Examples of the the word, antioxidant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( antioxidant ), is the 9044 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minor kingdoms Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with, antioxidant ,properties. It is a white solid, but impure samples can appear yellowish. It
  2. Reactive oxygen species. Consequently, organisms contain a complex network of, antioxidant ,metabolites and enzymes that work together to prevent oxidative damage to
  3. Antioxidants, UA has the highest concentration of any in the blood Uric acid's, antioxidant ,activities are also complex, given that it does not react with all oxidants
  4. A 2009 review of experiments in mice concluded that almost all manipulations of, antioxidant ,systems had no effect on aging. Diets high in fruit and vegetables, which are
  5. Tissue damage; Oxidative damage in DNA can cause cancer. However, several, antioxidant , enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, catalase,glutathione peroxidase
  6. 2 Fe2+ + 2 H2O2 → 2 Fe3+ + 2 OH· + 2 OH The relative importance of the, antioxidant ,and pro-oxidant activities of antioxidant s are an area of current research, but
  7. Since the Thiel group in its cysteine s. Melatonin is a powerful, antioxidant ,and, unlike conventional antioxidant s such as vitamins C and E and glutathione
  8. Potential of antioxidant supplements to damage health There is evidence that, antioxidant ,supplements promote disease and increase mortality in humans. It was previously
  9. Disease and even altitude sickness. Although initial studies suggested that, antioxidant ,supplements might promote health, later large clinical trials did not detect
  10. Is as a signaling molecule, with this molecule having no significant role in, antioxidant ,metabolism. The functions of the other forms of vitamin E are even less
  11. Reversed by the action of sulfiredoxin. Peroxiredoxins seem to be important in, antioxidant ,metabolism, as mice lacking peroxiredoxin 1 or 2 have shortened lifespan and
  12. Damage to cellular components such as DNA, proteins and lipids. In general, antioxidant ,systems either prevent these reactive species from being formed, or remove them
  13. Contain antioxidant s - such as green tea and Xiaoguang. Although some levels of, antioxidant ,vitamins and minerals in the diet are required for good health, there is
  14. And various peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidant s, or inhibition of the, antioxidant ,enzymes, cause oxidative stress and may damage or kill cells. As oxidative
  15. Free radicals. Therefore, it has been referred to as a terminal (or suicidal), antioxidant , Tocopherol and tocotrienols (vitamin E) vitamin E is the collective name
  16. Consumption reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while improving, antioxidant ,status and some immune parameters. While the active ingredient in oats appears
  17. Exercise, such as increased insulin sensitivity. The evidence for benefits from, antioxidant ,supplementation in vigorous exercise is mixed. There is strong evidence that
  18. Having synergistic and interdependent effects on one another. The action of one, antioxidant ,may therefore depend on the proper function of other members of the antioxidant
  19. Are produced by neutrophils to remove damaged tissue. As a result, excessive, antioxidant , levels may inhibit recovery and adaptation mechanisms. Antioxidant supplements
  20. Urate conversion to allantoic remain the topic of active speculation, but the, antioxidant ,effects of uric acid have led researchers to suggest this mutation was
  21. At least seven large clinical trials were conducted to test the effects of, antioxidant ,supplement with vitamin E, in doses ranging from 50 to per day. None of these
  22. High in antioxidant s, promote health and reduce the effects of aging, however, antioxidant , vitamin supplementation has no detectable effect on the aging process, so the
  23. Has been claimed that the tocopherol form is the most important lipid-soluble, antioxidant , and that it protects membranes from oxidation by reacting with lipid radicals
  24. And related fluorescence-based techniques, ascorbic acid can be used as an, antioxidant ,to increase fluorescent signal and chemically retard dye photobleaching. It is
  25. Against reactive oxygen species that are byproducts of photosynthesis. The term, antioxidant ,originally was used to refer specifically to a chemical that prevented the
  26. Or placebo pills for an average of 7.5 years. The study concluded that low-dose, antioxidant ,supplementation lowered total cancer incidence and all-cause mortality in men
  27. Are required for good health, there is considerable doubt whether these, antioxidant ,supplements are beneficial or harmful, and if they are actually beneficial
  28. http://scriptures.lds.org/en/alma/ The Book of Mormon: The Book of Alma An, antioxidant ,is a molecule capable of inhibiting the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation
  29. Reactive oxygen species such as hydrogen peroxide. In addition to its direct, antioxidant ,effects, ascorbic acid is also a substrate for the redox enzyme acerbate
  30. Of high altitude acclimatization support the hypothesis that rate acts as an, antioxidant ,by mitigating the oxidative stress caused by high-altitude hypoxia. In animal
  31. Instead synthesized in cells from its constituent amino acids. Glutathione has, antioxidant ,properties since the Thiel group in its cysteine s. Melatonin is a
  32. Are beneficial or harmful, and if they are actually beneficial, which, antioxidant , ( s) are needed and in what amounts. Indeed, some authors argue that the
  33. Acid (nominal oxidized form of vitamin C) Acerbate usually acts as an, antioxidant , It typically reacts with oxidants of the reactive oxygen species, such as the
  34. Antioxidant may therefore depend on the proper function of other members of the, antioxidant ,system. In almost all land animals, Urate oxidase further catalyzes the
  35. Role of oxidative stress in cardiovascular disease, controlled studies using, antioxidant ,vitamins have observed no reduction in either the risk of developing heart
  36. Are reducing agents can also act as pro-oxidants. For example, vitamin C has, antioxidant ,activity when it reduces oxidizing substances such as hydrogen peroxide
  37. Levels (535+ MOL/L). Many of these aforementioned studies determined UA's, antioxidant ,actions within normal physiological levels, The effects of uric acid in
  38. Plants between 50 and 200 million years ago resulted in the development of many, antioxidant ,pigments — particularly during the Jurassic period — as chemical defenses
  39. Its effects as a vitamin by oxidizing polypeptides, appears to have a mostly, antioxidant ,action in the human body. However, less data is available for other dietary
  40. Aging process, so the effects of fruit and vegetables may be unrelated to their, antioxidant ,contents. One reason for this might be the fact that consuming antioxidant
  41. Is harmful. (Concerning the previous studies cited the first only shows that, antioxidant ,supplements were not effective in helping against" mountain sickness ", and in
  42. Eight related tocopherol and tocotrienols, which are fat-soluble vitamins with, antioxidant ,properties. Of these, α-tocopherol has been most studied as it has the highest
  43. Antioxidant contents. One reason for this might be the fact that consuming, antioxidant ,molecules such as polyphenols and vitamin E will produce changes in other parts
  44. Ascorbic acid and its sodium, potassium,and calcium salts are commonly used as, antioxidant ,food additives. These compounds are water-soluble and thus cannot protect fats
  45. EAE),an animal model of MS. " While the mechanism of UA as an, antioxidant ,is well-supported, the claim that its levels affect MS risk is still
  46. Other dietary antioxidant s, such as vitamin E, or the polyphenols. Potential of, antioxidant ,supplements to damage health There is evidence that antioxidant supplements
  47. Widely used in industrialized countries. These supplements may include specific, antioxidant ,chemicals, like the polyphenol, resveratrol (from grape seeds or knot weed
  48. This idea has been tested in clinical trials and does not seem to be true, as, antioxidant , supplements have no clear effect on the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer
  49. To propose this is due to UA's antioxidant properties. Studies of UA's, antioxidant ,mechanism have supported this proposal. Gwen Scott explains the significance of
  50. The disease or reduces it, leading researchers to propose this is due to UA's, antioxidant ,properties. Studies of UA's antioxidant mechanism have supported this proposal

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