Examples of the the word, menace , in a Sentence Context

The word ( menace ), is the 9033 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Steve McQueen film The Blob, substituting Mar mite for the original alien space, menace ,and including scenes of fleeing crowds, was dropped from children's television
  2. Widespread circulation of ideas and information (see print culture). As the ", menace ," of printing spread, governments established centralized control mechanisms
  3. Is made flesh. Hitchcock's The Birds (1963) has a more modern backdrop; its, menace ,stems from nature gone mad, and the film is one of the first American examples
  4. After arrests of leading militants, including the" cupola ". ETA also began to, menace ,leaders of other parties besides rival Basque nationalist parties. In 1995,the
  5. Name "/NP"> mcpherson58"/> Hood left the Atlanta area to swing around and, menace ,Sherman's supply lines and invade Tennessee in the Franklin-Nashville Campaign
  6. Government did this to in order to keep their loyalty, in the face of a growing, menace ,of independence from the 13 original British colonies. Québécois' identity The
  7. Another with a deadly weapon. Some states also define assault as an attempt to, menace ,(or actual menacing) by placing another person in fear of imminent serious
  8. Revert to their true shape when killed, giving them an air of great mystery and, menace , The Cartel Overdrive is now called the Imaginary Drive, and the Dirac is
  9. And that such a system would inevitably be unreliable and constitute a, menace ,to humanity in its own right. Treaty obligations Another criticism of SDI was
  10. S eye. Press coverage of the incident fueled punk's reputation as a social, menace , Some new bands, such as London's Alternative TV and Edinburgh's Refills
  11. Was the editor at the time) urging people to fight the perceived Catholic, menace , These articles were widely reprinted in other newspapers. Among other claims
  12. As a legitimate son of Julius Caesar were a degradation of his office and a, menace ,to himself. During 32 BC, a third of the Senate and both consuls allied with
  13. With his fellow man, and that this is the reason he has been mistaken for a, menace ,to the city-state of Athens. If Plato's important dialogues do not refer to
  14. Unaware as to the Vulcan reason and it's up to Star fleet to stop the Roman, menace , Romans in the Mirror Universe The Romans did not appear on-screen in the
  15. Angle, an example of the technique Hitchcock described as" transferring the, menace ,from the screen into the mind of the audience ". In order to capture the
  16. To become the greatest menace of the Franks in a short time. A greater Slavic, menace ,was gathering on the southeast. There, Ljudevit Polanski, duke of Antonia, was
  17. The bad-boy rockabilly debacle of Lost Highway—the atmosphere of free-floating, menace , pointless transmigration of souls, provocatively dropped plot stitches
  18. Mythology — Rock Giants and Frost Giants. Legend From Jötunheimr, the giants, menace ,the humans in Midgard and the gods in Asgard. The river Icing (Old Norse
  19. Once again, and finally saves the day after he kills the leader of alien, menace ,: the Cyclone Emperor. The game ends as Duke promises in a voice-over that after
  20. Was to weaken, even destabilize the Nicaraguan Government and thus reduce the, menace ,it allegedly posed to the United States' interests in Central America ... "
  21. Being. He proposed that the organization could be useful against" the Russian, menace ," and" the smoldering volcanoes of the Middle East ", and that it would
  22. Powerfully to early goths. They were attracted by Lugosi's aura of camp, menace , elegance and mystique. Some people credit the band Bauhaus' first single "
  23. Provide for themselves by pillaging enemy terrain. These soldiers were a great, menace ,to the Burgundian Netherlands. One notorious event was the pillaging of The
  24. Droughts and floods, made more severe by deforestation. Hurricanes are also a, menace , Although Haiti averages approximately 255 people per square kilometer (650
  25. VIII travelled to Germany to confer with Henry II about the renewed Byzantine, menace ,in the Mezzogiorno. Arriving at Bamberg at Easter tide, he consecrated the new
  26. Of the spring and student life),Ginsberg was labelled an" immoral, menace ," by the Czechoslovak government because of his free expression of radical
  27. Nations. He proposed that warmongering states be treated as a public health, menace ,and be" quarantined. " Meanwhile he secretly stepped up a program to build
  28. Against the Franks and allied with the Danes, who were to become the greatest, menace ,of the Franks in a short time. A greater Slavic menace was gathering on the
  29. Features several songs described by Goal Marcus as full of Chicago blues ", menace , driven by Presley's own super-miked acoustic guitar, brilliant playing by
  30. That the Russian armies acted for the safety of Russia against" the Nazi, menace , " When a joint German-Soviet peace initiative was rejected by Britain and
  31. Deep-seated conservatism of the majority of their readers, who saw a Bolshevik, menace ,in every union meeting ". He viewed Campbell as turning the magazine into a
  32. A seemingly familiar world gradually suffused with mounting uneasiness, vague, menace , and possible hallucination. His plots — drawing on elements from suspense
  33. Century the outbreak of the Hundred Years War dramatically increased the French, menace , Early in the war French plans for an invasion of England failed when Edward
  34. Signed was merely a dupe, employed him in the royal kitchen. A more serious, menace ,was Perkins War beck, a Flemish youth who posed as Edward IV's son Richard.
  35. This place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the, menace ,of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the
  36. Thing as a budget cannot be seriously considered existing at all. ":" Thus the, menace ,of inflationism described above is not merely a product of the war, of which
  37. Of the previous troublesome situation to capture some boundary areas and, menace ,the Umayyad territory. In 917 the then-emir had sent a large army under his
  38. With a group of papal legates who were determined to triumph over the Manichean, menace , Prior to Diego saw immediately one of the paramount reasons for the spread of the
  39. Located on the Pacific coast, Panama City was relatively free of the permanent, menace ,of pirates that roamed the Atlantic coast for over one and a half century
  40. Shadows and rings of color around his figures to emphasize an aura of fear, menace , anxiety, or sexual intensity. These paintings have been interpreted as
  41. From the prisoners of war and paroled for the purpose. In 1942 the Italian, menace ,ended, but the Japanese began to reconnoiter with a view toward landing in
  42. Are hit by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes, menace ,only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can
  43. Manfred submitted, although probably only to gain time and counter the, menace ,from Edmund, and received the title of Papal vicar for southern Italy. Innocent
  44. This place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the, menace ,of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid. In the third stanza, the speaker
  45. The work of art, the worse it is. More is less. Less is more. The eye is a, menace ,to clear sight. The laying bare of oneself is obscene. Art begins with the
  46. Of minefields and shore batteries defending the straits. The most serious, menace ,faced by the Navy came from the attacks on merchant shipping mounted by German
  47. That the accident-prone Kuznets is scarcely seaworthy and is more of a, menace ,to her crew than any putative enemy. In September 2007,Putin visited Indonesia
  48. Is in the interest of every citizen to maintain it. What are the dangers which, menace ,us? If any exist, they ought to be ascertained and guarded against. " *Monroe
  49. And gives warning that it feels the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina to be a, menace ,which, by introducing fresh Slav elements into the Hungarian political organism
  50. Advocate of the submarine and of means to combat the German submarine, menace ,to Allied shipping: he proposed building a mine barrier across the North Sea

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