Examples of the the word, typewriter , in a Sentence Context

The word ( typewriter ), is the 12349 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Widespread use of CRT terminals, was the development of a special IBM Selectric, typewriter ,interchangeable type ball with all the special APL characters on it. This was
  2. Edward Island joins the Canadian Confederation. *1874 – The Holes and Gladden, typewriter , the first commercially successful typewriter , goes on sale. *1878 – Canada
  3. During their heyday, they could produce text which was as clear and crisp as a, typewriter , though they were nowhere near the quality of printing presses. The fastest
  4. Printers, disk drives, tape drives, computer printing paper, and even, typewriter ,ribbons. In the 1950s,Burroughs had worked with the Federal Reserve Bank on
  5. Was also called keyboard art. In the 1954 short film Stamp Day for Superman, typewriter ,art was a feature of the plot. TTY and RTT TTY stands for" TeleTYpe" or "
  6. By the late 1950s a wave of Japanese machines forced most North American, typewriter ,companies to cease business, but Trammel instead turned to adding machines. In
  7. At finding that the much-awarded Later had to write his novels on a manual, typewriter ,that was propped up over the sink in his apartment. But other reports suggest
  8. Work, though Perry White has often been shown as still favoring his manual, typewriter , Recently it was revealed that Clark uses a typewriter as well due to his
  9. Daisy wheel printers Daisy-wheel printers operate in much the same fashion as a, typewriter , A hammer strikes a wheel with petals, the " daisy wheel ", each petal
  10. Machine, which forced ink through a wax paper stencil cut by the keys of a, typewriter , was the standard for many decades. A second-hand mime could print hundreds of
  11. Graphics display, and a Saroyan Engineering modified IBM Model B Electric, typewriter ,that was used as a printer. The Saroyan system was notoriously unreliable, and
  12. Technology of fanzines. Early fanzines were hand-drafted or typed on a manual, typewriter ,and printed using primitive reproduction techniques (e.g., the spirit
  13. Era of typewriter . One of the early attempts was an electromechanical Chinese, typewriter ,Ming quiet () which was invented by Lin Yutong, a prominent Chinese writer. It
  14. Before checking on him. The police report concerning his death stated that in a, typewriter ,in front of Thompson, they found" a piece of paper carrying the date 'Feb 22
  15. Music press. They were produced using the technology of the time, i. e., typewriter ,and Least. Examples include Bombsite Fanzine (Liverpool 1977)
  16. 1874 – The Holes and Gladden typewriter , the first commercially successful, typewriter , goes on sale. *1878 – Canada joins the Universal Postal Union. *1879 – Charles
  17. Line, and between 25 and 28 lines per page. A manually-operated Perkins Braille, typewriter ,supports a maximum of 42 cells per line (its margins are adjustable),and
  18. A QWERTY keyboard includes perpetuity, prerequire, proprietor,repertoire, and, typewriter , If hyphens are allowed, teeter-totter stands out as the longest word at 12
  19. Board, as well as a vintage-looking computer with antique wood, and a converted, typewriter ,as a keyboard. In addition, DEKA has recently received funding from DARPA to
  20. Favoring his manual typewriter . Recently it was revealed that Clark uses a, typewriter ,as well due to his powers causing minor interference in regular desktop
  21. And he could well have begun by asking himself what was meant by calling a, typewriter ,'mechanical' ". Given the prevalence of Morse code and telegraphy, ticker tape
  22. United States, William Austin Burt patents the typographer, a precursor to the, typewriter , *1833 – Cornerstones are laid for the construction of the Kirtland Temple in
  23. In Raiders of the Lost Ark. Spielberg commented," Rosebud will go over my, typewriter ,to remind me that quality in movies comes first. " The film's structure
  24. Its successors, using the same design principles. As well, the IBM Selectric, typewriter ,had several of them. These were typically disc-shaped assemblies mounted on the
  25. May 1954 issues of Playboy magazine. Bradbury wrote the entire novel on a pay, typewriter ,in the basement of UCLA's Powell Library. Over the years, the novel has been
  26. Every typographical symbol available on his extensive and somewhat eccentric, typewriter , In the revised edition (BC2),only capital letters are used, with numerals
  27. Of existing electric typewriter s. The Fri den Flexowriter and IBM Selectric, typewriter ,were the most-common examples. The Flexowriter printed with a conventional
  28. Keys and adopted a new way of categorizing Chinese characters. However,the, typewriter ,was not produced commercially and Lin found himself deeply in debt. In the
  29. In his book The Textbook. Hexadecimal representations are written there in a, typewriter ,typeface: 5A3 * Any IPv6 address can be written as eight groups of four
  30. The page, writing in mirror image, by hand, or it may be produced on a Braille, typewriter ,or Perkins Braille, or produced by a Braille embosser attached to a computer.
