Examples of the the word, geographic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( geographic ), is the 9025 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. United States. It lies on the south bank of the Red River in almost the exact, geographic ,center of the state. It is the principal city of the Alexandria metropolitan
  2. That are landlocked. Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta, is located near the, geographic ,center of the province and is the primary supply and service hub for Canada's
  3. North Wayside Holy rood constituencies. Geography Angus can be split into three, geographic ,areas. To the north and west, the topography is mountainous; this is the area
  4. world's longest river has gone on for many years, the historic consensus of, geographic ,authorities has been to regard the Amazon as the second-longest river in the
  5. In September 1855. In this paper, he discussed observations regarding the, geographic ,and geologic distribution of both living and fossil species, what would become
  6. Geography of the Malay Archipelago. Paper on the geography and possible, geographic ,history of Indonesia with concluding remarks on importance of biogeography and
  7. But cut off from the rest of the state by the strip of ACT land. This is a, geographic ,curiosity: an exclave of NSW land enclosed by an exclave of ACT land.
  8. Parkway, limiting the transportation options in the central city. The large, geographic ,metropolitan relies on automotive transportation and its network of freeways.
  9. Slater, and Alfred Newton, Wallace began research for a general review of the, geographic ,distribution of animals. He was unable to make much progress initially, in part
  10. Rule is met * Spatial analysis – the study of entities using geometric or, geographic ,properties * Time-series analysis – methods that attempt to understand a
  11. The Aegean Sea. There are three distinct but communicating and interacting, geographic ,regions covered by this term: Crete, the Cyclades and the Greek mainland. Crete
  12. Or" ( sun)rise "; also Asia Minor, from " small Asia "; in modern) is a, geographic ,and historical term denoting the westernmost protrusion of Asia, comprising the
  13. The Introduction of New Species. Wallace's thoughts on the laws governing the, geographic ,distribution of closely allied species and the implications of those laws for
  14. In geography, the location of any point on the Earth can be identified using a, geographic ,coordinate system. This system specifies the latitude and longitude of any
  15. The city. Following the Uncial, several other papers appeared along, geographic ,lines, and the Daily Argus eventually rose to prominence. A young Alameda
  16. Descended from upper layers of the sea to the bottom. In contrast, their wide, geographic ,dispersion in the fossil record is uncharacteristic of benthic animals
  17. Greek Syria Assyria and Assistant. The term Assyria can also refer to the, geographic ,region or heartland where these empires were centered. Their descendants still
  18. Information is presented in the following form: Area code: ANA approximate, geographic ,region United States Disclaimer: This list is primarily for historic archival
  19. May occur because of unidentified social or political situations or because of, geographic ,barriers. In the Southwest, mountain ranges, rivers and, most obviously, the
  20. To Luke's message, while emphasizing the universal nature of the gospel. This, geographic ,structure is foreshadowed in Acts 1:8,where Jesus says" You shall be My
  21. For spoken American English has also developed, as a result of mass media and, geographic ,and social mobility, and broadly describes the English typically heard from
  22. No formal recognition, but,in practice, they still had informal recognition as, geographic , cultural, historical,and in some cases administrative entities. The 2007
  23. The bird system developed by Slater—which divided the earth into six separate, geographic ,regions for describing species distribution—to cover mammals, reptiles and
  24. Cádiz at the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar. Andalusia has three major, geographic ,subregions. In the north, the mountainous Sierra Moreno separates Andalusia
  25. Range widely in their goals, depending on a variety of factors such as, geographic ,spread, local circumstances, size,and membership. For instance, a local
  26. All the known families and genera of the higher animals and listed their known, geographic ,distributions. The text was organized so that it would be easy for a traveler
  27. Lord Apollo and the Rivers have youths in their keeping. " Many of these are, geographic ,: Doris, Rhodea, Europa,Asia. Hesiod explains:" For there are three-thousand
  28. The Columbus surname),was a popular name for the U. S. and for the entire, geographic ,Americas; its usage is restricted to the District of Columbia name. Moreover
  29. He discussed all the factors then known to influence the current and past, geographic ,distribution of animals within each geographic al region. These included the
  30. Ranges of Nicaragua that connect North America and South America, an important, geographic ,feature of New World maps and charts. Moreover, there is the 1908 theory that
  31. Usually requires planning. Sites A Site object in Active Directory represents a, geographic ,location that hosts networks. Forests, trees,and domains The Active Directory
  32. The team completed the journey from the Antarctic coast at Patriot Hills to the, geographic ,South Pole in an incredible 69 hours. In doing so they easily beat the previous
  33. Over at the United States' Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station located at the, geographic ,South Pole. Prior to autopsy, the death was attributed to natural causes by the
  34. Range of the genus Albertosaurus backwards by several million years and its, geographic ,range southwards by hundreds of kilometers. But some have not. But this species
  35. However, both Strabo and Pliny describe that shore. Since the Angles took a, geographic ,name, they likely had other names not based on geography. Strabo's mention of
  36. To severe restrictions and limitations resulting from extreme seasonal and, geographic ,conditions; they do not meet ICAO standards, and advance approval from the
  37. Medication use and suicide over time across many small, geographic ,regions. Until the results of more detailed analyses are known, prudence
  38. River. Alberta's capital city, Edmonton,is located approximately in the, geographic ,center of the province. It is the most northerly major city in Canada, and
  39. Asia and Oceania, devised in the 19th century, have had vastly different, geographic ,meanings since their inception. Oceania has never been Asia, whatever it may
  40. Contemporary, Carl von Clausewitz, to criticize his rigidity and adherence to, geographic ,strategy. Regardless, he remains among Austria's pantheon of heroes of the
  41. Is the larger part of the continent, both the South Magnetic Pole and, geographic ,South Pole are situated here. Divided into: Areas Seas Ice shelves Larger ice
  42. And individuals opposed to Neoliberalism was soon replicated at other, geographic ,scales. The first European Social Forum (ESF) was held in November 2002 in
  43. Astrology began in 1957–58,when Donald Bradley published a hand-plotted, geographic ,astrology map. In the 1970s,American astrologer Jim Lewis developed this
  44. And James Madison use American with two different meanings, political and, geographic ,;" the American republic" in Federalist Paper 51 and in Federalist Paper 70
  45. Asia. " Its administrative Asia is substantially different from the overall, geographic ,and the same may be said of many hundreds more agencies across the globe that
  46. Anthropologists typically divide the world up into relevant time periods and, geographic ,regions. Human time on Earth is divided up into relevant cultural traditions
  47. Also in all other animals, plants,rocks, natural phenomena such as thunder, geographic ,features such as mountains or rivers, or other entities of the natural
  48. The Levant (J1,J2) and those from Southern Arabia, East Africa, or another, geographic ,region. Dr. Karl Kopecks, the founder of CMH, reported during a Conference for
  49. Division, and won promotion to the First Division in 1904. The club's relative, geographic ,isolation resulted in lower attendances than those of other clubs, which led to
  50. In particular with many loan words from Italian, and Latin. Interestingly,the, geographic ,borderlines between the different accents (glosses) coincide strongly with

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