Examples of the the word, footwear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( footwear ), is the 12849 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their skill on the battlefield. The toga pulley was worn when in mourning. Even, footwear ,indicated a person's social status: patricians wore red and orange sandals
  2. With painted band logos, pins and buttons, and metal studs or spikes),and, footwear ,such as Converse sneakers, skate shoes, brothel creepers, or Dr. Martens boots.
  3. clown's colored wigs, stylistic makeup, outlandish costumes, unusually large, footwear , and red nose, which evolved to project their actions to large audiences. Other
  4. Textiles (yarn, linen,cotton fabrics and ready made garments),leather and, footwear ,products, coffee,tobacco, organic/inorganic compounds, carpets and floor
  5. Two lights is common practice amongst European cavers. * Sturdy clothing and, footwear , as well as a helmet, are necessary to reduce the impact of abrasions, falls
  6. Machinery and transportation equipment, petroleum,natural rubber, and, footwear , Economic assistance to Indonesia is coordinated through the Consultative Group
  7. Upon the BDSM practice known as" tease and denial ". Other common signifying, footwear ,of the dominatrix are thigh-high boots, in leather or shiny PVC, which have
  8. Is important to both countries. U. S. firms, mostly manufacturers of apparel, footwear , and light electronics, as well as U. S. energy companies, account for much of
  9. Their skill on the battlefield. The toga pulley was worn when in mourning. Even, footwear ,indicated a person's social status. Patricians wore red and orange sandals
  10. Services have overtaken more traditional industries such as textiles, clothing, footwear , cork (of which Portugal is the world's leading producer),wood products and
  11. An obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional, footwear ,(especially Lori or get) and split-toe socks (taxi). With almost
  12. 2007 est. ) Industries: diamond mining, sawmills,breweries, textiles, footwear , assembly of bicycles and motorcycles Industrial production growth rate: 3 % (
  13. It is thought that if a person entering a fallout shelter was to change their, footwear ,and leave their outer clothing outside the main area then the persons inside
  14. Of the SPARTA–TCF scheme, which assists Fiji's textile, clothing,and, footwear ,industry. Foreign Minister Tacoma expressed grave concern on 7 February 2006
  15. Combat systems teach 'general' front kick using the heel or whole foot when, footwear ,is on. Depending on fighter's tactical needs, a front kick may involve more or
  16. Actual P2P transaction in the physical world (for example: emailing a local, footwear ,vendor to reserve for you that comfy pair of slippers which you've always had
  17. Its intention to purchase the Unix site for solar cell manufacturing. The, footwear ,repair product Shoe Goo is manufactured by Eclectic Products, based in Eugene.
  18. Has proposed that astrological symbols etched onto sandals gave the, footwear ,spiritual or medicinal meanings. This is supported through citation of other
  19. Remained well above target, and many industrial firms, notably in textiles and, footwear , closed in response to increased competition and high real interest rates. The
  20. Employed in South Africa. Lesotho also exports wool, mohair,clothing, and, footwear , One of Levi's jeans manufacturing facilities is located there. Also in
  21. And environmental biomedicine, services,automotive metallurgical industry, footwear , and automotive parts and pieces, among others. Telephone Telephones - main
  22. And often provide a better sense of balance for patients. Appropriate, footwear ,is also very important for people with CMT, but they often have difficulty
  23. Smaller industries producing food, brewing and other beverage production, and, footwear , Agriculture in Newfoundland is limited to areas south of St. John's, near
  24. Like laminates, such as bonding Formica to a wooden counter, and in, footwear , as in attaching outsoles to uppers. Natural rubber and polychloroprene (
  25. 2010 est. In 2010 US dollars) *Industries: electronics assembly, garments, footwear , pharmaceuticals, chemicals,wood products, food processing, petroleum refining
  26. Producing at one time or another paper products, car and bicycle tires, footwear ,(including rubber boots),communications cables, televisions and other
  27. S social status: patricians wore red and orange sandals, senators had brown, footwear , consuls had white shoes, and soldiers wore heavy boots. Men typically wore a
  28. Leicester County Borough Council as a gardener and Elsie worked in the local, footwear ,industry until tuberculosis cost her a lung. When he was two years old, they
  29. And three theaters. Furthermore, it has a commercial center that produces, footwear , foodstuffs, and metal products. The 100th Air Assault Brigade of the Russian
  30. And skins, textiles,cement and other construction materials, food products, footwear , chemicals, fertilizer,printing, ceramics,steel, small commercial ship
  31. To produce different finishes for many applications, i. e., upholstery, footwear , automotive products, accessories,and clothing. Ostrich leather is currently
  32. 20 % of the total trade. Most of China’s exports to Russia remain apparel and, footwear , Russia is China’s eighth-largest trade partner and China is now Russia’s
  33. Outfits are far simpler, typically consisting of five pieces, not including, footwear , Men's kimono sleeves are attached to the body of the kimono with no more than
  34. Shift to production in Third World countries in such industries as clothing, footwear , and computer hardware. This section also looks at ways in which brands have "
  35. Products; shrimp Industries: textiles, food processing, oil,clothing and, footwear , beverages, chemicals,cement; gold, coal,emeralds Industrial production
  36. Lower leg, usually by means of a sheath clipped or strapped to a boot or other, footwear , Cultural Symbolism The dagger is symbolically ambiguous. It may be associated
  37. Parts are assembled for reexport. The principal products were garments, footwear , aluminum frames, and jewelry. Growth in the Aquila sector slowed in the first
  38. Outside the former Soviet Union): foodstuffs, wine,textiles, clothing, footwear , and machinery. Major markets--Russia, Romania,Italy, Ukraine,Germany.
  39. Is called a podiatrist. A pedorthist specializes in the use and modification of, footwear ,to treat problems related to the lower limbs. Fractures of the foot include:
  40. North Shopping, Aldeota, and Del Pasco. The manufacturing industry produces, footwear , textiles, leather-derived items, and the extraction of minerals enhances the
  41. For other people ". The reproductions were found to constitute such excellent, footwear ,that it was reported that a Czech company offered to purchase the rights to
  42. Include aircraft, electrical equipment, automobiles,ethanol, textiles, footwear , iron ore, steel,coffee, orange juice, soybeans and corned beef. The country
  43. Theatres, Roman actors attached metal chips called" Sybilla" to their stage, footwear ,– the first tap shoes. By the Middle Ages, theatre in Europe consisted mostly
  44. Resistance. Kangaroo leather is also used for falconry Jesse and soccer, footwear , At different times in history, leather made from more exotic skins has been
  45. Out, it will develop a patina over time. High quality leather furniture and, footwear ,are often made from full-grain leather. Full-grain leathers are typically
  46. First Two 7’s on a 12" LP and Complete Discography CD) was copied by athletic, footwear ,manufacturer Nike for use on a promotional poster for a skateboarding tour
  47. Food items for at-home preparation, medicines,clothing (except fur items), footwear , and disposable paper products for use in the home. Approximately 30 New Jersey
  48. Employed in this sector. They mostly produce clothing, electronic components, footwear , and leather goods, which are assembled. The raw materials or semi-manufactured
  49. And consisted mainly of textiles and garments, toys,electronic goods, and, footwear , Total imports for the same period reached US$2 billion (MOP 16.3 billion)
  50. Outfits. From Adidas tracksuits and rope chains to baggy jeans and Timberland, footwear , hip hop's look remained married to the styles of the street. According to the

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