Examples of the the word, auxiliary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( auxiliary ), is the 9030 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On four bits, such as the DAA (decimal adjust) instruction, and the, auxiliary ,carry (AC/NA) flag, which were used to implement decimal arithmetic routines.
  2. Firmware, making the firmware of a card in slot 3 available with a card in the, auxiliary ,slot, it was not a common thing to do. However, even with the 80-column
  3. Lexical roots, including the personal pronouns and a few other tactic and, auxiliary ,items. For these, other possible explanations have also been proposed. Most
  4. That there were no structural problems with the verb" to be" when used as an, auxiliary ,verb or when used to state existence or location. It was even all right
  5. Also given land and money to settle in Rome. In the Late Roman Empire, these, auxiliary , troops,along with foreign mercenaries, became the core of the Roman Army;
  6. Range by a factor of two. That can be improved substantially by creating an, auxiliary ,index that contains the first record in each disk block (sometimes called a
  7. Future tense. The pluperfect is manifest in tenses that use double or triple, auxiliary ," be" participles like the past pluperfect subjunctive. Perfect constructions
  8. Indicates that the indirect object is me (to me/for me) In spoken Basque,the, auxiliary ,verb is never dropped even if it is redundant:" Zuck NIR egunkariak erosion
  9. With the negative case (shown by the suffix -k). This also triggers main and, auxiliary ,verbal agreement. The auxiliary verb, which accompanies most main verbs, agrees
  10. That is, diocesan bishops of dioceses within a metropolitan's province, and, auxiliary , bishops ). In the Anglican Communion, the term applies to a bishop who is a
  11. By the suffix -k). This also triggers main and auxiliary verbal agreement. The, auxiliary ,verb, which accompanies most main verbs, agrees not only with the subject, but
  12. 25 years before being discharged. The Romans were also noted for making use of, auxiliary ,troops, non-Romans who served with the legions and filled roles that the
  13. Received its first Mitchell II's in January 1947. It was followed by No 406 (, auxiliary ,) which flew Mitchell III's from April 1947 to June 1958. No 418 Operated a mix
  14. Introduced the Seller sieve, a method well adapted in particular to providing, auxiliary ,upper bounds, and which contributed to Chen's theorem, among other important
  15. Equipment or cargo. Parents sometimes add rear-mounted child seats and/or an, auxiliary ,saddle fitted to the crossbar to transport children. Toe-clips and toe straps
  16. Is erosion digit, in which erosion is a kind of gerund (" buying" ) and the, auxiliary ,digit means" he/she (does) them for me ". This digit can be split like
  17. a hundred thousand within a couple of months. During the epidemic, Rieux heads an, auxiliary ,hospital and works long hours treating the victims. He injects serum and lances
  18. Structure of the language consists of a subject, followed by an adjectival, auxiliary , followed by the direct object, and finally a transitive verb. Naturally, if
  19. The committee me" sounds at least odd, if not incorrect. ) The most ubiquitous, auxiliary , Iran, can be used in any of these paradigms, depending on the nature of the
  20. N't there' ) Significant verbs Съм The verb съм – 'to be' is also used as an, auxiliary ,for forming the perfect, the passive and the conditional: Two alternate forms
  21. A size of 28 legions of about 170,000 soldiers. This was supported by numerous, auxiliary ,units of 500 soldiers each, often recruited from recently conquered areas. With
  22. A few towed guns have been given limited self-propulsion by means of an, auxiliary ,engine. Two other forms of tactical propulsion were used in the first half of
  23. An object space is reproduced in an image space. The introduction of simple, auxiliary ,terms, due to C. F. Gauss (Dioptrische Untersuchungen, Göttingen,1841)
  24. II Plus with a language card; the machine had no slot 0,but instead had an, auxiliary ,slot that for most practical purposes took the place of slot 3,the most
  25. And in southern Germany, verbs that express a state tend to use San as the, auxiliary ,verb in the perfect, as well as verbs of movement. Verbs which fall into this
