Examples of the the word, mileage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mileage ), is the 9031 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Distance from starting point. For example if, on a given highway, you see a, mileage ,marker that says 150 miles and later see a mileage marker that says 160 miles
  2. 16 vs. 15,and 21 vs. 20 seconds respectively. The small engine produced EPA, mileage ,of highway and city. The Gremlin's body structure was heavier and stronger
  3. Length of both, around 65 % of which is named as Heritage Coast. Devon has more, mileage ,of road than any other county in England: before the changes to counties in
  4. Rival, the Volkswagen Beetle, did not handle as well, and got similar gas, mileage ,from about 40 % of the Gremlin's horsepower, but it was packaged marginally
  5. The money supply encouraged company promotion and investment of capital. Rail, mileage ,in France increased from 3,000 to 16,000 km during the 1850s,and this growth
  6. Vehicle during a time that it is stored outdoors in adverse conditions. On high, mileage ,vehicles the piston seals may leak, which must be promptly corrected. The brake
  7. 160,000 miles (256,000 kilometers) of roadway, a fraction of the total, mileage ,of roads. The Interstate system serves nearly all major U. S. cities, often
  8. The party enjoyed a considerable honeymoon period with the press, who made much, mileage ,out of their quirk for proffering claret at their functions. Claret is an "
  9. Or riverboat service available to move crops and animals to market. Railroad, mileage ,was located mostly in rural areas and over two-thirds of the South's rails
  10. As of November 2010 the Illinois State Tollway Authority has redone the, mileage ,markers to be uniform with the rest of the state on I-90 (Jane Addams
  11. Furniture table) (furniture bed) ) (def template car (slot color) (slot, mileage ,) (slot value) ) (assert (car (color red) ( mileage 10000) (value 400)
  12. The boundaries had been drawn (for example, to save the cost of reimbursing, mileage ,) or if he had been tried, over objection, before a jury drawn from a district
  13. Locomotive was some two and a half times that of diesel power, and the daily, mileage ,achievable was far lower. As labor costs rose, particularly after the second
  14. Four days a week is recommended. Many trainers recommend a weekly increase in, mileage ,of no more than 10 %. It is also often advised to maintain a consistent running
  15. Kg (22-33 lb) of lanthanum. As engineers push the technology to increase fuel, mileage , twice that amount of lanthanum could be required per vehicle. * Hydrogen
  16. For improving vehicle crash worthiness and in weight reduction to improve, mileage , Mechanical and electrical engineering The most common use of the word
  17. Railroad system, which at its peak constituted one third of the world's total, mileage , Although the American Civil War placed a temporary halt to major new
  18. Brand A's rating of 500 is not necessarily going to give you the same, mileage ,rating as Brand B's tire of the same rating. The testing is non-regulated and
  19. Slot color) (slot mileage ) (slot value) ) (assert (car (color red) (, mileage ,10000) (value 400) )) Sample code: (clear) (def template blood-donor (
  20. Spare" tires are smaller than normal tires to save on trunk/boot space, gas, mileage , weight, and cost. Minis pares have a short life expectancy and a low speed
  21. A given highway, you see a mileage marker that says 150 miles and later see a, mileage ,marker that says 160 miles, you have traveled 160 − 150 = 10 miles. In
  22. 2008. The New York City Subway, the largest subway system in the world by track, mileage ,and the largest by number of stations, is the primary means of travel within
  23. States of Colorado and New Mexico. For a while the majority of the railway, mileage ,in these states was narrow gauge. In 1882,thirty-two narrow-gauge logging
  24. Wear between the apex seal and the rotor housing, quite evident on higher, mileage ,engines. The problem is exacerbated when the engine is stressed before reaching
  25. Of projects authorized between 1844 and 1846 – by comparison, the total route, mileage ,of the modern UK railway network is around. The line in Lewis Carroll's The
  26. And the UAP and the Country Party, in opposition, made little political, mileage ,against it. In the 1943 federal election, the Fadden-Hughes Coalition suffered
  27. Charge as CBS or NBC while using only about 10 to 15 percent of the time and, mileage ,of either larger network. The FCC's" Sixth Report & Order" ended the Freeze.
  28. West to east on most even-numbered Interstates; on odd-numbered Interstates, mileage ,count increases from south to north. Some tollways, including the New York
  29. To favor environmentally-friendly cars by slightly reducing taxes on high, mileage ,vehicles. However, this has had little effect, and in 2008 Denmark experienced
  30. And tear on the vehicle (older vehicles could be driven in reverse to subtract, mileage ,). The resale value of a vehicle is often strongly influenced by the number of
  31. With suburbs in Illinois and St. Louis County. It is one of the largest (track, mileage ,) systems in the USA. In 2007 preliminary planning was being performed for a
  32. Restore uniform thickness. Machining the disc as necessary will maximize the, mileage ,out of the current discs on the vehicle. Excessive lateral run-out Measuring
  33. Control module making it difficult (but not impossible) to manipulate the, mileage ,electronically. With mechanical odometers, the speedometer can be removed from
  34. Of caliper seals and slight run out to release pads, leading to drag, fuel, mileage , loss,and disc scoring. Drum brake return springs give more positive action and
  35. Between its opening and the 1930s the railway was expanded until its total, mileage ,exceeded 90,most of it progressively electrified from 1905. In 1933 the
  36. Of the available track. Some 5,000 km of track were added in 2010. The total, mileage ,is 91,000 km, about 40 % is electrified. In 2004 China’s railway inventory
  37. Exit numbers; all other exit numbers in New Jersey are based on approximate, mileage ,.: This article is about the Computer. For the Texas district, see United States
  38. Loop costs. The loop price has several components built into it, including the, mileage ,calculation (performed in V/H coordinates, not standard GPS coordinates) and
  39. Market value. Many new cars sold today use digital odometers that store the, mileage ,in the vehicle's engine control module making it difficult (but not
  40. Signage, particularly in rural areas. Exit numbers correspond to Interstate, mileage ,markers in most states. On I-19 in Arizona, however,length is measured in
  41. Traveling north, and then west from Albany. On the Jane Addams Memorial Tollway, mileage ,markers count up from Chicago-O'Hare International Airport traveling west
  42. S I6 - producing - as an option. AMC said the Gremlin offered" the best gas, mileage ,of any production car made in America ". According to the auto editors of
  43. Carbon black to provide an electrical ground and thus are safer. New" high, mileage ," tires use more silica and can increase the buildup of static. A driver who
  44. With a large boot. The car is likely to be powered by an 814 cc engine with a, mileage ,promise of over 20 km per liter. The new Hyundai’s small car is sure to stir
  45. The beginning of I-95,a part of the New Jersey Turnpike. The fact that, mileage ,markers beyond the end of I-80 appear to follow as if they were part of I-80 is
  46. Requirements. Rides usually consist of several routes, sorted by, mileage , and with a certain number of rest stops that usually include refreshments
  47. Depending on rpm and load at cruising speeds, figure on about a 30 percent, mileage ,improvement. Outboard motors benefit from the use of a submerged pump to draw
  48. Another odometer/speedometer pair while on the road. Modern odometers now add, mileage ,driven in reverse to the total as if driven forward, to accurately reflect the
  49. Group in 2003. The goal of this team is to develop a vehicle with very high gas, mileage , The team competes in several national and international competitions each year
  50. Alignment as it existed at that time, and do not necessarily reflect current, mileage , The numbers reset at county lines; the start and end postmiles in each county

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