Examples of the the word, hurdle , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hurdle ), is the 9032 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And gaining enough votes in left leaning Brandenburg to clear the 5 %, hurdle ,to enter that state's parliament. Westerville stepped down as party leader in
  2. Rate is cleared. A" hard" hurdle is calculated only on returns above the, hurdle ,rate. A hurdle is intended to ensure that a manager is only rewarded if it
  3. Owners are under no obligation to sell the property to Calais LNG. A major, hurdle ,is the opposition of the Canadian federal government, which has said it will
  4. Of the votes and were not represented in the state parliament anymore (5 %, hurdle ,). Because of this Guido Westerville resigned as chair of the FDP in favor of
  5. Landing. Successful vaults depend on the speed of the run, the length of the, hurdle , the power the gymnast generates from the legs and shoulder girdle, the
  6. When Opel pulled out ahead of the 2006 season. The series has survived this, hurdle ,and remained popular with 18 Audi A4 and Mercedes-Benz C-Class contesting the
  7. Means the performance fee is calculated on all the fund's returns if the, hurdle ,rate is cleared. A" hard" hurdle is calculated only on returns above the
  8. Energetic (" hot" ) and were not well suited to study. To resolve this, hurdle , and to gain a better understanding of antihydrogen, two collaborations were
  9. Obstacles in getting to the beach, the newcomers never make it past the fourth, hurdle ,- the marijuana field guarded by the Thai farmers. Richard witnesses them being
  10. A number of years without performance fee. Some performance fees include a ", hurdle ,", so that a fee is only paid on the fund's performance in excess of a
  11. Calculated on all the fund's returns if the hurdle rate is cleared. A" hard ", hurdle ,is calculated only on returns above the hurdle rate. A hurdle is intended to
  12. Override a presidential veto of legislation. The constitution provides a high, hurdle ,for an override, however,requiring at least a two-thirds vote of the total
  13. Flexible auxiliary language like Esperanto lessens the first-language learning, hurdle , In one study, a group of European secondary school students studied Esperanto
  14. House of Commons, it was passed by the House of Lords, its final legislative, hurdle , on November 17, 2004,and received Royal Assent on November 18. The Act came
  15. By the various parties to the debate. Two particular suggestions for a, hurdle ,that software must pass to be patentable include: * A computer program that
  16. Of the drive, announced that Romero's cause had cleared an unprecedented, hurdle , having survived a theological audit by the Congregation for the Doctrine of
  17. Cases where the wrong dive is announced. If the diver pauses during his or her, hurdle ,to ask for a change of dive, it will be declared a balk and the change of dive
  18. Coping with not being able to train a sport you love is a massive psychological, hurdle ,for an athlete in any sport. There are no guarantees no matter how assiduous
  19. Mr Kara mi said in his announcement:" I am keen the government will not be a, hurdle ,in front of those who want the good for this country. " The tens of thousands
  20. Distances, from sprints of 100 m to the 100 km" Iditarod. " There are even, hurdle ,events. Snowshoe segments have become common in many multi-sport events and
  21. Better than some of their opponents. Other teams that have fallen at this, hurdle ,include Whitehall Welfare. Scottish club Greta, who had previously played in
  22. Tau CTI would face far more impact events than the Earth. Despite this, hurdle ,to habitability, its solar analog (Sun-like) characteristics have led to
  23. Ready to go in the first decade of the 20th century. Financing became the giant, hurdle ,and as time passed, transportation patterns changed and interfered with the
  24. In 1499. Captured once again, on 23 November 1499,War beck was drawn on a, hurdle ,from the Tower to Ty burn, London,where he read out a confession and was hanged
  25. Evolution of earlier platform games, aspiring to be more than a simple game of, hurdle ,jumping, like some of its predecessors. It was not only a very successful title
  26. Seeks to map out how living things have changed through time. A substantial, hurdle ,to this aim is the difficulty of working out how old fossils are. Beds which
  27. To a temporary modification of German election law, applying the five-percent ", hurdle ," separately in East and West Germany, that the Greens acquired any
  28. Bridge sits, stating that" buying back the freehold removes a potential, hurdle ,should a suitable site become available in the future ". Stamford Bridge has
  29. The takeover was blocked by the Monopolies and Mergers Commission at the final, hurdle ,in April 1999. A few years later, a power struggle emerged between the club's
  30. Which differ both from gravity and from electromagnetism. A further, hurdle ,was the acceptance that in a TOE, quantum mechanics had to be incorporated from
  31. In excess of a benchmark rate (e.g. LIBOR) or a fixed percentage. A" soft ", hurdle ,means the performance fee is calculated on all the fund's returns if the
  32. The scientific goals of the mission. Once these had been established, the next, hurdle ,for NASA was to obtain funding for the instrument, which would be far more
  33. Preservative. These days LAB bactericide are used as an integral part of, hurdle ,technology. Using them in combination with other preservative techniques can
  34. Often completely different teams. The final — and often most difficult —, hurdle ,has been getting all of these blocks to communicate with each other in a
  35. Pathology + 1 year forensic pathology fellowship). Generally, the biggest, hurdle ,is gaining admission to medical school, although the pass rate for anatomic and
  36. Relativity has not been integrated; the two theories remain incompatible,a, hurdle ,which must be overcome in developing the Theory of Everything. History
  37. She seemed to be running towards a second gold medal, when she hit the final, hurdle ,and stumbled over the finish line in fifth place, leaving Voila Patoulidou from
  38. Playoffs. In the NBA Finals, the Celtics were again the Lakers' final, hurdle , Los Angeles lost game one of the NBA Finals by a score of 148–114,in what is
  39. Cascading principle acknowledges that several low hurdle s does not make a high, hurdle , So cascading several weak mechanisms does not provide the safety of a single
  40. To develop an electrified railway link between these countries. A minor, hurdle ,is the use of both 50 Hz and 60 Hz. Air travel Though expensive in comparison
  41. As practicing hurdle s on his estate with full champagne glasses placed on each, hurdle ,– this was in fact something the wealthy Burgher did. Another scene in the
  42. Their frame. Plyometrics, including running up and down stairs and, hurdle ,bounding, can be incorporated into workouts, generally twice a week. This
  43. FCC),and eventually received a compromise. DuMont's biggest corporate, hurdle , however, may have been with the company's own partner, Paramount. Relations
  44. v. Arkansas, and by the application of the Lemon test, that creates a legal, hurdle ,to teaching Intelligent Design in public school districts in other Federal
  45. Redistribution of parity data on a per-write basis. While this may have been a, hurdle ,in past RAID 5 implementations, the task of parity recalculation and
  46. Voicelessness of many intervocalic stop consonants,e.g. CL ETAM > (" sheep, hurdle ,", Cat., Fr. ), CUCULLIATAM > collate (" crested lark ", Sp., Cat. ). *A few
  47. After the execution of Thomas Cromwell. Abel was sentenced to" be drawn on a, hurdle ,to the place of execution, there to be hanged, cut down alive, your members to
  48. Its hopes of joining in the anticipated boom in sound movies faced a major, hurdle ,: Warner Bros. and Fox,Hollywood's other vanguard sound studio, were already
  49. Seats in the Bundestag. This rule, often called the" five percent, hurdle ,", was incorporated into Germany's election law to prevent political
  50. A" hard" hurdle is calculated only on returns above the hurdle rate. A, hurdle ,is intended to ensure that a manager is only rewarded if it generates returns

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