Examples of the the word, forage , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forage ), is the 9042 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On the coast. Pelicans and cormorants join up with terns and oyster catchers to, forage ,for fish and shellfish on the coast. There are also sea lions on the coast of
  2. Highly stable. Individuals separate for only a few hours at a time, to mate or, forage , With one exception, the killer whale named Luna, no permanent separation of an
  3. That the first humans lived an anarchic and animal sort of life, going out to, forage ,individually and living off the most palatable herbs and the fruit which grew
  4. Head of cattle and 70,000 head of sheep in Nevada. Most of these animals, forage ,on rangeland in the summer, with supplemental feed in the winter. Calves are
  5. Mordor, his force made brief contact with a party of French hussars gathering, forage ,on the edge of the plateau of Jandrenouille. After a brief exchange of shots
  6. Recommend that 50 % or more of the animal's diet by weight should still be, forage , Horses require a plentiful supply of clean water, a minimum of to per day.
  7. Horn bills have a mutualistic relationship with Dwarf Mongooses, in which they, forage ,together and warn each other of nearby birds of prey and other predators.
  8. Categories of crops include grains and pseudograins, pulses (legumes), forage , and fruits and vegetables. Specific crops are cultivated in distinct growing
  9. Either consuming microalgae that produce these fatty acids, as is the case with, forage ,fish like herring and sardines, or,as is the case with fatty predatory fish
  10. This time, the cubs weigh and have developed enough to follow her and begin to, forage ,for solid food. Cubs remain with their mother from two to four years, during
  11. To leave pheromone trails that can be followed by other ants. In species that, forage ,in groups, a forage r that finds food marks a trail on the way back to the
  12. Run quickly and are adept climbers and swimmers. In autumn some bear species, forage ,large amounts of fermented fruits which affects their behavior. Bears use
  13. Originated during the 1940s when studies were conducted measuring the amount of, forage ,available to deer populations in chaparral stands. However, according to recent
  14. Of their territory, but allow females to pass through their domain to, forage , Habitat Okapis prefer altitudes of 500 to 1,000 m, but may venture above 1,000
  15. S occupation troops, who were largely Dominicans, were unpaid, and had to ", forage ,and sack" from Dominican civilians. Haiti imposed a" heavy tribute" on the
  16. Be provided for the besieging army. To refill its supply train, an army would, forage ,extensively as well as resupply itself in cities or supply points - border
  17. The supply lines; the Dutch troops were under strict orders not even to, forage , for fear that this would degenerate into plundering which would alienate the
  18. Feral cats are associated with human habitations and may be fed by people or, forage ,in rubbish, but are wary of human interaction. Pseudo-wildcats are descended
  19. Of parasites, diseases and the very low nutritional value of the native, forage ,were problems. Formation of the breed The European breed used in the formation
  20. Is, any component or characteristic of the environment related directly (e.g., forage ,biomass and quality) or indirectly (e.g. elevation) to the use of a
  21. Advantages of cetacean physiology let this order (and other marine mammals), forage , underwater for extended periods without breathing: * Mammalian myoglobin
  22. The most specialized residents of mangrove forests are mud skippers, fish that, forage ,for food on land, and archer fish, perch-like fish that" spit" at insects and
  23. Life expectancy in captivity is about 10 years. Goeldi's marmosets prefer to, forage ,in dense scrubby undergrowth; perhaps because of this, they are rare, with
  24. Wear. Digestion Horses are herbivores with a digestive system adapted to a, forage ,diet of grasses and other plant material, consumed steadily throughout the day.
  25. Horses are grazing animals, and their major source of nutrients is good-quality, forage ,from hay or pasture. They can consume approximately 2 % to 2.5 % of their body
  26. That salmon farming has major negative impacts on wild salmon, as well as the, forage ,fish that need to be caught to feed them. Fish that are higher on the food
  27. Also are grown, and cattle are raised in Hofer. Other areas grow cereals and, forage ,crops. Poultry production is steadily rising. Fish and shellfish exports
  28. Intakes of protein, protein which is often supplied to them in the form of, forage ,fish. Consequently, farmed salmon consume more wild fish than they generate as
  29. Bison also eat the low-lying shrubbery that is available. In the winter, bison, forage , in the snow looking for grass. If there is little grass available, bison have
  30. Commonly used for rearing beef cattle throughout the world. Cows kept on poor, forage ,(as is typical in subsistence farming) produce a limited amount of milk. A
  31. Breeding behaviors include sniffing, circling and licking each other. Okapis, forage ,along fixed, well-trodden paths through the forest. They have overlapping home
  32. In the wild, a horse may travel up to 50 miles per day to obtain adequate, forage , While horses in the wild covered large areas of terrain, they usually did so
  33. Their maximum sustainable yield. The industrial scale extraction of wild, forage ,fish for salmon farming then impacts the survivability of the wild predator
  34. Green sea turtles that frequent nearby Palmyra atoll travel to Kinsman Reef to, forage ,and bask on the coral rubble spits at low tide. Above sea level the reef is
  35. Most mammals also have hair to help keep them warm. Like birds, mammals can, forage ,or hunt in cold weather and climates where non-avian reptiles and large insects
  36. From their nest and usually find their way back using scent trails. Some ants, forage ,at night. Day foraging ants in hot and arid regions face death by desiccation
  37. Were mostly loyal to Pompey. Caesar's only choice was to fortify his position, forage ,what supplies he could, and wait on his remaining army to attempt another
  38. Workers, but they begin to serve the colony immediately. They enlarge the nest, forage ,for food and care for the other eggs. This is how new colonies start in most
  39. Nomads tend their flocks during the rainy season, moving southward as, forage ,and surface water disappear with the onset of the dry part of the year. The
  40. Are fed to them. As the salmon farming industry expands, it requires more wild, forage ,fish for feed, at a time when seventy-five percent of the worlds monitored
  41. With the election of Godfrey on July 22,Raymond, incensed,took his army to, forage ,away from the city. The foundation of the kingdom, as well as Godfrey's
  42. Overlap with those of other groups. As a result, individual chimpanzees often, forage ,for food alone, or in smaller groups (as opposed to the much larger" parent "
  43. The mare should be provided supplemental vitamins and minerals, particularly if, forage ,quality is questionable. Overfeeding the pregnant mare, particularly during
  44. Impacts on wild fish Salmon farming currently leads to a high demand for wild, forage ,fish. Fish do not actually produce omega-3 fatty acids, but instead accumulate
  45. States In the continental United States, to prevent overgrazing, match the, forage ,supplement to the herd's requirement. This means that a buffer needs to be in
  46. Gini index: 44 (1998) Agriculture - products: wheat, barley,vegetables, forage ,crops, sheep,goats, cattle,camels, horses Industries: construction and
  47. Is so high in calories, it builds up a fat store. Before the pup is ready to, forage , the mother abandons it, and the pup consumes its own fat for weeks or months
  48. Species are used for ornamental plants, and some are also grown for fodder, forage , fruits, cochineal,and other uses. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and
  49. And food and fuel became scarce. Many citizens traveled to the countryside to, forage , Dogs, cats,raw sugar beets, and Tulip bulbs—cooked to a pulp—were consumed to
  50. For rotational grazing to optimize plant health. The growth habit of some, forage ,species, such as alfalfa, does not permit their survival under continuous

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