Examples of the the word, incompetent , in a Sentence Context
The word ( incompetent ), is the 9040 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- France is thwarted when it turns out that the captain of his ship is completely, incompetent ,at navigation. Because of this, every expedition the captain had organized so
- And Leonard. They experience an irritating sports talk show host and a highly, incompetent ,airport security detail before deciding that they never want to return to
- to the USA mutual bank conversions. Moreover, by no means are all mutual managers, incompetent , and conversions allows the bank to expand more easily and to grant executive
- And Emma Peel (" Miss Night" ). Jimmy is portrayed as an unpleasant, incompetent ,servant of the US who only pretends to work with Britain. Characters The James
- With ammunition manufacturers, they have no such influence over the actions of, incompetent ,or over-ambitious individuals who assemble ammunition. Situation in the USA In
- Absent such delegation, other ecclesiastical courts, even the Roman Rota, are, incompetent , to judge a case against a cardinal. Cardinals in popular culture * Among others
- Disappeared in protest after he was given a court order to lend money to an, incompetent ,applicant. When the order came down he liquidated his entire business, paid off
- Death, claiming the Pakistani's were either sheltering Bin Laden or completely, incompetent , “ We can no longer afford this foolishness,” said Rohrabacher. “ The time has
- Chance to overthrow their British rulers. However, the American invasions were, incompetent ,and were defeated primarily by British regulars with support from Native
- The" man who knew better" but chose not to act for the good. Wesley Much The, incompetent ,and treacherous lobbyist whom Hank Rear den reluctantly employs in Washington.
- Cretaceous is usually a marine system consisting of competent limestone beds or, incompetent ,marks. Because the Alpine mountain chains did not yet exist in the Cretaceous
- Incompetence and how to overcome it argued that hierarchies were inherently, incompetent , and were only able to function due to large amounts of informal lateral
- Of the competing vision or the counter-insurgent regime will appear weak or, incompetent , # Practical action must be taken at the lower levels to match the competitive
- Control residing in the shareholders; if they elected and put up with an, incompetent ,decision maker, they should not have recourse to complain. However, a more
- Facilities, and women's groups. " All this compares very favorably against, incompetent , inefficient, or neglectful governments whose commitment to social justice is
- His younger son, the legitimate Malaria who was still a child. Resale proved, incompetent , and in 511 king Theodoric assumed the throne of the kingdom ostensibly on
- Hires to replace the track on the Rio North Line with Rear den Metal. Nearly is, incompetent , but Deign can find no one better in all the country. Nearly believes that
- In a Jewish cemetery (in practice, rabbis often rule suicides to be mentally, incompetent ,and thus not responsible for their actions). Judaism also does not have a
- Orwell) and Stephen Russian were among his pupils, but was remembered as an, incompetent ,and hopeless teacher who couldn’t keep discipline. Nevertheless, Blair and
- To allow Labor the chance of office in the belief that they would prove, incompetent ,and this would set the stage for a revival of Liberal fortunes at Labour's
- Up the army. The senior command at the War Department and in the field proved, incompetent ,or cowardly—the general at Detroit to a smaller British force without firing a
- Movie More Bad News was another documentary about a rock band, in this case an, incompetent ,heavy metal band. It once again included appearances by real musician such as
- Coastal emplacements but his plan for the taking of Toulon was set aside as one, incompetent ,officer superseded another. By December, they decided to try his plan and made
- Devoted much time and energy to poking fun at their well-meaning, but obese and, incompetent ,physics teacher, a man named Hebert. Carry and classmate Henri Morin wrote a
- Who ruled in favor of Midas Mulligan during the case brought against him by the, incompetent ,loan applicant. When Narragansett's ruling was reversed on appeal, he retired
- In both the U. S. and overseas, as an intellectual lightweight and generally, incompetent , Contributing greatly to the perception of Quayle's incompetence was his
- Was to seize control of the home front from the indecisive Hitler and the, incompetent ,Göring. This was the agenda of Goebbels’s" total war" speech of February
- Or insane person" in the State's constitution with" person adjudged mentally, incompetent , " In several states," idiots" do not have the right to vote: The
- The same a future Black adder will live shamefully subjugated to a future, incompetent ,Baldric. This remarkable encounter causes him to proclaim," Bad guys have all
- In some jurisdictions this is a distinct proceeding from being" found, incompetent , ") Involuntary commitment is used to some degree for each of the following
- In 1841. Adelaide's early history was wrought by economic uncertainty and, incompetent ,leadership. The first governor of South Australia, John Hind marsh, clashed
- To carry. Like Hank, she believes they want to live, but are too stupid and, incompetent ,to realize how their duties and altruistic projects impede that goal. It is not
- Father Pedro, although intelligent when it comes to manipulating people, is, incompetent ,in regard to proper moral conduct. Temuco doesn’t have trouble in bribing
- Earlier assertion in her court papers of February 2010 that Hopper was mentally, incompetent , and that his children had rewritten his estate plan in order to leave Duffy
- Of why, it is good that syphilis exists: Candide, the impressionable and, incompetent ,student of Pan gloss, often tries to justify evil, fails,invokes his mentor and
- Capitol and opens fire killing two police officers. He is later ruled to be, incompetent ,to stand trial. *2001 – Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the last Tsar of Bulgaria
- A German princess who married the German heir to the Russian crown. Finding him, incompetent , Catherine tacitly consented to his murder. It was announced that he had died
- His actions and his success, because he was eager to avoid being purged for his, incompetent ,military leadership and for his opposition to sans-culotte generals (he failed
- Another, more cynical view about some observers,'Australian bird watchers are, incompetent ,'. Thus, naïve falsification ought to, but does not, supply a way of handling
- John, raised the Jacobite clans but proved to be an indecisive leader and an, incompetent ,soldier. Mar captured Perth, but let a smaller government force under the Duke
- Against Roman rule. In 61 BC, the notoriously oppressive and militarily, incompetent ,proconsul of Macedonia, Gaius Antonius, nicknamed Hybrid (" The Monster ", an
- Be run simply as a prison camp. Lord Sydney, often criticized as an ineffectual, incompetent , had made one fundamental decision about the settlement that was to influence
- His death. Father Mule is unnecessarily long-winded implying that he is partly, incompetent , Competent individuals are able to verbalize their opinions quickly and
- Support this hypothesis. The enormous loss of life was directly blamed on the, incompetent ,actions of her captain, Fleet Commander Vice Admiral Victor Parkhomenko. Among
- S subordinate in Africa and Italy) claimed to think of Alexander as ", incompetent ," and success was only attained in Tunisia only because Montgomery lent Brian
- War with the Galatians was the last straw against a warmongering king and an, incompetent ,High Priest. After Antaeus was defeated in battle against Oneidas, he returned
- A small town hotel, his very presence seemingly winding up the aggressive and, incompetent ,manager (played by Timothy Bateson) with a domineering wife. The show was
- To the comedic banter of Gordie and Gaylord Certain, who played the role of the, incompetent ,Maynard, who would often send Gordie into fits of anger or agony by the skit's
- Accounts state that Galois made too many logical leaps and baffled the, incompetent ,examiner, evoking the student's rage. The recent death of his father may have
- But she was wrong; the art the traditionalists deemed“ not only, incompetent , but grotesque” came to dominate the 20th century. Beau are crippled after
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