Examples of the the word, scarcely , in a Sentence Context

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  1. As seen from the entrance, has a most ample and spacious effect .... I could, scarcely ,imagine myself to be in the woods of Indiana, on the borders of the Wabash
  2. Lies Status on the European side marking the shortest point in the Dardanelles, scarcely ,a mile broad. The strategic site has been a prohibited zone in the twentieth
  3. Learned much or cared much about Midwest and Western football. Indeed, the East, scarcely ,realized that football existed beyond the Alleghenies ..." In his history of
  4. Was not a very active letter-writer in youth. In 1931, he admitted:" In youth I, scarcely ,did any letter-writing — thanking anybody for a present was so much of an
  5. Itself at first so tightly packed that those who were in the third rank could, scarcely ,use their swords ", and the Burgundian sources have a similar passage. In
  6. To hold an army, the castle was a monument to Harren's hubris. But Warren had, scarcely ,finished his work when Argon the Conqueror began his invasion. Harrenhal's
  7. And using gems with similar figures and formulas for magical purposes, it can, scarcely ,be doubted that many of these stones are pagan amulets and instruments of magic
  8. Firearms and was initially known as the HK54. Work on the MP5 began in 1964 and, scarcely ,two years later it was adopted by the German Federal Police, border guard and
  9. Armour with the visor down, and the crush of their numbers meant they could ", scarcely ,lift their weapons" when they finally engaged the English line. The exhausted
  10. However, much of later liberal thought was absent in Locke's writings or, scarcely ,mentioned, and his writings have been subject to various interpretations. There
  11. Of the river god Crystals before the arrival of the Ionians. Of this structure, scarcely ,a trace remains. Archaic period About 650 BC, Ephesus was attacked by the
  12. System). Voting was by simple majority. In the 5th century at least there were, scarcely ,any limits on the power exercised by the assembly. If the assembly broke the
  13. Such theory was understood in Europe, and while yet the science of numbers had, scarcely ,dawned among the Arabs" Standard numbers There are characters representing the
  14. Level road (ISA 40:4). *In the first Exodus, water was provided by God, but, scarcely , In the new Exodus, God will" make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry
  15. Iraq won the war, the fear in the Gulf and the threat to our interest would be, scarcely ,less than it is today. Still, given the importance of the balance of power in
  16. Adding," but other matters related to this subject can be proposed that would, scarcely ,occur to a sixteen-year-old child. " In France at that time offices and
  17. That the Famine" would not kill more than one million people, and that would, scarcely ,be enough to do any good. " It is not clear from this quote, however,whether
  18. Upon it. This buoyant creature must walk decently, like anybody else. It may, scarcely ,be allowed to leap—when it were its joy to follow the line of the rainbow, and
  19. Unlike the population of, say,New York, Geneva or Washington, which would, scarcely ,notice another conference, Daytonians were proud to be part of history. Large
  20. Far behind. As Gorbachev looked on, Hungary changed political systems with, scarcely ,a murmur and the last Soviet troops left Hungary in June 1991. In coalition
  21. Despite it's beauty, size and numerous recreational opportunities, the lake is, scarcely ,visited sheer to it's massive 1100 km (685-mile) distance from Helsinki
  22. The religious principles, which have, in fact, prevailed in the world. You will, scarcely ,be persuaded, that they are anything but sick men's dreams ", and " Doubt
  23. Rabbinical demonology has three classes of demons, though they are, scarcely ,separable one from another. There were the she dim, the (" farmers" ), and the
  24. The temple was originally 550 ft (168 m) long, but the forecourts are, scarcely ,recognizable, and the part still in good condition is about 250 ft (76 m)
  25. Wanting. In the forelimb, the upper and lower series of carpal (finger) bones, scarcely ,alternated, but in the hind foot, the straggles overlapped the cuboid, while
  26. Come back as ghosts. The New York Times reviewed the play saying it is ", scarcely ,more than an extended comedy sketch, lacking the portent and linguistic
  27. Various sojourns in Italy. Death and rebirth of a reputation Caravaggio's fame, scarcely ,survived his death. His innovations inspired the Baroque, but the Baroque took
  28. 31.11),which may have been written in about the 8th century BCE. The word, scarcely ,appears in the principal Upanishads. The Chandra Upanishads, dated to the 8th
  29. Magazine of May 1821; In 1828,Barrett Browning’s mother died. She wrote ", scarcely ,I was a woman when I lost my mother ". Elizabeth Barrett Browning opposed
  30. Council of Tours (1163) and of the Third Council of the Lateran (1179)—had, scarcely ,more effect upon the Fathers. When Pope Innocent III came to power in 1198,he
  31. Closer to home, with access to his own doctors in case of failure:" I who, scarcely ,lived through a day without leech or potion! ". Nevertheless, a number of
  32. And Matthew" has been used in a With worth gun for more than 3000 rounds, and, scarcely , shows signs of wear yet. Those who know the constant trouble and expense which
  33. True that the Greek world of thought was so far-ranging that there is, scarcely ,an idea discussed today not already debated by the ancient writers. At the
  34. Of northern Africa presents a close resemblance to that of Southern Europe, scarcely ,a species being found which does not also occur in the other countries
  35. Reformed religion was undertaken, and the 1552 book was republished in 1559, scarcely , altered. The alterations, though minor, were however to cast a long shadow. One
  36. Astonished. In fact, you merely confirm what I have for years and years felt, scarcely ,a doubt about, but should have considered it most improper in me to hint to you
  37. Prison, and a serious revolt followed in southern Afghanistan. The Amir had, scarcely ,suppressed it by winning a desperate battle when Abdul Rahman's reappearance
  38. Of the Sahara is the date palm, which flourishes where other vegetation can, scarcely ,maintain existence, while in the semidesert regions the acacia, from which gum
  39. Often round a camp or at a ford or crossroads; some were not small, others were, scarcely ,urban, some not even defended by a wall, the characteristic feature of a place
  40. They recuperated from their ordeal. Nansen later wrote that he could" still, scarcely ,grasp" the sudden change of fortune; had it not been for the walrus attack
  41. At the summer solstice, the shadow was only 1/400th of the staff, and so could, scarcely ,be discerned, and the northern limb of the Sun's disc would be nearly vertical
  42. Race, which dwelt at first in the swamps, — a stunted, foul and puny tribe, scarcely ,human, and having no language save one which bore but slight resemblance to
  43. Authoritarian, were conservative and traditional. Stanley Payne notes: ", scarcely ,any of the serious historians and analysts of Franco consider the generalissimo
  44. And Napoleon dating from 1793 until 1815. British relations with France had, scarcely ,improved since 1815. Probably as a result of their continuing feud, Palmerston
  45. With the sacred books of the Jews, the Christians, and the Muhammadans ..., scarcely ,be found even amongst the eloquent. " When ` Abdul'Baha was seven, he
  46. As the president of the Continental Congress," that a wagon load of money will, scarcely ,purchase a wagon load of provisions. " Mr. Jay and the Congress responded in
  47. I should never see a single line of mine in print in my lifetime, but,also, I, scarcely , dared allow any of my close acquaintances to read anything I had written
  48. Of Africa in 377. With this attribution Alexander Outer agrees. There is, scarcely ,anything to be said for the possibility of Ambrose having written the book
  49. Years of the period in which he was engaged on the above-mentioned works, scarcely ,merit notice. His mind was entirely absorbed in the labors of his studio, and
  50. And quicksand pits along the edges. There are no outlet streams. Rainfall is, scarcely ,per year in the northern part of the Dead Sea and barely in the southern part.

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