Examples of the the word, continuum , in a Sentence Context

The word ( continuum ), is the 9028 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To the equality :2^ = \clef_1. \, There is also a generalization of the, continuum ,hypothesis called the generalized continuum hypothesis (GCH) which says that
  2. Is also a generalization of the continuum hypothesis called the generalized, continuum ,hypothesis (GCH) which says that for all ordinals \alpha\, :2^ = \clef_. A
  3. Burroughs was more intent on Scotch-taping his photos together into one great, continuum ,on the wall, where scenes faded and slipped into one another, than occupied
  4. Italian coast) to Alicante (in Spain) can be seen as a classic dialect, continuum , with some perturbation as a result of political divisions and overlay of
  5. Significant statement which is independent of ZF. For example, the generalized, continuum ,hypothesis (GCH) is not only independent of ZF, but also independent of ZFC.
  6. Ἀγορά (Agora)," assembly ". Types Northrop Frye discussed what he termed a ", continuum ,of allegory," ranging from what he termed the" naive allegory" of The Faerie
  7. Thus reducing space and time to one distinct ontological entity, the space-time, continuum , Propositions are units of meaning. They should not be confused
  8. Would thus represent an archaic remnant of the former Balto-Slavic dialect, continuum , the last Proto-Indo-European branch to finally split, some theorize around
  9. Object which can be extrapolated from the art world, but that there is a, continuum ,of cultural forms and experience of which ordinary speech and experiences may
  10. Itself, according to the Ahmadi Muslim Community. Judaism has a, continuum ,of views about creation, the origin of life and the role of evolution in the
  11. In ZFC; * Undecidable even if ZFC is augmented by taking the generalized, continuum ,hypothesis as an axiom; * Decidable if ZFC is augmented with the axiom of
  12. Seen in the enduring persistence of okay, you guys and gee. They are part of a, continuum , reflecting variations in accent. They can, but do not always reflect the
  13. Became increasingly prominent, fanning the divergence of an Aramaic dialect, continuum ,and the development of differing written standards. Ancient Aramaic ‘ Ancient
  14. By observing a patient's arousal and responsiveness, and can be seen as a, continuum ,of states ranging from full alertness and comprehension, through disorientation
  15. The radiation source could be an element-specific line radiation source or a, continuum ,radiation source. The radiation then passes through a monochromator in order to
  16. Of the integers is less than that of the real numbers. Cantor proposed the, continuum ,hypothesis as a possible solution to this question. The hypothesis states that
  17. Theory was at that point not yet formulated. Kurt Gödel showed in 1940 that the, continuum ,hypothesis (CH for short) cannot be disproved from the standard
  18. Weaver: The Post-War Years - RST Blues Documents BDCD 6014 (1990) BDSM is a, continuum ,of erotic practice and expression involving the consensual use of restraint
  19. Algebra of the real numbers can be employed to yield results about the linear, continuum ,of geometry relies on the Cantor–Dedekind axiom. History The Greek
  20. Not contain a contradiction; this assumption is widely believed to be true. The, continuum ,hypothesis was not the first statement shown to be independent of ZFC. An
  21. And that of the real numbers. Establishing the truth or falsehood of the, continuum ,hypothesis is the first of Hilbert's twenty-three problems presented in the
  22. Applies whenever quantum considerations can be ignored. In some cases,a, continuum ,approximation can be used. If there are g (E) DE states with energy E to E +
  23. Of ZF. Stronger axioms The axiom of constructability and the generalized, continuum ,hypothesis both imply the axiom of choice, but are strictly stronger than it.