  31. Alan had dreamt of inventing typewriter s as a boy; Mrs. Turing had a, typewriter ,; and he could well have begun by asking himself what was meant by calling a
  32. Similar words with 10 letters include: pepper wort, perpetuity,proprietor, typewriter , regulatory, repertoire,tripartite and furniture. The word teeter totter (
  33. Have been used for creating visual art. The oldest known preserved example of, typewriter ,art is a picture of a butterfly made in 1898 by Flora Stacey. Typewriter art
  34. Worked briefly for Time, as a copy boy for $51 a week. While working, he used a, typewriter ,to copy F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby and Ernest Hemingway's A
  35. History The development of Chinese input methods dates back to the era of, typewriter , One of the early attempts was an electromechanical Chinese typewriter Ming
  36. Both negatively and positively. He does all his writing on a manual Olympia, typewriter , and has a substantial distaste for personal computers and most of the Internet
  37. It truly was, such as various shots of Xanadu. A loud, full-screen closeup of a, typewriter ,typing a single word (" weak" ), magnifies the review for the Chicago
  38. To" copy" received messages, and at the time it made more sense to build a, typewriter ,that could generate the codes automatically, rather than making them learn to
  39. Sheet. In 1892,Frank Hall created the Hall braille writer which was like a, typewriter ,with 6 keys, one for each dot in a braille cell. The Perkins Braille, first
  40. Was above a certain threshold, it would be sent as output to an electric, typewriter , The Colossus was used to find possible key combinations for the Lorenz
  41. Widely used data-processing character set and was also not usually provided on, typewriter ,keyboards for a national language, it didn't get in. Hence, the directional
  42. Favorite guest on the long-running program. In one episode, he brought in his, typewriter ,and proceeded to write a new short story live on the air (he titled the story
  43. Was popularized by the Peanuts comic strip, in which Snoopy's sessions on the, typewriter ,usually began with It was a dark and stormy night. The same words also form the
  44. Write. He is known to have tried using the Hansen Writing Ball, a contemporary, typewriter ,device. Nietzsche occasionally returned to Hamburg to visit his family, and
  45. But rather used whole plates made from a system somewhat like a modern, typewriter , whereby the letters were stamped successively into the plate and then printed.
  46. To express themselves. Teletypes were limited to the keys of a standard, typewriter ,keyboard plus a few special characters. Teletype operators developed a sort of
  47. Is of seeing her at her desk ... I admired the writer's equipment,the, typewriter ,eraser, the boxes of clean paper. And I remember the brown envelopes that
  48. Art requires a fixed-width font (non-proportional fonts, as on a traditional, typewriter ,) such as Courier for presentation. Among the oldest known examples of ASCII
  49. It. This was used on paper printing terminal workstations using the Selectric, typewriter ,and type ball mechanism, such as the IBM 1050 and IBM 2741 terminal. Key caps
  50. On a forcible impact to transfer ink to the media, similar to the action of a, typewriter , All but the dot matrix printer rely on the use of formed characters

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