Examples of the the word, ultra , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ultra ), is the 9023 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Materials are routinely imaged and manipulated. The STM can be used not only in, ultra ,high vacuum but also in air, water,and various other liquid or gas ambient
  2. M198 howitzer US 155 mm towed gun-howitzer of the late 20th century *M777, ultra , lightweight howitzer towed 155 mm gun-howitzer set to replace the M198 in the
  3. The U. S. legally can't abide by the treaty since the U. S. signature would be, ultra ,virus. Geography NATO Image: USA military relations 2007. PNG|thumb|A map of
  4. Of the citizenry, including those that may be in the minority. " The Latin term, ultra ,virus describes activities of officials within an organization or polity that
  5. Transylvania was first referred to in a Medieval Latin document in 1075 as, ultra ,Silva, meaning " beyond the forest" ( ultra (+accusative) meaning" beyond
  6. For this reason Germany began broadcasting on UK (" Ultrakurzwelle ", i. e., ultra ,short wave, nowadays called VHF) which was not covered by the Copenhagen plan.
  7. Excluded from all hope of return” He saw Norfolk Island as“ the NEC plus, ultra ,of Convict degradation ”. His successor, Governor Ralph Darling, was even more
  8. HUD),advanced radar, inertial guidance system (INS),flight instruments, ultra ,high frequency (UHF) communications, and Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN)
  9. Military wing. His regime was also famous in promoting the 'Pan - Theism ',the, ultra ,- nationalist policy aiming at unifying Tai, Thai - speaking people nearby into
  10. Vermont Dawson, American football player * 1965 – Data O'Kearney, Irish, ultra , runner and professional poker player * 1966 – Christy Canyon, American
  11. Meter of sail. However, there has been some speculation about the creation of, ultra ,light carbon nanotube meshes through molecular manufacturing techniques whose
  12. Clean vacuum environment, but mercury diffusion pumps may be in the case of, ultra ,high vacuum chambers used for mercury deposition. Often cold traps and baffles
  13. Tatar with a libretto by Beaumarchais. This was intended to be the NEC plus, ultra ,of reform opera, a completely new synthesis of poetry and music that was an
  14. Was part of" the removal and exclusion from public life of militaristic and, ultra ,nationalistic persons" in response to the wartime militarization of martial
  15. And civilian figures. Fear of communism, extreme revolutionary ideas and, ultra ,- nationalism caused the sharp fighting among the new ruling elites. Eventually
  16. A-level Out of the Past, described by scholar Robert Otto son as" the né plus, ultra ,of forties film noir ". Movies with budgets a step-up the ladder, known as "
  17. In a case of judicial review. A violation of rights by an official would be, ultra ,virus because a (constitutional) right is a restriction on the powers of
  18. Is the home for one of the toughest footraces in the world, the Namibian, ultra ,marathon. The most famous athlete from Namibia is certainly Frankie Frederick's
  19. Of the Canadian Criminal Code barring appeals to the Privy Council was, ultra ,virus the Canadian Parliament because it purported to legislate
  20. Flat between 20 Hz to about 20 kHz (the range of normal human hearing). In, ultra ,high fidelity amplifier design, the amp's frequency response should extend
  21. Rationality. Most of his movies are shot almost entirely with rectilinear, ultra ,wide angle lenses of 28 mm focal length or less in order to achieve a
  22. Rice, need silicon for their growth. Although silicon was proposed to be a, ultra ,trace nutrition its exact function in the biology of animals is still under
  23. Pejorative. Several media entities refrain from using the term “, ultra ,Orthodox ”, including the Religion News writers Association; JTA, the global
  24. For industrial applications. In January 2011 a low power variant (DECT USE -, ultra ,low energy) was discussed at the DECT World and Catkin Conference with a
  25. For example, the development and production investment of the Ariel 3,an, ultra ,stable 3 wheels moped, was not recouped by sales; the loss has been estimated at
  26. Data link (SCDL) and to other ground C4I nodes beyond line-of-sight via, ultra ,high frequency satellite communications. Other major E-8C prime mission
  27. Market, with thousands of options for everything from the very basic foods to, ultra ,high-end luxury goods. Traditional markets The city's main source of fresh
  28. Materials which can be fabricated in the shape of a sharp tip, can be used in a, ultra ,high vacuum (UHF) environment, and can tolerate the high electrostatic fields
  29. Uranium to weapons grade concentrations. DO was working on the development of, ultra ,high-speed centrifuges for URE NCO. In 1974 while he was on secondment for 17
  30. And New Wave early 1980s emerged called Ultra which was an abbreviation for, ultra ,modern. More garage oriented New Wave became popular in Holland during the late
  31. Specimens and metals requires that the surfaces be ground and polished to an, ultra ,smooth surface. Geological specimens that undergo WDS or EDS analysis are often
  32. And the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope revealed that, ultra ,compact dwarfs are much smaller than previously known dwarf galaxies, about
  33. In FIM, a sharp (<50 nm tip radius) metal tip is produced and placed in an, ultra ,high vacuum chamber, which is backfilled with an imaging gas such as helium or
  34. And the codified constitution, all or part of the statute can be declared, ultra ,virus by a court, and struck down as unconstitutional. In addition, exceptional
  35. 7). Since version 0.6,Nutella is a composite network made of leaf nodes and, ultra ,nodes (also called ultra peers). The leaf nodes are connected to a small
  36. The same game. In Tetris DX and The New Tetris, the new modes sprint and, ultra ,were added. These modes require the player to act under a timer, either to gain
  37. By an inner ring of shadow squares which are connected to each other by thin, ultra ,strong shadow square wire. None of the crew's attempts at contacting the
  38. To certain questions of fairness, or whether the administrative action is, ultra ,virus. In terms of ultra vires actions in the broad sense, a reviewing court
  39. Latin document in 1075 as ultra Silva, meaning " beyond the forest" (, ultra ,(+accusative) meaning" beyond" or" on the far side of" and the accusative
  40. Acid are made from tantalum. Tantalum was extensively used in the production of, ultra ,high frequency electron tubes for radio transmitters. The tantalum is capable
  41. Capability (1 meter accuracy and better),high aggregate throughput, and, ultra , low power; as well as adding scalability to data rates, longer range, and lower
  42. This deterrent effect is why GPS was funded. It is also the reason for the, ultra ,secrecy at that time. The nuclear triad consisted of the United States Navy's
  43. Nicolas Sihanouk. Transportation in Lebanon varies greatly in quality from the, ultra ,modern Beirut International Airport to poor road conditions in many parts of
  44. Of 100 nm. To conduct an atom probe experiment, such a needle is placed in an, ultra ,high vacuum chamber. After introduction into the vacuum system, the sample is
  45. Becomes involved in non-student activities these activities are considered, ultra ,virus of the union's charter, and nobody would be compelled by the charter to
  46. A query to a leaf node, and also before forwarding the query to a peer, ultra ,node provided this is the last hop the query can travel. If a search request
  47. Speed requirements for data transfer to and from the hard drive led to an ", ultra ,DMA" mode, known as UDM. Progressively swifter versions of this standard
  48. Cloth, stamping batik patterns on cloth and boat making. Royal Selangor has an, ultra ,modern visitor's center, which allows tours to be conducted through its pewter
  49. Produce because of an increased sensitivity to contamination that required an, ultra ,clean production line and meticulous process control. Motorola did not have an
  50. Of fairness, or whether the administrative action is ultra vires. In terms of, ultra ,virus actions in the broad sense, a reviewing court may set aside an

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