  24. Energy is transferred to one of the bound electrons causing it to go into the, continuum , This allows one to multiply ionize an atom with a single photon. There are
  25. Aleph-naught" ) and the cardinality of the real numbers is 2^,the, continuum ,hypothesis says that there is no set S for which: \clef_0 < | S | < 2^. \
  26. Of Momentum: This equation applies Newton's second law of motion to a, continuum , whereby force is equal to the time derivative of momentum. Both surface and
  27. And Picasso. Name" ETH" /> July is a dialect in the Landing linguistic, continuum ,and is closely related to Bambara. It is a widely used trade language in West
  28. Continuous function f: X\right arrow X has a fixed point, where a chainable, continuum ,is a (usually but in this case not necessarily metric) compact Hausdorff
  29. Parallel threads in the development of analysis, one based on an Archimedes, continuum , and the other exploiting an infinitesimal-enriched continuum . One risks
  30. Varieties. Within Northern Berber, however,he recognizes a break in the, continuum ,between Senate and their non-Zenati neighbors; and in the east, he recognizes a
  31. On an Archimedes continuum , and the other exploiting an infinitesimal-enriched, continuum , One risks pre-judging the outcome of any analysis of Cauchy by postulating
  32. Furthermore, using techniques of forcing (Cohen) one can show that the, continuum ,hypothesis (Cantor) is independent of the Carmelo–Frankel axioms. Thus, even
  33. Of the reals. Impossibility of proof and disproof in ZFC Cantor believed the, continuum ,hypothesis to be true and tried for many years to prove it, in vain. It became
  34. To develop most of real analysis. *In all models of AFC, the generalized, continuum ,hypothesis does not hold. Quotes" The Axiom of Choice is obviously true, the
  35. ZF set theory is consistent. The name of the hypothesis comes from the term the, continuum ,for the real numbers. Cardinality of infinite sets Two sets are said to have
  36. Bipolar disorder is conceptualized as a spectrum of disorders occurring on a, continuum , The DSM-IV-TR lists three specific subtypes and one for non-specified:;
  37. Radiation sources We have to distinguish between line source AAS (LS AAS) and, continuum ,source AAS (CS AAS). In classical LS AAS, as it has been proposed by Alan
  38. To college newspapers are much freer in this respect. In mathematics,the, continuum ,hypothesis (abbreviated CH) is a hypothesis, advanced by Georg Cantor in 1877
  39. To demonstrate. The rational numbers seemingly form a counterexample to the, continuum ,hypothesis: the rationals form a proper superset of the integers, and a proper
  40. There is the smallest cardinal number \clef_1 greater than \clef_0,and the, continuum ,hypothesis is in turn equivalent to the equality :2^ = \clef_1. \, There is
  41. Differently in different parts of Australia, and are said to vary along a, continuum , from forms close to Standard Australian English to more non-standard forms.
  42. Because of their better signal-to-noise ratio. Spectrometers for CS AAS When a, continuum ,radiation source is used for AAS measurement it is indispensable to work with a
  43. In the wavelength range between 190 and about 320 nm. Continuum sources When a, continuum ,radiation source is used for AAS, it is necessary to use a high-resolution
  44. Is that the Weierstrass notion of" limit" in the context of an Archimedes, continuum ,is the centerpiece of any possible edifice of analysis. Thus, Boyer (1949,p.
  45. Depression is actually valid, or whether it is more accurate to talk of a, continuum ,involving dimensions of depression and mania. It has been noted that the
  46. That has to be determined. In CS AAS, in contrast, a single lamp, emitting a, continuum ,spectrum over the entire spectral range of interest is used for all elements.
  47. The oral/literate dichotomy focused on composition in favor of a more fluid, continuum ,of traditionally and textually. Finally, in the view of Ursula Schaefer, the
  48. Bulgaria before the Second World War referred to the southern Slavonic dialect, continuum ,covering the area of today's Republic of Macedonia as a group of Bulgarian
  49. All infinite paths from the root are uncountable: it has the cardinality of the, continuum , These paths corresponding by an order preserving bijection to the points of
  50. Problems are often solved using conservation laws as applied to a fluid, continuum , The conservation laws can be written in integral or differential form. In many

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