Examples of the the word, prosperous , in a Sentence Context

The word ( prosperous ), is the 9026 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell, Catalonia. Andorra is a, prosperous ,country mainly because of its tourism industry, which services an estimated
  2. National Guard: Maj. General Miamis Florins. Economy The Cypriot economy is, prosperous ,and has diversified in recent years. Cyprus has been sought as a base for
  3. Before the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1991,SR Croatia was the second most, prosperous ,and industrialized area (after SR Slovenia),with a per capita output more
  4. Came in 1965 and spurred growth of several sectors including the, prosperous ,tourist industry. Profits gained through Croatia's industry were used to
  5. Trust them more than non-family. The Umayyad family would again grow large and, prosperous ,over successive generations. However, by 763 ABD Brahman had to get back to
  6. And ivory in East Africa; he considered the island more stable and individually, prosperous ,than the busy coastal ports of Mombasa, Zanzibar,Kiowa and Vital. In the 15th
  7. National flower of the United States Virgin Islands). Economy One of the most, prosperous ,countries in the Caribbean region, The Bahamas relies on tourism to generate
  8. United Kingdom – England and Scotland were formally united in 1707 – to become, prosperous ,and powerful. Together with the power of the navy, this made Britain the
  9. In the north. The nation's natural resources have made it into a comparatively, prosperous ,nation in the African economy. The southeastern region of Côte d'Ivoire is
  10. Mostly in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, and Middle Easterners who became, prosperous ,in commerce. Bolivia is one of the least developed countries in South America.
  11. Economy by the World Bank, and is one of South America's most stable and, prosperous ,nations, leading Latin American nations in human development, competitiveness
  12. Liberal businessmen succeeded in industrializing parts of the Empire and the, prosperous ,middle classes erected conspicuously large homes, thus gaining a prominence in
  13. Period and was succeeded by the Third Intermediate Period. It was Egypt's most, prosperous ,time and marked the peak of Egypt's power. The later New Kingdom,i.e. the
  14. His stay in Egypt, he founded Alexandria-by-Egypt, which would become the, prosperous ,capital of the Ptolemaic Kingdom after his death. Assyria and Babylonia Leaving
  15. Total GDP (2006) The economy of the British Virgin Islands is one of the most, prosperous ,in the Caribbean. According to the CIA World Factbook, in 2004 the Territory
  16. String, is scheduled to start for" the big apple" to-morrow after a most, prosperous ,Spring campaign at Bowie and Have de Grace. Fitz Gerald referred to the" big
  17. In the late 1990s. The disturbance and resulting deaths damaged the previously, prosperous ,tourism industry. Geography There are seven inhabited islands and several that
  18. Of art, in particular woodcuts for books. Nuremberg was then an important and, prosperous ,city, a center for publishing and many luxury trades. It had strong links with
  19. Of Job tells the story of an extremely righteous man named Job, who was very, prosperous ,and had seven sons and three daughters. Constantly fearing that his sons may
  20. War II, Bavaria has been rehabilitated from a poor agrarian province into a, prosperous ,industrial hub. A massive reconstruction effort restored much of Munich's and
  21. Quality. It was originally designed for a middle-class family and situated in a, prosperous ,district of Barcelona. The building looks very remarkable — like everything
  22. government's efforts. Costa Rica has a reputation as one of the most stable, prosperous , and among the least corrupt in Latin America. However, in fall 2004,three
  23. Religious tolerance. Jews from the Iberian Peninsula, Huguenots from France, prosperous ,merchants and printers from Flanders, and economic and religious refugees from
  24. Whom Philip considered his ancestor. With its strategic location, it became a, prosperous ,city. The Romans conquered this part of Macedon in 148 BC and destroyed the
  25. In measuring body fat being due to obesity becoming a discernible issue in, prosperous ,Western societies. BMI was explicitly cited by Keys as being appropriate for
  26. The same area. From the end of the Middle Ages until the 17th century, it was a, prosperous ,center of commerce and culture. From the 16th century until the Belgian
  27. By a multiplicity of small metalworking firms, whose many highly skilled and, prosperous ,owners readily invested in property. Many of the early building societies were
  28. Which phased slavery out of existence, industrialized,urbanized and built, prosperous ,farms, while the deep South concentrated on plantation agriculture based on
  29. 226; Persian and German wars On the whole, however,the reign of Alexander was, prosperous ,until the rise, in the east, of the Sassanian. Of the war that followed there
  30. Eighth of eleven children, Maria had enjoyed all the benefits of belonging to a, prosperous ,family in a small town. After the death of both parents within a year of each
  31. Anarcho-capitalists see free-market capitalism as the basis for a free and, prosperous ,society. Murray Rothbard said that the difference between free-market
  32. An advanced physical and social infrastructure. The Cypriots are among the most, prosperous ,people in the Mediterranean region, with GDP per capita reaching $30,000. And
  33. The assassination of Elagabalus. As emperor,Alexander's peace time reign was, prosperous , In military conflict against the rising Sassanian Empire, there are mixed
  34. Ottoman tax records suggest that the Christian population was slightly more, prosperous ,or grew more grain as opposed to grapes, the former being a more valuable
  35. Of the Middle Byzantine Period (9th–10th centuries AD),and was relatively, prosperous ,during the Crusades, benefiting from Italian trade. In 1453, it was conquered by
  36. As Secretary of State, and enacted JCS 1779,which decreed that an orderly and, prosperous ,Europe requires the economic contributions of a stable and productive Germany.
  37. Hessians" ) to do much of the fighting. The Americans had a large, relatively, prosperous , population (when compared to other colonies) that depended not on imports but
  38. His fate (in Tract ate Psychic 2b) Anyone who associated with Job when he was, prosperous , including to buy from him or sell to him, was blessed (in Tract ate Psychic
  39. Another golden age, with one of the strongest navies in the world, a rich and, prosperous ,economy and a flourishing of the arts and culture. It was during this period
  40. Culture has a large impact in Costa Rica, also thrived in a fairly democratic, prosperous ,economy. European immigration used Costa Rica to get across the isthmus of
  41. Punctuated by the growth of Silicon Valley. In addition to California's, prosperous ,agricultural industry, other important contributors to its economy include
  42. An offshore financial center, the British Virgin Islands enjoys one of the more, prosperous ,economies of the Caribbean region, with a per capita average income of around
  43. For a quarter-century following independence, Cameroon was one of the most, prosperous ,countries in Africa. The drop in commodity prices for its principal exports —
  44. Of this period. The early years of Albert's rule in Prussia were fairly, prosperous , Although he had some trouble with the peasantry, the lands and treasures of
  45. Had lost its independence, but Brussels became the Princely Capital of the, prosperous ,Low Countries, and flourished. Charles V, heir of the Low Countries since 1506
  46. Per capita of 80 % of the European Union average. One of the most stable and, prosperous ,of the post-Communist states, the Czech Republic has seen a growth of over 6 %
  47. City in Spain, at the heart of a region which was relatively industrialized and, prosperous , despite the devastation of the civil war. The result was a large-scale
  48. From Hawks head. Potter was also a prize-winning breeder of Herd wick sheep and a, prosperous ,farmer keenly interested in land preservation. She continued to write
  49. On an income from capital .... becoming a great hive of Anarchistic workers, prosperous ,and free individuals combining to carry on their production and distribution on
  50. In the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. By the late 1950s,the once, prosperous ,port area of downtown Manhattan was occupied by a number of dilapidated

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