Examples of the the word, unconscious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unconscious ), is the 6227 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He refused to endorse any theory of what they meant beyond linking them to his, unconscious , Towards the end of his stay, he had a shocking experience he linked to" the
  2. For Schopenhauer, a leaf borne along in a stream of pre-reflective and largely, unconscious ,emotion. That stream is will, and through will, if not through logic, we can
  3. Consciously (e.g., neural activity related to vegetative functions, reflexes, unconscious , motor programs, low-level perceptual analyses, etc.) and many kinds of
  4. Playing for the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant softball team, rendering him, unconscious , but forcing in the winning run. * In" Cheers" the slow-witted bartender
  5. Casablanca was also wounded, struck in the face by flying debris and knocked, unconscious , while his ten-year-old son had a leg torn off by a cannonball as he stood
  6. Despite Corrals' steadfast refusal. Medical concerns Knocking a person, unconscious ,or even causing concussion may cause permanent brain damage. There is no clear
  7. And his intense worship, he was envious and beat him mercilessly, leaving him, unconscious , When his friends from the local village came to visit him and found him in
  8. Canary is more sensitive to environmental gasses than humans and as it became, unconscious ,would stop singing and fall off its perch. The Davy lamp could also detect high
  9. Are not quite over, as he is dragged away by an unseen force and rendered, unconscious , He awakes to find a" gigantic" wolf lying on his chest and licking at his
  10. Hope. After several days one of the crew, a seventeen-year-old cabin boy, fell, unconscious , due to a combination of the famine and drinking seawater. The others (one
  11. And legs to prevent blood from rushing from their heads and rendering them, unconscious ,. The No.4 slot pilot often flies the No.7 aircraft on Friday" practice "
  12. Much in common, their theology differs on whether the intermediate state is, unconscious ,sleep or consciousness, whether the ultimate punishment of the wicked is
  13. Might manifest physically as an increased heart rate or widened eyes. These, unconscious ,reactions may even be partly constitutive of what makes our judgment a judgment
  14. Have passed into the English language, either as deliberate quotations or as, unconscious ,borrowings. They are used in non-liturgical ways. For example, many authors
  15. Wolverine defeats Shaw and enters the mansion to find Taken standing over an, unconscious ,Xavier preparing to kill him. Wolverine tells Taken that he won't let him hurt
  16. Psychotherapy * Psychoanalysis – seeks to elucidate connections among, unconscious ,components of patients' mental processes Signal processing * Finite element
  17. With a rival gang, then rob a newsstand and leave its owners bloodied and, unconscious , Joyriding through the countryside in a stolen car, they break into an isolated
  18. That traumas with similar content join together in" chains," embedded in the, unconscious ,mind, to cause irrational responses in the individual. Such a chain would be
  19. And others to prove that our every thought, speech,and gesture, conscious or, unconscious , is an indirect reference! " Spiritual and recreational use of drugs Crowley
  20. Were more sensitive to Jewish suffering, but believes the insensitivity is, unconscious , This statement however predates the publication in 2001 of" 200 Years
  21. 2007,a driver was arrested in Namath County, Oregon after she was found, unconscious ,in her car which was stuck in a snow bank with its engine running. Police were
  22. Cause sexual dysfunction: They also suppress romance. " There are all sorts of, unconscious ,systems in our brain that we use to negotiate romantic love and romantic
  23. At 11:15 and personally delivering the news to Lord Spencer, who collapsed, unconscious ,when he heard the report. Within four days Nelson had been elevated to Baron
  24. Of those two hundred, two hundred cures have been obtained. " In Diabetics,the, unconscious ,or reactive mind is described as a collection of" mental image pictures,"
  25. Bringing to consciousness, and thus adequate expression, material that has been, unconscious , " It includes not only the recollection of forgotten memories and experience
  26. Hemorrhage in 1948 on the way to a Hollywood hospital, after being discovered, unconscious ,in the lobby at the Knickerbocker Hotel in Los Angeles, where he had been
  27. And needs. According to Murray, these psychogenic needs function mostly on the, unconscious ,level, but play a major role in our personality. Murray classified five
  28. That form the substrate from which the basic symbols or representations of, unconscious ,experience emerge. Consorts and children
  29. He returned to the factory on Christmas Day he discovered Jed had just been, unconscious , and offered him a free flat in Wig an to buy his silence, which Jed accepted.
  30. Comes up with a plan to slip Philip a sleeping potion that will render her, unconscious , He will then tell Locus that she has died of the Cretan plague, and will offer
  31. During one such chase he was badly injured when he tumbled from a cliff, lying, unconscious , for about a day. (His prey had cushioned his fall, sparing him a broken back.
  32. In the form of facts that can be explicitly represented, but some knowledge is, unconscious ,and closely tied to the human body: for example, the machine may need to
  33. Constituted the primary contradiction within capitalism. The market (as an ", unconscious ," mechanism for the distribution of goods) and private property had been
  34. Astrology. These included concepts such as archetypes, the collective, unconscious ,and with the collaboration of pioneer theoretical physicist (and Nobel
  35. Stimulate children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which they may be, unconscious , " Wertheim wrote," Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and
  36. Of movement, improving specific self-imposed limitations brought about by, unconscious ,postural habits. It offers a means of aware self-observation and holistic
  37. Dislodged from storage and struck Bean in the forehead, rendering him briefly, unconscious , He suffered a mild concussion and needed six stitches. After recovery by the
  38. Count to ten, then the knocked-down boxer is ruled" knocked out" ( whether, unconscious ,or not) and the other boxer is ruled the winner by knockout (KO). A "
  39. The discovery of evolution,Freud's concepts of the libido and the, unconscious ,mind, and evolutionary psychology in general. Political and social thought
  40. Compression of the carotid artery in the neck (intended to render them, unconscious ,during the castration procedure). During the 18th century itself, the music
  41. In it, Ayer also proposed that the distinction between a conscious man and an, unconscious ,machine resolves itself into a distinction between 'different types of
  42. Prevalent moral and political theories, intuitions of public policy, avowed or, unconscious , even the prejudices which judges share with their fellow men, have had a good
  43. Is seen walking blindly around no-man's-land, it is discovered that he was only, unconscious , However, he is killed before he can be rescued. Adaptations Film In 1930,an
  44. And their chariots were burned up. They both fell to the Earth and were knocked, unconscious , Upon recovering, Cygnus began looking for his friend, Phaeton,and discovered
  45. To the personality trait of neuroticism. Such anxiety may be conscious or, unconscious , Choice or decision anxiety induced by the need to choose between
  46. His upper jaw in twelve places, fractured five of his teeth, and was rendered, unconscious , He also dropped the ball. By, Feller,along with Ken Keller, Mel Harder and
  47. The memories recorded during this period would be stored as engrams in the, unconscious ,or reactive mind. (In Hubbard's earliest publications on the subject, engrams
  48. Small. " Every day that passes after this kind of event with the patient still, unconscious ,the chances that he will gain consciousness get smaller ". On 23 July 2006,a
  49. Sebastian who immobilizes Wolverine. Meanwhile, Miss Sinister knocks Taken, unconscious ,and has him taken to the medley in the mansion's basement. As Shaw prepares to
  50. The power of such a cabal is an implicit assertion of human dignity – an often, unconscious ,but necessary affirmation that man is not totally helpless, but is responsible

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