Examples of the the word, favourable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( favourable ), is the 9039 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Restored in 1868 with the Croatian–Hungarian Settlement which was comparatively, favourable , for the Croatians, but still problematic because of issues such as the
  2. Listed on the FIA NACA calendar. The presence of the trade winds along with, favourable , swells make the southern tip of the Island an ideal location for wave sailing (
  3. Accepted by the people, offering them her promise that her son will be always, favourable , toward the city. Afterwards, Zeus secured Demos to the bottom of the ocean.
  4. In the original Swedish production of Jesus Christ Superstar and attracted, favourable , reviews. Between 1967 and 1975,Fatso released five studio albums. Anti-fraud
  5. Demutualised societies' pricing behavior on deposits and mortgages was more, favourable , to shareholders than to customers, with the remaining mutual building societies
  6. Seventh Avenue Theatre in Harlem in 1914. In 1915,Chaplin signed a much more, favourable , contract with Essay Studios, and further developed his cinematic skills
  7. Disillusionment with the West, because of the pre-war Munich Agreement, and a, favourable , popular attitude towards the Soviet Union, because of the Soviets' role in
  8. Le Mans. For the 2000 season, Audi focussed mainly on the new Audi R8,due to, favourable , rules for open-cockpit prototypes. However, most of the competitors (such as
  9. Surrender was originally the norm in Atlantic City casinos but is much more, favourable , to the player than late surrender, and has largely disappeared from the United
  10. Yeats, who had been one of the rebels, because Yeats had not been particularly, favourable , towards one of his own poems, Jephthat. He also disliked Arthur Edward Waite
  11. In matters that will be decided by the central government, but that will need a, favourable , report from the council. The plenary, formed by the 41 city councilors, has
  12. Critics of the era, although later reviewers such as Music gave the album, favourable , reviews,calling the album" often misunderstood and underrated ". The new
  13. Possession, but were planted when economic conditions were particularly, favourable , The British introduced sugar cane which was to become the main crop and source
  14. Withdrawal of Turkish forces and the reunification of the island under the most, favourable , constitutional and territorial settlement possible. This campaign has been
  15. May be a requirement for a special body to be set up, or the proportion of, favourable , votes of members of existing legislative bodies may be required to be higher to
  16. Last of the rebels still held out, and forced them into submission under terms, favourable , to the rebels. In November 1267,parliament met at Marlborough. Here an
  17. Terms. The territory of Estonia would have provided the Soviet army with a, favourable , base for amphibious invasions and air attacks against Finland's capital
  18. Fermentation. Minor and emerging uses Refrigeration – R717 Because of its, favourable , vaporization properties, ammonia is an attractive refrigerant. As a fuel
  19. To moderate their initial positions to make it more likely they receive a, favourable , decision. No definitive statement can be made concerning the credentials or
  20. Neoplatonism some ideas are still visible in his early writings. His generally, favourable , view of Neoplatonic thought contributed to the" baptism" of Greek thought and
  21. Or cataract. The voyage from Aswan to Alexandria usually took 21 to 28 days in, favourable , weather. Climate Aswan is Egypt's hottest, driest inhabited city. Aswan's
  22. Bonds by a hydrolysis reaction, a process that, albeit thermodynamically, favourable , occurs extremely slowly in the absence of a catalyst. The main substrates of
  23. Chad and the Sahara. The region's tall grasses and extensive marshes make it, favourable , for birds, reptiles,and large mammals. Chad's major rivers—the Chart, Logone
  24. Population may be doubled in twenty-five years; but under the same, favourable , circumstances,the whole capital of a country might be doubled in a
  25. And Commodore PET machines, the C64 features of RAM, hence the name, and had, favourable , sound and graphical specifications when compared to well known contemporary
  26. Who could afford to travel great distances expected such facilities and their, favourable , opinion would bode well to attracting others to Canada and the CPR's trains.
  27. Currently registered with the Registrar of Companies in Bermuda. Thanks to its, favourable , tax regime and a highly reactive regulatory framework Bermuda is the domicile
  28. At Marlborough's infantry. Fugger's cuirassiers charged and, striking at a, favourable , angle,threw back Marsin's squadrons in disorder. With support from Colonel
  29. To present this type of Jewish religious functionary to the world in a more, favourable , light. In a 2005 interview, Douglas Gresham acknowledged he and his brother
  30. Bloody Sabbath. For the first time in their career, the band began to receive, favourable , reviews in the mainstream press, with Gordon Fletcher of Rolling Stone calling
  31. Two mounds, and the settlement was built on alluvial clay which may have been, favourable , for early agriculture. Archaeology The site was first excavated by James
  32. From the public use of the church ", and prepares the way for an even less, favourable , use of the word. The respect accorded to apocryphal books varied between
  33. And living things. Wallace wrote to Henry Bates in 1845: I have a rather more, favourable , opinion of the ‘ Vestiges’ than you appear to have. I do not consider it a
  34. Stimulus to an increase of people .... It has been calculated, that under, favourable , circumstances population may be doubled in twenty-five years; but under the
  35. In his entrance in Milan. At this point Alexander decided to profit from the, favourable , situation and carve out for Cesare a state of his own in northern Italy. To
  36. Was met with mixed reviews. For the first time the reviews did not become more, favourable , as time passed, two decades after its release Music gave the album two stars
  37. Are direct-fired, with a burner underneath. These can produce a vigorous and, favourable , boil,but are also apt to scorch the wort where the flame touches the kettle
  38. That has governed China in the past century and can be seen in a more, favourable , light compared with most governments of the developing nations. As a result
  39. In society. Symbolically and materially, the Roman Catholic Church remains in a, favourable , position. Set a path for Islam to follow to acquire the treatment of Jewish and
  40. Was released in July 1975. As with its precursor, the album initially saw, favourable , reviews,with Rolling Stone stating" Sabotage is not only Black Sabbath's
  41. The conservation profession response to this report was on the whole less than, favourable , the Institute of Conservation (ICON) published their response under the
  42. Book were delivered to Hayworth Parsonage. The volume achieved three somewhat, favourable , reviews,but was a dismal failure, with only two copies being sold during the
  43. It was probably used to convert closed forests into more open ecosystems, favourable , to game animals. Stone axes were being made from about 3000 BC not just from
  44. S highest; Only 44 % of the population was rural. Labor rights were also, favourable ,- an eight-hour day had been established in 1933,long before other countries
  45. Composed for Ferdinando de' Medici are lost; they might have given a more, favourable , idea of his style as his correspondence with the prince shows that they were
  46. S dictatorship owing to official persecution, is again on the rise due to, favourable , official language policies and popular support. Currently, about 33 percent of
  47. More research is needed to make a definite statement whether sleep creates, favourable , conditions for consolidation or it actively enhances declarative memory
  48. Fires, Aarhus was still quite a significant city in Denmark due to its, favourable , geographical position which was of significant importance for trading. Trade
  49. His own son Abhishek's Progeria-affected 13-year-old son, and it opened to, favourable , reviews,particularly towards Bachchan's performance. It won him his third
  50. He attracted notice by the quality of his reviews. In December 1876 he gave a, favourable , review of Henry Irving's Hamlet at the Theatre Royal in Dublin. Irving invited

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