Examples of the the word, brew , in a Sentence Context

The word ( brew ), is the 9027 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was up to Granny's centenarian" Maw" ( Imogene Coca) to divulge the secret, brew ,'s ingredients. Subplots included Jethro playing an egocentric, starlet-starved
  2. Of other malt beverages and beer. In producing flavored malt beverages, brew ers, brew , a fermented base of beer from malt and other brew ing materials. Brewers then
  3. Federal judge says members of the church in Ashland can import, distribute and, brew ,ayahuasca. U. S. District Judge Owen Manner issued a permanent injunction
  4. In the scene where the Wicked Witch immerses her apple in the poisonous, brew , " Epitaph Recognition and tributes A biography published by the Royal Society
  5. Of cooling. This is when the wort is transferred rapidly from the whirlpool or, brew ,kettle to a heat exchanger to be cooled. The heat exchanger consists of tubing
  6. Of the beer from London. Guinness introduced theirs in 1778,and continued to, brew ,ale as well until 1799. In Ireland, especially Dublin, the drink was known as "
  7. But this time around with improvised materials. In 'Secret ', Guybrush must, brew ,a voodoo concoction but, lacking ingredients, must improvise with the contents
  8. DMT is also the primary psychoactive in ayahuasca, an Amazonian Amerindian, brew ,employed for divination and healing purposes. Pharmacologically, ayahuasca
  9. Rate from two pounds to one pound per 36 gallon barrels. Today Many brew eries, brew ,porters in wide varieties, including,but not limited to, pumpkin,honey
  10. As Blue, Blue Light, and Laban 50) to North American Breweries, and agreed to, brew ,those brands on Laban USA's behalf until 2012. This sale was mandated by the
  11. Trub cone in the middle of the whirlpool. Smaller brew eries often use the, brew ,kettle as a whirlpool. The true being the solids that the brew er wants to
  12. Is connected by a long passage with a building containing the bake house and, brew ,house (M),and the sleeping-rooms of the servants. The upper story of the
  13. Was first produced in 1901,in the town of Selkirk, under the name Strachan's, brew , In 1946,a change in laws required that the word" brew " be removed from the
  14. Beer, often with second-run or revival films. A notable example of these ", brew ,and view" theaters is The Baghdad Theater and Pub. TV shows including
  15. The name Strachan's brew . In 1946,a change in laws required that the word ", brew ," be removed from the name, as the drink is not brew ed. The chairman of the
  16. Chacruna) or Diopters Cabrera (also known as chaliponga). The resulting, brew ,contains the powerful hallucinogenic alkaloid N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT)
  17. Christoph, claimed Kepler's mother Katharina had made her sick with an evil, brew , The dispute escalated, and in 1617,Katharina was accused of witchcraft;
  18. The Blues - Fifty Years Playing The British Blues * Christopher Short Strange, brew ,: Eric Clapton and the British blues boom,1965-1970,foreword by John May all
  19. Mth Already 27 On This Day in Canada ----: This entry focuses on the Ayahuasca, brew ,; for information on the vine of the same name, see Banisteriopsis carpi
  20. Pounded or ground into a fine powder which is mixed as a drink, or as a dietary, brew ,to be taken with rice and other vegetarian side dishes such as greens, tofu
  21. Of the plant B. carpi, one of the primary sources of beta-carotenes for the, brew , Other terms include: * CIO (generic vine, liana)," carpi "," Tosca ","
  22. The current border in the Patagonia region. The Beagle conflict began to, brew ,in the 1960s,when Argentina began to claim that the Piston, Lennox and Neva
  23. Conversely, members of certain ethnicities that traditionally did not, brew ,alcoholic beverages have lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase and thus "
  24. To elaborated and time-consuming procedures (it takes at least 12 years to, brew ,the youngest Ace to Balsamic) from local grapes must (look for the essential
  25. How indigenous peoples discovered the synergistic properties of the ayahuasca, brew ,remains unknown. Nomenclature In Ecuador, Bolivia and Peru, Colombia and to a
