Examples of the the word, drugs , in a Sentence Context
The word ( drugs ), is the 12356 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Aspirin is part of a group of medication called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, drugs ,(NSAIDs),but differs from them in the mechanism of action. Though it, and
- And sodium salicylate. Interactions Aspirin is known to interact with other, drugs , For example, acetazolamide and ammonium chloride have been known to enhance
- Girls and takes them back to his parents' flat, where he administers hard, drugs ,and then rapes them. That evening, Alex finds his druids in a mutinous mood.
- With the action of natural amine neurotransmitters, exemplified by the amine, drugs ,: * Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine that helps to relieve allergic
- Nectar, mercury,juice. This art was restricted to certain operations, metals, drugs , compounds, and medicines, many of which have mercury as their core element.
- A Surgeon General's warning and changes to the labeling of aspirin-containing, drugs ,) were implemented, aspirin taken by children declined considerably in the
- The CCA subsequently loosened the Code to permit negative depictions of, drugs , among other new freedoms. The" Six-Arm Saga" of #100-102 (Sept. – Nov. 1971
- And are used as emetics. Antimony compounds are used as antiprotozoan, drugs , Antimony potassium tart rate, or tartar emetic, was once used as an
- More than half of US children diagnosed with ASD are prescribed psychoactive, drugs ,or anticonvulsant, with the most common drug classes being antidepressants
- Non-standard amino acids have a specific code. For example,some peptide, drugs , such as Bortezomib and MG132,are artificially synthesized and retain their
- For Self-Government as" one of America's experts on the economics of illegal, drugs , " He is also a senior fellow and resident faculty member at the Ludwig on
- With Huxley, especially after Huxley encouraged Bradbury to take psychedelic, drugs , Association with Vedanta Beginning in 1939 and continuing until his death in
- Associated with these types of drugs . Aspirin is known to displace a number of, drugs ,from protein binding sites in the blood, including the antidiabetic drugs
- Products, pesticides,brominated flame retardants, alcohol,smoking, illicit, drugs , vaccines, although no links have been found, and some have been completely
- Then their more risk-comfortable colleagues, a lower likelihood of the use of, drugs , pornography and drink, a greater likelihood of displaying obsessional behavior
- Acupuncture point injection is the injection of various substances (such as, drugs , vitamins or herbal extracts into acupuncture point. *Cosmetic acupuncture is
- To dissolve non-polar substances, ethanol can be used as a solvent in medical, drugs , perfumes, and vegetable essences such as vanilla. In organic synthesis
- As Alcott had published earlier," Our wine is water, — flesh, bread; —, drugs , fruits. " For clothing, they prohibited leather because animals were killed
- Or unconscious, is an indirect reference! " Spiritual and recreational use of, drugs ,Crowley was a habitual drug user and also maintained a meticulous record of his
- Any employee or applicant who is currently engaging in the illegal use of, drugs ,when that usage is the basis for the employer's actions. Part of Title I was
- Revelation from Always/Away specifically recommended indulgence in" strange, drugs ,". While in Paris during the 1920s,Crowley experimented with psychedelic
- Of drugs from protein binding sites in the blood, including the antidiabetic, drugs ,dobutamine and chlorpropamide, the immunosuppressant methotrexate, phenytoin
- Tutor, teaching him more about ceremonial magic and the ritual usage of, drugs , However, in 1900,Bennett left for Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka) to study
- Conditioning effect on keratinized tissues, at least in animals. Antimony-based, drugs , such as melamine antimoniate, are also considered the drugs of choice for
- Antimony-based drugs , such as melamine antimoniate, are also considered the, drugs ,of choice for treatment of leishmaniasis in domestic animals. Unfortunately, as
- PTGS2 produces dioxins, most of which are anti-inflammatory. Newer NSAID, drugs , COX 2 inhibitors, have been developed to inhibit only PTGS2,with the intent
- Highly colored, they are widely used in dyeing industries, such as: Drugs Many, drugs ,are designed to mimic or to interfere with the action of natural amine
- Touch someone's finger or touch their own nose. And various other recreational, drugs ,(e.g. ketamine, PCP or dextromethorphan, all of which are MDA receptor
- The plants. The remaining production of amino acids is used in the synthesis of, drugs ,and cosmetics. Chemical building blocks Amino acids are important as low-cost
- Domestic animals. Unfortunately, as well as having low therapeutic indices,the, drugs ,are poor at penetrating the bone marrow, where some Tasmania
- Concluded that acupuncture appeared to be more effective than antiemetic, drugs ,in treating postoperative nausea and vomiting, but the authors subsequently
- With Chinese nationals in exchange for chemicals used in the production of, drugs , reducing the need for the use of money and hence avoiding money laundering
- Structure, is important in the development of pharmaceutical ingredients. Many, drugs ,are receiving regulatory approval for only a single crystal form or poly morph.
- Her, after Naomi had died. It admonished Ginsberg to be good and stay away from, drugs ,; she says," The key is in the window, the key is in the sunlight at the window
- Drug traffickers fight each other for the Guerrero coast route that brings, drugs ,from South America as well as soldiers that have been fighting the cartels
- Expelling the excess CO2 and resupplying the cells with O2. Are examples of, drugs ,that are weak acids. Common acids Mineral acids (inorganic acids) *Hydrogen
- Are strongly influenced by both mysticism and his experiences with psychedelic, drugs , In October 1930,the English occultist Plaster Crowley dined with Huxley in
- US Department of Health, Education and Welfare for a story about the dangers of, drugs , Citing its dictum against depicting drug use, even in an anti-drug context
- Is in the design of an appropriate placebo control group. In trials of new, drugs , double blinding is the accepted standard, but since acupuncture is a procedure
- Crowley's mentor, was said to have" instructed Crowley in the magical use of, drugs , " The Cairo revelation from Always/Away specifically recommended indulgence
- An affordable option, moves in with the father and finds herself involved with, drugs , has no opportunities, and questioning if she loves her child. While in Juno (
- The sunlight at the window -- I have the key -- Get married Allen don't take, drugs ,-- the key is in the bars, in the sunlight in the window ". In a letter she
- Medical abortions" are non-surgical abortions that use pharmaceutical, drugs , categorically called abortifacients. In 2005,medical abortions constituted 13
- Out the following rules and principles for testing the effectiveness of new, drugs ,and medications, which still form the basis of clinical pharmacology Physical
- Point was approximately equal to, but not better than, preventive antiemetic, drugs ,for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Another Cochrane Review concluded that
- Such foods as AMLA, lemon,citrus fruits, and guava. Certain acids are used as, drugs , Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) is used as a painkiller and for bringing
- Also increases the gastrointestinal bleeding associated with these types of, drugs , Aspirin is known to displace a number of drugs from protein binding sites in
- In early 2011. Approximately 17 percent of them test positive for illegal, drugs , In 2009,President Karma created two anti-corruption units within the nation
- Laws regarding the issue needed to be more openly discussed. Demystification of, drugs ,Ginsberg also often talked about drug use. Throughout the 1960s he took an
- In industry, applications include the production of biodegradable plastics, drugs , and chiral catalysts. History The first few amino acids were discovered in the
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