Examples of the the word, enactment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enactment ), is the 9029 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tighter regulation of the civilian ownership of firearms through the, enactment ,of the 1968,1988,1994 and 1997 Firearms (Amendment) Acts leading to the
  2. Of London, the City of Westminster and the 32 London boroughs, since the 1990, enactment , of the Education Reform Act 1988. From 1965 to 1990,12 Inner London boroughs
  3. A resolution asserting a separate identity from China and called for the, enactment ,of a new constitution for a" normal nation ". It struck an accommodating tone
  4. Of the enemies of Rome. The minus became a morally instructive form of historic, enactment ,in which the only honorable option for the gladiator was to fight well, or
  5. The first emissions trading market was established in the United States by, enactment ,of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. The overall goal of the Acid Rain
  6. Administration, about 500,000 people participated in this protest. Article 23, enactment , was " temporarily suspended ". Universal suffrage Towards the end of 2003,the
  7. The law in the manner of the civil law jurisdictions. The reason for the, enactment ,of the codes in California in the 19th century was to replace a pre-existing
  8. United Methodist churches, from typically high-church to low-church, in the, enactment ,and style of celebration. United Methodist clergy are not required to be vested
  9. A federal statutory holiday celebrating the anniversary of the July 1,1867, enactment , of the British North America Act (today called the Constitution Act,1867)
  10. Civil Code of 1808 has been continuously revised and updated since its, enactment , it is still considered the controlling authority in the state. Differences
  11. Of 'natural magic. '" What sets apart the poem from the others is its" verbal, enactment ,of the creative process" which makes it" unique even among the three poems of
  12. Religious law, nor does it recognize religious beliefs as a motivation for the, enactment ,of prohibitions. As a consequence, France has long had neither blasphemy laws
  13. Bill pursuant to Article 23 of the Basic Law, which required the, enactment ,of laws prohibiting acts of treason and subversion against the Chinese
  14. Or 60 assembly members of the other types of laws or treaties. After their, enactment , laws can all be reviewed by referral from the highest administrative court
  15. Was committed to the Maronite alone (Numbers 18:1-7). The scene of this, enactment ,is unknown, as is the time mentioned. Death Aaron, like Moses, was not
  16. Jurisdictions devolved from the Spanish government to Andalusia with the, enactment ,of the Statute of Autonomy. Thus, the Andalusian Health Service (Service
  17. whether it violates the Constitution. This applies, prior to their, enactment , to all forms of organic laws, but only by referral from the French President
  18. Although it is vulnerable to sin and defilement; the second, that the faithful, enactment ,of ritual makes God's presence available, while ignoring or breaching it
  19. Of the Parliament or by Government. The powers of the legislature include, enactment ,and amendment of the constitution; passage of laws; adoption of the state
  20. Act and other Imperial Acts. The statesmen recommended that a declaratory, enactment ,of the Parliament - which became the Statute of Westminster 1931 - be passed
  21. Protection Agency, or EPA in 1970. These successes were followed by the, enactment ,of a whole series of laws regulating waste (Resource Conservation and Recovery
  22. And guidelines from past TF publications which were still in effect with the, enactment ,of the Charter. The Charter established a new way of living within the
  23. Matter (PM),especially along the city's major thoroughfares. Since the, enactment ,of EU legislation concerning the concentration of particulate in the air
  24. Idris following which it was published in the Official Gazette of Libya. The, enactment ,of the Libyan Constitution was significant in that it was the first piece of
  25. Changes in national copyright legislations for compliance with TRIPS, and the, enactment ,of anti-circumvention rules in response to the WIPO Copyright Treaty. Academics
  26. And Easter Island the status of special territories of Chile. Pending the, enactment ,of a special charter, the archipelago will continue to be governed as a commune
  27. Monarchy under King Idris,Libya's first and only monarch. 1951 also saw the, enactment ,of the Libyan Constitution. The Libyan National Assembly drafted the
  28. Promotion of Ainu Culture (FR PAC),set up by the Japanese Government after, enactment ,of the Ainu Culture Law in 1997,the
  29. Passed an amnesty law that pardoned most political crimes prior to its, enactment , excepting crimes perpetrated against foreign diplomats or certain crimes
  30. They think proper, and the year after compel them to remove elsewhere. For this, enactment ,they advance many reasons-lest seduced by long-continued custom, they may
  31. Furlong" itself derives from the fact that it is one furrow long. Before the, enactment ,of the metric system, many countries in Europe used their own official acres.
  32. Was approved by the Dominican Congress, but was of debatable legality;" its, enactment ,effectively invalidated the constitution of 1924 that Vásquez had previously
  33. Is often reduced to a lesser number (such as five or six) by legislative, enactment , or by agreement of both sides. Some jurisdictions also permit a verdict to be
  34. University, which is the oldest and largest university in Syria. After the, enactment ,of legislation allowing private secondary institutions, several new
  35. The Benches of the Inn of Court of Northern Ireland governed the Inn until the, enactment ,of the Constitution of the Inn in 1983,which provides that the government of
  36. Advocates, bankruptcy academics, bankruptcy judges, and bankruptcy lawyers. The, enactment ,of BAP CPA followed nearly eight years of debate in Congress. Most of the law's
  37. Instead had only poorly-trained, state-employed " legal workers," prior to the, enactment ,of a comprehensive reform package in 1996 by the Standing Committee of the
  38. A superficial reading of selected provisions of the written constitutional, enactment , without more, may be misleading. ” In practice, there have been three sources
  39. Commemorate the Newfoundland Regiment's heavy losses during the battle—and the, enactment ,of the Chinese Immigration Act in 1923—leading Chinese-Canadians to refer to
  40. 11 May 1989,converted, from an act of the Parliament of England, into an ACT, enactment , by section 34 (4) of the Australian Capital Territory (Self-Government)
  41. Duty or the exercise of any power imposed or conferred on him by or under any, enactment ,relating to an assigned matter, or any person acting in his aid. For the
  42. Pontiff's custom; that is, because the Roman Pontiff, prior to any synovial, enactment , has repeatedly recognized the Alexandrian Bishop's authority over this tract
  43. Hotel opens, becoming the first hotel exclusively for women. *1917 – The, enactment ,of the Jones-Shafroth Act grants Puerto Ricans United States citizenship. *1919
  44. No male should go three days without going to the Micah. The Talmud records an, enactment ,by Ezra that after a seminal emission one must immerse in a Micah before
  45. For the accused rather than helpful. On the other hand, obstacles to its, enactment ,include the anti-terrorism laws of certain EU members which conflict with these
  46. Reform through the implementation of sound fiscal and monetary policies and the, enactment ,of legislation mandating the modernization of state-owned enterprises. A
  47. Of 4 % of the vote in order to enter parliament. Parliament is responsible for, enactment ,of laws, approval of the budget, scheduling of presidential elections
  48. One must immerse in a Micah before studying Torah or praying; although this, enactment ,was later repealed, Hasidim and some other Jews still follow it, at least for
  49. And enforcement of" know-your-customer" rules. Other initiatives include the, enactment ,of the Foundations Act in 2004 and the planned introduction of legislation to
  50. To participate in humiliating and novel forms of mythological or historical, enactment , culminating in their execution. Those judged less harshly might be condemned

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