  26. 3.2 %) Low-point beer, which is often called" three-two beer" or" 3 point 2, brew ,", is beer that contains 3.2 % alcohol by weight (equivalent to 4 % ABV). The
  27. Content and profiles also affect the final concentration of alkaloids in the, brew , and the physical act of cooking may also serve to modify the alkaloid profile
  28. Who take coffee beans, use a roaster to roast them, and then use a brew er to, brew ,and dispense a fresh cup of coffee. In performing this labor, these workers add
  29. May also serve to modify the alkaloid profile of Carmela alkaloids. Traditional, brew ,Traditional ayahuasca brew s are often made with Banisteriopsis carpi as a MALI
  30. To elaborated and time-consuming procedures (it takes at least 12 years to, brew ,the youngest Ace to Balsamic) from local grapes must (look for the essential
  31. Is a former Benedictine abbey, founded in 1015. As the monks were the first to, brew ,beer, the Franconia Brewery Museum is now established in the old brew ery. *
  32. Dimethyltryptamine-containing species of shrubs from the Psychotic genus. The, brew , first described academically in the early 1950s by Harvard ethnobotanist
  33. Of the century, many brew eries discontinued their porter, though continued to, brew ,one or two stouts. Those that persisted with porter, brew ed it weaker and with
  34. Same leaves and, unlike other teas, it improves with re brew ing: it is common to, brew ,the same leaves three to five times, the third or fourth steeping usually being
  35. Vine alone, but that DMT-containing plants remain inactive when drunk as a, brew ,without an MAO inhibitor (such as Carpi). How indigenous peoples discovered
  36. City physicians. In lieu of anesthesia, Granny uses her" white lightning ", brew ,before commencing on painful treatments such as leech bleeding and yanking
  37. For the great autobiographical novel recording his mental development,'a witch, brew ,of ideas presented in a stylistic furious' ( Peter Hall berg),Wearing mile
  38. And in fact, thanking the God of Health, Asclepius,for the hemlock, brew ,which will ensure a peaceful death ... The wife of Socrates can be seen
  39. PlayStation Portable. This is the first step in using homemade content (" home, brew ,") on such a device. History While small test programs existed since the
  40. Potatoes in their diet and still lose weight. Uses * Potatoes are used to, brew ,alcoholic beverages such as vodka, potcheen, or aquavit. * Potato starch is
  41. Such as eczema and rashes, etc. Caffeine Though the caffeine content in a given, brew ,of tea may vary based on the brew ing method, variety of tea, and number of
  42. S invention of the almost black patent malt in 1817. It was now possible to, brew ,porter from 95 % pale malt and 5 % patent malt, though most London brew ers
  43. Rustica),or sometimes left out with no replacement. The potency of this, brew ,varies radically from one batch to the next, both in potency and psychoactive
  44. Power's Brewery, south of Brisbane, was taken over by CUB and is now used to, brew ,Victoria Bitter and other Foster's Group brands in Queensland, ( including
  45. Stems of the ya upon holly (Alex Vitoria) were used by Native Americans to, brew ,a tea called as or the" black drink ". Archaeologists have found evidence of
  46. The European rights to the beer are owned by Heineken International, who, brew , and distribute Foster's in most European countries, including: the United
  47. Existed besides lager for a long time. Micro brew eries may prefer to seasonally, brew ,a bomber, such as the eco-beer book, made in autumn by Brouwer 't IJ in
  48. Or those recommended by the franchisor if they are not over-priced. A coffee, brew , for example, can be readily identified by the trademark when its raw materials
  49. Be Odin in disguise). Host answers her prayer and spits on her yeast. Signy's, brew ,wins the contest.; Sorta attar In Sorta attar, a short, late 14th century
  50. Fermented beverages, the term beer being gradually introduced to describe a, brew ,with an infusion of hops. The word ale may come from the Old English Yalu, in

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