Examples of the the word, assassin , in a Sentence Context
The word ( assassin ), is the 12353 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 43 BC – Battle of Forum Gallo rum: Mark Antony, besieging Julius Caesar's, assassin ,Decides Julius Brutus Albinos in Mutiny, defeats the forces of the consul Pans
- Aachen, but was murdered before he could do anymore, either by a Frankish, assassin ,or by one of his own men. Godfrey was succeeded by his nephew Hemming, who
- German politician and diplomat (b. 1524) *1589 – Jacques Clément, French, assassin , of Henry III of France (b. 1567) *1675 – Peekaboo, sachem of Pockets, a
- To comply. The trade-off with the remaining thief goes well until Shiragami's, assassin ,kills the thief. The thief dies before he can show Lieutenant Gore Condo and
- The first Prime Minister of Pakistan, was assassin ated by Said Akbar, a lone, assassin , in 1951. Conspiracy theorists believe his conflict with certain members of the
- Mongols in the Battle of Ain Value (near EIN Hard) and his successor (and, assassin ,), Baibars, eliminated the last Crusader Kingdom of Acre in 1291,thereby
- Michael Mann's Collateral (2004) features a performance by Tom Cruise as an, assassin ,in the lineage of Le Samurai. The torments of The Machinist (2004),directed
- And wife of Walter Isuzu (1919 –) Apartheid operatives *Clive Derby-Lewis, assassin ,and former parliamentarian (1936 –) *Jimmy Kruger, apartheid Minister of
- Willingness to be killed or commit suicide in the attack. Etymology The word, assassin ,is derived from the word Hashshashin (Arabic: حشّاشين, ħashshāshīyīn, also
- Adobe, alchemy,alcohol, algebra,algorithm, alkaline,almanac, amber,arsenal, assassin , banana, candy,carat, cipher,coffee, cotton,hazard, jar,jasmine, lemon
- In" The Great Game ", the third episode of the BBC's 2010 Sherlock a hired, assassin ,from Eastern Europe is called" Golem" and Sherlock briefly mentions the
- To commit another massacre before the new year. Fortunately, one suspected, assassin ,was detained very shortly afterwards in another part of San Pedro SLA, and
- Surgeon when President Garfield was fatally wounded by the bullet of an, assassin ,in 1881. He was the author of several works, the most important being The
- To their would-be captors. Joanna Cassidy was a special-ops, undercover and, assassin ,replica model called Hora. Cassidy portrays a strong female who has seen the
- Coal showed UK's PM Thatcher with an eye patch and the text: Pirate, witch and, assassin , Guilty! Three British reporters sent to Argentina to cover the war from the
- Ships:, and. In protagonist of the 2007 video game Assassin's Creed is the, assassin ,Altair India'Had. Visual companions The A-type main sequence star has the
- Bird-adapted flowers. Visiting flowers can be a dangerous occupation. Many, assassin ,bugs and crab spiders hide in flowers to capture unwary bees. Other bees are
- States. *1865 – Union cavalry troopers corner and shoot dead John Wilkes Booth, assassin ,of President Lincoln, in Virginia. *1925 – Paul von Hindenburg defeats Wilhelm
- 1912 – Roberta McCain, mother of John McCain *1914 – Ramón Mercedes, Spanish, assassin , of Leon Trotsky (d. 1978) *1915 – Eddie Bracken, American actor (d. 2002) *
- For Jewish families. On June 4,1942,Heinrich died after being wounded by an, assassin ,in Operation Anthropoid. Heydrich's successor, Colonel General Kurt Allege
- Official statement, Corbett claimed he shot Booth because he thought Lincoln's, assassin ,was preparing to use his weapons. This was contradicted by the other witnesses.