  26. The first record in each disk block (sometimes called a sparse index). This, auxiliary ,index would be 1 % of the size of the original database, but it can be searched
  27. X legion. He deployed the rest of the army on his left together with his, auxiliary ,troops. Pompey's plan was to allow Caesar's infantry to advance, have his
  28. Power CF6-80 or Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engines and uses the Honeywell 331-250, auxiliary , power unit (APU). The A300-600 entered service in 1983 with Saudi Arabian
  29. And subcommittees, public hearings and faction meetings take place in three, auxiliary ,buildings, which surround the Reichstag building: the Jakob-Kaiser-Haus
  30. The Orthodox and Catholic equivalent of an Anglican suffragan bishop). An, auxiliary ,bishop is a titular bishop, and he is to be appointed as a vicar general or at
  31. Du phrases fasten, in which fasten (" learning" ) is separated from its, auxiliary ,and placed at the end. Phonology Basque has a distinction between lamina and
  32. Like the past pluperfect subjunctive. Perfect constructions use a single, auxiliary ," be ". Mood The traditional interpretation is that in addition to the four
  33. The phrase" you buy the newspapers for me" would translate as::: The, auxiliary ,verb is composed as di-zki-da-zue and means 'you pl. (do) them for me' *DI-
  34. Order changes. Since the negative particle EZ must always directly precede the, auxiliary , the topic most often comes beforehand, and the rest of the sentence follows.
  35. Lags of the dependent variable, is the Breach–Godfrey test. This involves an, auxiliary ,regression, wherein the residuals obtained from estimating the model of
  36. Most comfortable with, but truly elite fighters are often able to incorporate, auxiliary ,styles when presented with a particular challenge. For example, an out-fighter
  37. Scope is laid out, the vessel should be gently forced astern, usually using the, auxiliary ,motor but possibly by backing a sail. A hand on the anchor line may telegraph a
  38. Deponent. Within a verb phrase, the periphrastic comes first, followed by the, auxiliary , A Basque noun-phrase is inflected in 17 different ways for case, multiplied by
  39. Of slot 3,the most commonly used slot for 80-column cards in the II Plus. The, auxiliary ,slot could accept a 1 KB memory card to enable the 80-column display. This card
  40. For some reason or other, does not have one now. Titular bishops often serve as, auxiliary ,bishops. In the Ecumenical Patriarchate, bishops of modern dioceses are often
  41. e. g., CPU,memory and floppy disks). In addition, some models featured, auxiliary ,custom chips which performed tasks, such as, SCSI control and display
  42. With six or seven noun cases but no gender. In modern Armenian the use of, auxiliary ,verbs to show tense (comparable to will in" he will go" ) has generally
  43. Module separation, the S-IVB was intended to fly into solar orbit. The S-IVB, auxiliary ,propulsion system was fired, and the remaining propellants vented to slow it
  44. Example, the Archbishop of Theater and Great Britain).; Auxiliary bishop: An, auxiliary ,bishop is a full-time assistant to a diocesan bishop (the Orthodox and
  45. IN"> #008000">. In this sentence," the baby" is a free noun. (The here is an, auxiliary , which can be ignored for explanatory purposes. ) In sentence (2),
  46. To charge (as computed from the velocity equation above),voltage or other, auxiliary ,measured quantity or computation therefrom. Data features The canonical feature
  47. Of the diocese in which he serves.; Coadjutor bishop: A coadjutor bishop is an, auxiliary ,bishop who is given almost equal authority in a diocese with the diocesan
  48. Is the order of the test. The simplest version of the test statistic from this, auxiliary ,regression is TR2,where T is the sample size and R2 is the coefficient of
  49. River) It has been argued that the use of periphrastic constructions (using, auxiliary ,verbs like do and be) in the English verb (which is more widespread than in
  50. Of composite tenses (combinations of forms of the verb with pronouns or an, auxiliary ,verb),allowing for narrative that is more vivid. The syntax of Aramaic (the

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