Examples of the the word, scarlet , in a Sentence Context
The word ( scarlet ), is the 12352 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- 2006. Venture and privileges When in choir dress, a Latin-rite cardinal wears, scarlet ,garments — the blood-like red symbolizes a cardinal's willingness to die for
- Takes place with the scarlet biretta. In ecclesiastical heraldry, however,the, scarlet ,Galeão is still displayed on the cardinal's coat of arms. Cardinals had the
- To their rite, though some may line their cassocks with scarlet and wear, scarlet ,fascias, or in some cases, wear Eastern-style cassocks entirely of scarlet . (
- Of the following stripes: 1/32 inch (1 mm) white 67101; 9/16 inch (14 mm), scarlet ,67111; 1/32 inch (1 mm) white; center stripe 1/8 inch (3 mm) ultramarine
- That pasteurization can prevent include tuberculosis, brucellosis,diphtheria, scarlet ,fever, and Q-fever; it also kills the harmful bacteria Salmonella, Listeria
- Competes in the Western Collegiate Hockey Association). The school colors are, scarlet ,and gray. Brutus Buckeye is the mascot. Ohio State currently has 36 varsity
- This custom has been discontinued, and the investiture now takes place with the, scarlet ,biretta. In ecclesiastical heraldry, however,the scarlet Galeão is still
- Such as staphylococci and many other Gram-positive pathogens that cause, scarlet ,fever, pneumonia,meningitis and diphtheria, but not typhoid fever or
- Of the same design as those of the infantry and the British dragoons wore, scarlet ,tunics, In other respects however dragoons had adopted the same tactics, roles
- And the papal legate, and rich presents, including a chapel-tent, lined with, scarlet ,cloth and embroidered with sacred pictures. From Cyprus, they went to the port
- Blood or sex. A Biblical example is found in Isaiah:" Though your sins be as, scarlet , they shall be white as snow. " Also, The Scarlet Letter, an 1850 American
- And less orange) hue of red. In English similar differences exist between ", scarlet ," and" red ". While many languages have multiple names for this color, often
- Wear scarlet fascias, or in some cases, wear Eastern-style cassocks entirely of, scarlet , (There is a http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6322/78/1600/SlypyjGalero1.jpg
- Cloth in the front, without any 'trim' or piping on it. (It is because of the, scarlet ,color of cardinals' venture that the bird of the same name has become known as
- Austrian forces in southern Germany. Prelude Antagonists march to the Danube: A, scarlet ,caterpillar, upon which all eyes were at once fixed, began to crawl steadfastly
- Dramatically in China since 1949. Major diseases such as cholera, typhoid,and, scarlet ,fever have been brought under control. Life expectancy has more than doubled
- Agamemnon by Aeschylus In Aeschylus' Agamemnon, the king, treading the, scarlet ,cloth laid down for him, walks offstage to his sure death at line 972. After
- Iliad 2.144ff. ), and mentions that women in Macedonia and Maria stain ivory with, scarlet ,(Iliad 4.142). The association with Chaos dates back to at least Demonizes of
- New Zealand grass plant) *Liberia cardinals (Cardinal flower, scarlet ,Liberia) *Ludwig glandular (Glandular Ludwig, red star Ludwig)
- The object of Bell's affection. Losing her hearing after a near-fatal bout of, scarlet ,fever close to her fifth birthday, she had learned to read lips but her father
- As well as the less widely distributed wearies (Phaseout acutifolius), scarlet , runner beans (Phaseout cockiness) and polyandrous beans (Phaseout
- Over 50 lbs (23 kg). Red beryl (also known as" red emerald" or ", scarlet ,emerald" ) is a red variety of beryl. It was first described in 1904 for an
- In London's Camden Town. He was short and red-headed, and suffered from, scarlet ,fever when young, which left him with a hearing impairment. He was a good
- Open tennis tournament in late August and early September. It was twice lit in, scarlet ,to support nearby Rutgers University: once for a football game against the
- Treating and preventing several diseases. Diseases such as cholera, typhoid and, scarlet ,fever, which were previously rife in China, were nearly eradicated by the
