or
  42. Between two carbons, so that methoxy-methane is the IUPAC name for dimethyl, ether , It is difficult or impossible to find compounds with more than one IUPAC name.
  43. Extract it from plant material, which affects the values obtained, *In dimethyl, ether , chlorophyll a has approximate absorbance maxima of 430 nm and 662 nm, while
  44. Then hydrogens alpha to ketones, however.: Depending on the groups at R and Ŕ, ether ,is classified into two types: 1) Simple ether s or symmetrical ether s 2) Mixed
  45. Ethers acquired names before rules for nomenclature were formalized. Di ethyl, ether ,is simply called" ether ," but was once called sweet oil of vitriol. Methyl
  46. Balancing the cycle of nature. Hindus believe that the Creator used Akasha (, ether ,), the most" subtle" element, to create the other four traditional elements;
  47. Resinous liquid; and at it is volatilized into a white vapor. It is soluble in, ether , and in volatile and fixed oils. Chemical properties Ambergris is relatively
  48. C6H14 - six carbon and 14 hydrogen These names were derived from methanol, ether , prop ionic acid and butyric acid, respectively. Alkanes with five or more
  49. Is the solvent and anesthetic diethyl ether , commonly referred to simply as ", ether ," (CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3). Ethers are common in organic chemistry and pervasive
  50. From the 7 rays of spectrum light),elements (such as earth, air,water &, ether ,), body sense (such as touch, taste,and smell),and relation to an endocrine

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