- Pacino, Greek actress (b. 1900) *1974 – Samuel Back, American attempted, assassin ,of Richard Nixon (b. 1930) *1976 – Angela Mandela, English actress (b. 1904
- Cavalry Regiment sent, on April 24, 1865,to apprehend John Wilkes Booth,the, assassin ,of Abraham Lincoln, who was still at large. Two days later the regiment
- And father of Thabo Mbeki (1910–2001) *Robert McBride, anti-apartheid, assassin , and later police chief (1963 –) *Fatima Meet, scientist and political
- But then promptly released him and returned him to his unit. The seventh, assassin ,escaped to Montenegro where he was arrested. Austria-Hungary asserted its right
- Dead 1894) was the Union Army soldier who shot and killed Abraham Lincoln's, assassin , John Wilkes Booth. He disappeared after 1888,but circumstantial evidence
- Superhero community at large as the computer hacker Oracle; Israel, a would-be, assassin ,who replaces Bruce Wayne as Batman for a time; Cassandra Cain, an assassin 's
- Narrowly survived his wounds, while Johnson escaped attack as his would-be, assassin , George Atheroma, failed to go through with the plan. Presidency 1865–1869 On
- That kills one man and nearly kills another. The surviving thief flees, and the, assassin ,barely escapes from the plant's grasp. They do not realize that they have just
- Godson, English satirist (b. 1554) *1657 – Miles Sindercombe, attempted, assassin , of Oliver Cromwell *1727 – William Wotton, English scholar (b. 1666) *1728 –
- Radon, French painter (d. 1916) *1844 – Lewis Thornton Powell, would-be, assassin , of United States Secretary of State William H. Seward (d. 1865) *1852 –
- By the pacifist Hero Buy. In the year After Colony 175,Buy is shot dead by an, assassin ,(believed to be Odin Lowe),forcing the colonies to search for other paths to
- The System Shock games. *Robyn (" Cyborg" spelled backwards),a cybernetic, assassin ,in Throne Cross. He joins the player's party after being defeated. *MegaMan.
- Garfield. The metal detector worked flawlessly in tests but did not find the, assassin ,'s bullet partly because the metal bed frame on which the President was lying
- Karamanlis, Greek politician (b. 1907) * 1998 – James Earl Ray, American, assassin , ( b. 1928) * 1998 – Chassis Skoals, Greek musician (b. 1920) *2003 –
- Poisoner named Martina, Caligula still delivers the fatal dose of poison as the, assassin ,'s willing, eager pawn. Photo gallery File: Dress the elder bust. JPG|Nero
- French naturalist (b. 25 December 1771) *1865 – John Wilkes Booth, American, assassin , ( b. 1838) *1881 – Ludwig Fraser on UND EU her Tann-Rathsamhausen, German
- Republic's hailing of Khalid Islambouli, the late President Anwar Sadat's, assassin ,as a religious hero, seeing as there was both a street and mural named after
- Groups are watching Dr. Hiragana: a gang of thieves hired by Bio-Major and an, assassin ,from a Middle Eastern country called Arabia. As it turns out, Dr. Hiragana is
- Drew his bow, but his foot slipped, the arrow glanced aside, and he received the, assassin ,'s dagger in his breast. Alp Asian died four days later from this wound on 25
- Many of the schemes involving poisoning his cigars. In the late 1950s,KGB, assassin ,Bogdan Stashynsky killed Ukrainian nationalist leaders LEV Rebel and Stefan
- Assassin who replaces Bruce Wayne as Batman for a time; Cassandra Cain,an, assassin ,'s daughter who became the new Batgirl, Huntress,the sole surviving member of
- To kill him and committed suicide. Her reputed last words, uttered as the, assassin ,was about to strike, were " Smite my womb ", the implication here being she
- Irish nobility (b. 1782) *1868 – Henry James O'Farrell, Australian would-be, assassin ,of Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh *1910 – Mark Twain, American author and
- d. 1960) * 1890 – Fanny Kaplan, Russian political revolutionary and attempted, assassin ,of Vladimir Lenin (d. 1918) *1892 – Alan Hale Sr., American actor (d. 1950)
- By members of the anarchist movement. For example, U. S. President McKinley's, assassin ,Leon Czolgosz claimed to have been influenced by anarchist and feminist Emma
- it's right to extradite him, but Montenegrin authorities instead allowed the, assassin ,to" escape" to Serbia where he joined Major Tankosić's unit; Major Arkosic
- To star in the film. Scripted by Alejandro Canon, the film is about a top, assassin , with his conscience getting the better of him, and a cop on his tail. The
- Has been conducting his own secret experiments. When the thieves and the, assassin ,catch each other breaking into Shiragami's laboratory, a gunfight ensues. It
- Ann Moore, American poet (d. 1920) *1869 – Religious Niewiadomski, Polish, assassin , of Gabriel Narutowicz (d. 1923) *1873 – Valery Bryson, Russian poet (d.
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