- For May 14. S. Diogenes is the bacterial species that causes strep throat, scarlet ,fever, and rheumatic fever. It can also cause other infections. On May 21,a
- 1288 by Conversion de la Rival in his book on the" Marvels of Milan ". Wrapped in, scarlet ,cloth and drawn by three yokes of oxen that were caparisoned in white with the
- That would" humanize" the office of pope, admitting publicly he had turned, scarlet ,when Paul VI had named him the Patriarch of Venice. He was the first modern
- In the APG III system. * Family Ericeira* Family Myrsinaceae (cyclamen and, scarlet ,pimpernel family) These make up a basal group of asteroids. Under the Conquest
- Nearly identical to each other. Each hop lite bore the Spartan emblem and a, scarlet ,uniform. The main pieces of this armor were a round shield, a spear and a
- Movements of the extremities, which is believed to be a complication of, scarlet ,fever and causes skin pigmentation bitchiness. He became a hypochondriac
- As a result of his political activities. At the age of 9,Konstantin caught, scarlet ,fever and became hard of hearing. He was not admitted to elementary schools
- The Little Cannon to Princeton. The protruding cannons are occasionally painted, scarlet ,by Rutgers students who continue the traditional dispute. In years when the
- Basic in the sense that one is not a subtype of the other, as the English ", scarlet ," is of" red ". ) The word" Soros" is related to" very ", meaning " blood "
- Pounds of gold,30,000 pounds of silver,4,000 silken tunics,3,000 hides dyed, scarlet , and 3,000 pounds of pepper. Thus ended Alaric's first siege of Rome. Second
- Scarlet garments include the cassock, mozzetta, and biretta (over the usual, scarlet ,zucchetto). The biretta of a cardinal is distinctive not merely for its
- Had two sons. Loud Dwight Eisenhower was born September 24, 1917,and died of, scarlet ,fever on January 2,1921,at the age of three. Their second son, John Sheldon
- Zucchetto). The biretta of a cardinal is distinctive not merely for its, scarlet ,color, but also for the fact that it does not have a pompom or tassel on the
- The blessed palms to be sacramental. The vestments for the day are deep, scarlet ,red, the color of blood, indicating the supreme redemptive sacrifice Christ was
- On papal business. His normal-wear sitar is black but has scarlet piping and a, scarlet ,fascia (sash-like belt). Occasionally, a cardinal wears a scarlet ferries
- Each man wore a long white robe and his face was covered by a loose mask with, scarlet ,stripes. She was ordered to get up and dress which she did at once and then
- Red when acting on papal business. His normal-wear sitar is black but has, scarlet ,piping and a scarlet fascia (sash-like belt). Occasionally, a cardinal wears
- Most common allotropes are white phosphorus and red phosphorus. Another form, scarlet ,phosphorus, is obtained by allowing a solution of white phosphorus in carbon
- And a scarlet fascia (sash-like belt). Occasionally, a cardinal wears a, scarlet ,ferries which is a cape worn over the shoulders, tied at the neck in a bow by
- Halted or the food can go rancid in their stomach, causing sickness. One famous, scarlet ,KOI, named " Hank" ( c. 1751 – July 7,1977) was owned by several
- 3 mm) ultramarine blue 67118; 1/32 inch (1 mm) white; 9/16 inch (14 mm), scarlet , ; and 1/32 inch (1 mm) white. Devices Additional awards of the Bronze Star
- To take advantage of their opportunity to pitch woo were expected to wear a, scarlet ,petticoat—fair warning, if you will. " In Denmark, the tradition is that women
- To die for his faith. Excluding the rocket — which is always white — the, scarlet ,garments include the cassock, mozzetta, and biretta (over the usual scarlet
- Alas, alas,that great city, that was clothed in fine linen, in purple and, scarlet , and decked with gold, and precious stones, and pearls! " Islamic scriptures
- Dress appropriate to their rite, though some may line their cassocks with, scarlet ,and wear scarlet fascias, or in some cases, wear Eastern-style cassocks
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