Examples of the the word, fell , in a Sentence Context
The word ( fell ), is the 12852 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The Wehrmacht had only 150 divisions in the field. In January 1944,Speer, fell ,ill with complications from an inflamed knee, and was away from the office for
- Dead a native who had tried to mug him. Travelling to China, Crowley soon, fell ,down a forty-foot cliff; finding himself unscathed, he believed that he was
- In 1330,and the last Byzantine possession, Philadélphia (modern Alasdair), fell , in 1390. The Anatolian balks were in turn absorbed into the rising Ottoman
- Psyche to fall in love with the ugliest man on earth. Eros agreed, but then, fell ,in love with Psyche on his own, by accidentally pricking himself with a golden
- In Melbourne and banks in Sydney closed. The national fertility rate, fell ,and immigration was reduced to a trickle. The value of South Australia's
- Faiths, was another of Apollo's liaisons. Pregnant with Asclepius, Coronis, fell ,in love with Inches, son of Elates. A crow informed Apollo of the affair. When
- Make a woman out of ivory resembling her image, and he called her Galatea. He, fell ,in love with the statue and decided he could not live without her. He prayed to
- Pick them instead. Eros was still heartbroken and did not pick them and they, fell ,to their deaths at the base of the mountain. Psyche searched for her love
- Opposition, Amanullah Khan was forced to abdicate in January 1929 after Kabul, fell ,to rebel forces led by Abdullah Katakana. Prince Mohammed Nadir Shah
- Anus, abit onus (" The old woman dies, the burden is lifted" ). In 1821,he, fell ,in love with nineteen-year old opera singer, Caroline Richter (called Melon)
- After completing the novel of more than one thousand pages, however,Rand, fell ,into a severe depression that may have been aggravated by her use of
- Number of Adelaideans with vocational qualifications (such as tradespeople), fell , from 62.1 % of the labor force in the 1991 census to 52.4 % in the 2001 census
- Lasted well into the long Byzantine rule. Although Ankara temporarily, fell ,into the hands of several Arab Muslim armies numerous times after the 7th
- Succumbed to muscle cramping in the final set. In his last match, Agassi, fell , to 112th ranked big-serving Benjamin Becker of Germany in four sets. Agassi
- Later attempted to set up another match with Fischer, but all the negotiations, fell ,through. This thrust the young Karol into the role of World Champion without
- 1,forcing Lee to evacuate Petersburg and Richmond. The Confederate capital, fell ,to the Union XXV Corps, composed of black troops. The
- Previously, could defeat them in a mere six weeks, as happened when France, fell ,in June 1940. The different attitudes of the characters reflect different
- Seized the Charlestown peninsula at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The Americans, fell ,back, but British losses were so heavy that the attack was not followed up. The
- And the impressment of crops by Confederate armies. The standard of living, fell ,even as large-scale printing of paper money caused inflation and distrust of
- Subsequent division of his empire amongst his generals, Ankara and its environs, fell ,into the share of Antigens. Another important expansion took place under the
- The age of twenty alive. He was ambushed and killed by Achilles. Apollo also, fell ,in love with Cassandra, daughter of Hecuba and Priam, and Troilus' half-sister
- The new ruler of Egypt. This Ptolemaic Dynasty ruled Egypt until 30 BC, when it, fell ,to the Roman Empire and became a Roman province. The success of ancient
- And turned that state against the Confederacy. Nashville and central Tennessee, fell ,to the Union early in 1862,leading to attrition of local food supplies and
- Invasion and defeated Arnold at the Battle of Valor Island in October. Arnold, fell ,back to Fort Ticonderoga, where the invasion had begun. While the invasion
- January 1985,production of Ran was halted as Kurosawa's 64-year-old wife Yoko, fell ,ill. She died on February 1. Kurosawa returned to finish his film and Ran
- day's play, Australia were 113–2,needing only 64 more runs. But heavy rain, fell ,overnight and next morning the two slow left-arm bowlers, Peel and Johnny
- Or servants of an all-encompassing, highest deity. " In the 3rd century, Apollo, fell , silent. Julian the Apostate (359 - 61) tried to revive the Delphic oracle
- He was marching his men up and down on parade when the crest of his helmet, fell ,off! The rhythm begins at a typical anapestic gallop, slows down to consider
- Conservative Social Credit Party, was a power in Alberta for many decades, but, fell , from the political map after the Progressive Conservatives came to power in
- Of Colonial America Conceived in Liberty discussed a period where Pennsylvania, fell ,into a state of anarchism and how William Penn struggled for about a decade to
- Azerbaijan. The next ruling state of the Jalayirids was short-lived and, fell ,under the conquests of Timur. The local dynasty of Shirvanshahs became a vassal
- Marriage of convenience ". However, soon after their marriage, Crowley actually, fell ,in love with her and set about to successfully prove his affections. Gerald
- Comprised the Waterlooplein and the Bookmarks. Buildings in this neighborhood, fell ,into disrepair after the Second World War, and a large section of the
- When Howe moved to encircle Washington's army in October, the Americans again, fell ,back, and a battle at White Plains was fought on October 28. Again Washington
- Performance cars. Audi 5000 unintended acceleration Sales in the United States, fell ,after a series of recalls from 1982 to 1987 of Audi 5000 models associated with
- Case. At first, he regarded his new life as a renunciation of his art, and, fell , out of practice: but after some time he resolved to study and learn by heart
- Form, usually you will hear ICH have geschlafen; but ICH bin eingeschlafen I, fell ,asleep is quite normal). In the variant of German that is spoken in Germany
- Then began to play music on the lyre he had invented. Apollo, a god of music, fell ,in love with the instrument and offered to allow exchange of the cattle for the
- And the Confederate government evacuated Richmond. Days later, when that city, fell , Lincoln visited the vanquished Confederate capital; as he walked through the
- Republican editor Horace Greeley of the highly influential New York Tribune, fell ,for the ploy. And Lincoln refuted it directly in a shrewd letter of August 22
- Themselves during Hutton's marathon effort, and with only nine men, Australia, fell , to defeat by an innings and 578 runs, the heaviest in Test history. The Ashes
- Took the score to 49–0 at the end of the second day, a lead of 27. Heavy rain, fell ,overnight, and next day the pitch soon developed into a traditional sticky
- Identified with Ganymede, a beautiful youth in Greek mythology with whom Zeus, fell ,in love and, in the disguise of an eagle (represented by the constellation
- Managed only two before he was bowled by Harry Boyle. An astonished Oval crowd, fell ,silent, struggling to believe that England could possibly have lost to a colony
- And taking high casualties, especially at Fredericksburg; their volunteering, fell ,off after 1862. Name "/JJ"> Fredericksburg"/> Sentiment among German Americans
- The river Danube (see below). Another version of Achilles' death is that he, fell ,deeply in love with one of the Trojan princesses, Polyxena. Achilles asks Priam
- Which he would command. Exile and return After returning to Ella, Philip, fell , in love with and married Cleopatra Eurydice, the niece of one of his generals
- Routes through Georgia and Iran are inadequate or unreliable. In 1992-93,GDP, fell ,nearly 60 % from its 1989 level. The national currency, the dram, suffered
- In Springfield, slipping to 393,000 in 2000–2003. Likewise, visits to New Salem, fell ,by half, probably because of the enormous draw of the new museum in Springfield
- Sought to win independence by out-lasting Lincoln; however, after Atlanta, fell ,and Lincoln defeated McClellan in the election of 1864,all hope for a
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