Examples of the the word, negligent , in a Sentence Context

The word ( negligent ), is the 12841 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two vehicles, the court must not only make a finding that both drivers were, negligent , but it must also apportion the contribution made by each driver as a
  2. Action being pleaded. Mere conclusion allegations such as" the defendant was, negligent ," are not, by themselves, sufficient to sustain a cause of action. Alternative
  3. Negligence. The chef may not recover. Storing rat poisoning above the grill was, negligent ,because it involved the risk that the chef might inadvertently mistake it for a
  4. In terms of the theories mentioned above. For example, a plaintiff might plead, negligent ,failure to warn or strict liability for defective design. Manufacturing defects
  5. In the safety zone of a streetcar stop. Hughes was booked on suspicion of, negligent ,homicide and held overnight in jail until his attorney, Neil McCarthy, obtained
  6. Are not intended to discourage different paradigms of health. Doctors who are, negligent ,or intentionally harmful in their care of patients can face charges of medical
  7. Under exclusive control of the defendant and that they were not contributory, negligent ,a tactical burden is placed on the defendant in which the judge has the
  8. Of the 19th century was that a plaintiff could not recover for a defendant's, negligent ,production or distribution of a harmful instrumentality unless the two were in
  9. Of law, because despite the fact that they employed the employee, who was, negligent , his negligence was too remote from the plaintiff's injury. On appeal, the
  10. Of damages will be assessed by the loss suffered by the client due to the, negligent ,act or omission by the solicitor giving rise to the loss. The loss must be
  11. S absolute good outweighs its absolute harm. Between two parties who are not, negligent ,(manufacturer and consumer),one will necessarily shoulder the costs of
  12. Credit) for the work of another. A subset is citation plagiarism – willful or, negligent ,failure to appropriately credit other or prior discoverers,to give an
  13. Do not fall out of warehouses and crush passers-by without somebody having been, negligent ,along the way. Recent examples in Scotland are Mayer v Celtic Football Club
  14. Inquests in London during 2004 and 2007 attributed the accident to grossly, negligent ,driving by Henri Paul and to the pursuing paparazzi. The following day Al-Fayed
  15. No further explanation to show the surgeon who removed the appendix was, negligent , as there is no legitimate reason for a doctor to leave a scalpel in a body at
  16. But does potentially increase" the risk of enforcement action" for, negligent ,or fraudulent activity. Many hedge funds also fall under the jurisdiction of
  17. Also been criticized, since it would allow a plaintiff who is recklessly 95 %, negligent ,to recover 5 % of the damages from the defendant, and often more when a jury is
  18. To put the plaintiff back in the position he or she was before Defendant's, negligent ,act. Anything more would unlawfully permit a plaintiff to profit from the tort.
  19. Upon the plaintiff’s foot, causing injury. The plaintiff argues that it is, negligent ,to give a child a loaded gun and that such negligence caused the injury, but
  20. Is liable if the product is defective, even if the manufacturer was not, negligent ,in making that product defective. The difficulty with negligence is that it
  21. Fails, for the injury did not result from the risk that made the conduct, negligent , The risk that made the conduct negligent was the risk of the child
  22. Question is" what were the particular risks that made an actor's conduct, negligent , " If the injury suffered is not among those risks, there can be no recovery.
  23. The defendant's conduct caused his or her injuries, such conduct was not, negligent ,in the legal sense. As a practical matter, with the increasing complexity of
  24. Damages - quantifiable dollar losses suffered from the date of defendant's, negligent ,act (the tort) up to a specified time (proven at trial). Special damage
  25. It had to draw a line somewhere, a limit on the causal connection between the, negligent ,conduct and the injury. The court looked to the contractual relationships, and
  26. With UN special envoy Stephen Lewis attacking the government as" obtuse and, negligent ," at the International AIDS Conference in Toronto. At the end of the year, the
  27. Plaintiff and defendant simply cannot be legally responsible to one another for, negligent ,injury. On appeal, the court reviewing a decision in a negligence case will
  28. Constitutes reckless killing, while criminally negligent homicide is a grossly, negligent ,killing. Diminished capacity In those jurisdictions using the Uniform Penal
  29. Could proceed, provided the plaintiffs could prove that the bishops accused of, negligent ,supervision were acting as employees or agents of the Holy See and were
  30. Case decided by the House of Lords which established that a defendant is not, negligent ,if the damage to the plaintiff was not a reasonably foreseeable consequence of
  31. With respect to maritime common law. Exxon's actions were deemed" worse than, negligent ,but less than malicious. " Name" latices 080626" /> The judgment limits
  32. A reward for those who make the effort, and punishment for those who are, negligent ,' (Kurt Rudolph, Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism,262). Major
  33. From the risk that made the conduct negligent . The risk that made the conduct, negligent ,was the risk of the child accidentally firing the shotgun; the harm suffered
  34. Accidentally strangled his partner to death had been sentenced to probation for, negligent ,manslaughter. The court had rejected a conviction on charges of bodily injury
  35. Of the statement, it was not brought to their attention, and they were not, negligent , In Quebec, defamation was originally grounded in the law inherited from France
  36. As temporal ruler of Christendom in the continent (" you who are, negligent ,"),and successive Popes for their encroachment from purely spiritual affairs
  37. Shown in a number of ways. A plaintiff who is physically injured by allegedly, negligent ,conduct may show that he had to pay a medical bill. If his property is damaged
  38. Generally trademark dilution," intentional interference with contract ", and ", negligent ,misrepresentation ". Criminal laws prohibiting protests at funerals, sedition
  39. In 2008:" If two trains are in the same place at the same time, someone was, negligent , " In some states, the doctrine of res IPSA sequitur is also used as a method
  40. Of controversy over this issue, with Rommel furious at what he perceived as a, negligent ,attitude on the part of his supply officers, whereas his chief of staff was
  41. A car accident where there is physical injury. If the defendant driver was, negligent ,(say by running a red light) then punitive damages cannot be sought. But if
  42. States, the rule of Summers v. Time holds that where two parties are equally, negligent , but only one causes an injury to a third party, the burden shifts to the
  43. But only one causes an injury to a third party, the burden shifts to the, negligent ,parties to prove that they were not the cause of the injury. In that case, two
  44. Only flow as far as the person in immediate contract (" privily" ) with the, negligent ,party. A first exception to this rule arose in
  45. As a general rule, manslaughter constitutes reckless killing, while criminally, negligent ,homicide is a grossly negligent killing. Diminished capacity In those
  46. Shilling a week, although the collection of all these fines was" haphazard and, negligent ,". When James came to power, almost £5,000 a year (equivalent to over £10
  47. In common law, beginning with Heyday Byrne v Heller in 1964,a victim of, negligent ,misstatement may recover damages for pure economic loss caused by detrimental
  48. Series. Negligence per se is the legal doctrine whereby an act is considered, negligent ,because it violates a statute (or regulation). In order to prove negligence
  49. An official statement that Diana and Jodi were unlawfully killed by the grossly, negligent ,driving of chauffeur Henri Paul and the paparazzi. During the Baker inquest
  50. Manufacturers for creating what it called a" public nuisance" through the ", negligent ,marketing" of handguns, which included models commonly described as Saturday

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