Examples of the the word, enormously , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enormously ), is the 9035 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With no breaks in between the songs. This 19-minute dance marathon proved to be, enormously ,popular, especially at dance clubs. All three songs were released as singles
  2. However, the evolution has stopped by itself when the last descendant,an, enormously ,large crab, was created, being unable to reproduce itself due to lack of energy
  3. Of the day boosted the status of, and recruitment into, the organization, enormously , Bloody Sunday remains among the most significant events in the Troubles of
  4. But is allowed to run forever when the answer is" no ". This algorithm is, enormously ,impractical, even if P = NP. If the shortest program that can solve SUBSET-SUM
  5. Their jaw structure has evolved to fit their dietary habits. Their diet varies, enormously ,throughout their differing areas based on opportunity. For example, bears in
  6. I W Frank House in Pittsburgh, among other projects. The Harvard School was, enormously ,influential in America in the late 1920s and early 1930s,producing such
  7. The Cloacae These twin sons of Iphigenia and Poseidon, Otos and Euphrates, grew, enormously , at a young age. They were aggressive, great hunters, and could not be killed
  8. Special 70th Anniversary Edition. Plot Charles Foster Kane (Orson Welles),an, enormously ,wealthy media proprietor, has been living alone in Florida in his vast palatial
  9. Increase the power of the pope. The area of the Roman Catholic Church expanded, enormously ,due to conversions of pagan kings (Scandinavia, Lithuania,Poland, Hungary )
  10. Sometimes through the student body). Economic and research motor The TU/e is, enormously ,important to the economy of the Eindhoven region, as well as the wider areas of
  11. The sense of team spirit, fraternity,and common purpose appealed to Camus, enormously , In match reports Camus would often attract positive comment for playing with
  12. Roman Empire sitting crowned upon the grave thereof ", he was promulgating an, enormously ,important truth. Authority in the Roman Church is the exertion of that imperium
  13. Partner Harry Aiken, who was released from the Mutual Film Corporation It was, enormously ,popular, breaking box office records, but aroused controversy due to its
  14. Not resume until 1946. Robert Dollar was a later shipping magnate, who became, enormously ,influential moving Californian and Canadian lumber to the Chinese and Japanese
  15. From African American sources, and his uninhibited performance style made him, enormously ,popular—and controversial. In November 1956,he made his film debut in Love Me
  16. Years. Following the appearance of this book,Bergson's popularity increased, enormously , not only in academic circles, but among the general reading public. At that
  17. Expanded the scope of federal drug laws and expanded federal police power, enormously , Part F of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970
  18. Touched the vast resources of the Persian empire, yet for the Greeks it was an, enormously ,significant victory. It was the first time the Greeks had beaten the Persians
  19. Worried that he would waste all his inheritance on this project, which was, enormously ,expensive. While the exhibition earned poor reviews from the major critics, it
  20. A coastal zone::::::::::: Wildlife Animals living along the coast vary, enormously , some live along coasts to nest like puffins, sea turtles and rockhopper
  21. Little other color on the face. Like Arlecchino,Pedrolino's character changed, enormously ,with the rising popularity of pantomime in the late 19th century, becoming
  22. Years War had been raging on continental Europe for nearly 25 years. It was an, enormously ,destructive war that (it is estimated) destroyed 15–20 % of the population of
  23. Group is often left to the discretion of the performers, and practice varied, enormously ,within the Baroque period. At least one instrument capable of playing chords
  24. In Fantasy,Poland's leading fantasy literary magazine, in 1986 and was, enormously ,successful both with readers and critics. Minkowski has created a cycle of
  25. A corresponding fall when admitting his blindness. " Walker's collection was, enormously ,popular, selling about 600,000 copies all over the U. S. when the total
  26. Improve efficiency. " Between 1933 and 1958,Cuba increased economic regulation, enormously , The Cuban revolution Fidel Castro, a young lawyer from a rich family, who was
  27. Picture Arts and Sciences found the cost of storing 4K digital masters to be ", enormously ,higher - 1100 % higher - than the cost of storing film masters. " Furthermore
  28. Such as fishing equipment, seeds and agricultural implements. They vary, enormously , from helping families raise pigs in Venezuela, through creating school gardens
  29. Enterprise (composed of around 30 million private businesses) has expanded, enormously ,; in 2005,it accounted for anywhere between 33 % to 70 % of national GDP, while
  30. Navy increased William's suspicions. In the previous years the French navy had, enormously ,grown in strength and the Dutch Republic would no longer be able to resist a
  31. To the element in the form of naturally occurring clay in soil and dust is, enormously ,large over a lifetime. Scientific consensus does not yet exist about whether
  32. Compared to the emission of light into an empty mode. This paper was, enormously ,influential in the later development of quantum mechanics, because it was the
  33. Manuscript, or " foul papers ", as a major source. Marlowe's plays were, enormously ,successful, thanks in part, no doubt, to the imposing stage presence of Edward
  34. Is by no means settled. While many biologists do stress that the, enormously ,heterogeneous nature of life on Earth foregrounds an even greater variety in
  35. Comparison is undertaken. The importance of comparative law has increased, enormously ,in the present age of internationalism, economic globalization and
  36. Atmosphere conducive to investor interest. The Equato-Guinean budget has grown, enormously ,in the past 3 years as royalties and taxes on foreign company oil and gas
  37. Especially fortified wines such as sherry (Jerez),aged in sol eras. These are, enormously ,varied; for example, dry sherry may be the very distinct fine, manzanilla
  38. Humans using functional imaging techniques such as MRI—this field has expanded, enormously ,over the past two decades. A different approach to brain function is to examine
  39. And scientists are similarly unlikely to become celebrities even if they are, enormously ,successful in their field. Ensuing political career Families Another example of
  40. Recoverable. Fort McMurray, one of Canada's fastest growing cities, has grown, enormously ,in recent years because of the large corporations which have taken on the task
  41. Of ready-built" off the shelf ", performance-oriented wheels. Tires vary, enormously , Skinny 18 to 25 millimeters wide, road-racing tires may be completely smooth
  42. Is the inclusion of family Tracheae. By its inclusion the order has grown, enormously ,in number of species. The family Tracheae alone accounts for about a hundred
  43. Are more often introduced to Orwell as a novelist, particularly through his, enormously ,successful titles Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. The former is often
  44. Time to time. Legacy Stephen Thomas Brewing of All music describes Parsons as ", enormously ,influential" for both country and rock," blending the two genres to the point
  45. Burrito Brothers. His career, though short, is described by All music as ", enormously ,influential" for both country and rock," blending the two genres to the point
  46. News—particularly news that explains to people how it affects them—is expanding, enormously , " In February 1996,after former US Republican Party political strategist and
  47. Of geologic change as the steady accumulation of minute changes over, enormously ,long spans of time was a powerful influence on the young Charles Darwin. Lyell
  48. Recoverable. Fort McMurray, one of Canada's fastest growing cities, has grown, enormously ,in recent years because of the large corporations which have taken on the task
  49. Stories, and fantasy, sometimes involving magic. Her books were and still are, enormously ,popular throughout the Commonwealth; as translations in the former Yugoslavia
  50. Distribution. AC eventually replaced DC for generation and power distribution, enormously ,extending the range and improving the safety and efficiency of power

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