Examples of the the word, embodiment , in a Sentence Context
The word ( embodiment ), is the 12362 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Of strategies; that is, the components that go into the work's material, embodiment , Poetic description thus also deals with a quite special form of hearing (
- Of Revelation. The product of this human-divine encounter is the Torah,the, embodiment ,of God's will reveal pre-eminently to the Jewish people through Moses, the
- To his status under the Meiji Constitution, which recognized the emperor as the, embodiment ,of all sovereign power of the realm. The other detailed regulation of the
- Over the centuries, a central focus of Tibetan cultural identity;" a symbolic, embodiment ,of the Tibetan national character. " Today, the Dalai Lama and the office of
- And oppositions, operated on by both Love and Strife. The sphere being the, embodiment ,of pure existence is the embodiment or representative of god. Empedocles
- World Cups but is now retired. Club sides play in Super League, the present-day, embodiment ,of the Rugby Football League Championship. Some of the most successful clubs
- Died when he was only eight years of age, and he wrote of his mother as the ", embodiment ,of Confucian virtues. " In Japan Chiang grew up in a time period in which
- Cricket Club and that was the key event in establishing the urn as the physical, embodiment ,of the legendary ashes. MCC first displayed the urn in the Long Room at Lord's
- And during the time of Prince Shook. The emperor was more like a revered, embodiment ,of divine harmony rather than the head of an actual governing administration.
- Or religious disagreements, was a major reform council and the most impressive, embodiment ,of the ideals of the Counter-Reformation. Background Obstacles and events
- In which he presented his analysis of Simon Rodia's Watts Towers as a unique, embodiment ,of the structural principles found in nature. Portions of this interview appear
- Marx, Nietzsche,and dozens of other writers, was received as a theoretical, embodiment ,of the anarchic spirit of May 1968. In 1994 and 1995,L'Abecedary de Gilles
- Represent any federal element; if he represents anything he is the image and, embodiment ,of national unity and the outward and visible representation of the Imperial
- Of the phrase 'rock 'n' roll ', Presley impressed them as the visual and aural, embodiment ,of sex. " Despite the largely positive view of Presley held by African
- Of many take ensembles is the Oviedo (大太鼓). For many, the Oviedo solo is the, embodiment ,of power due to the size of the drum, the volume, and the endurance it takes to
- Earth punish whosoever has sworn a false oath ". Burke rt suggests they are" an, embodiment ,of the act of self-cursing contained in the oath ". They correspond to the
- Which can be argued is still quite prevalent today in biofeedback studies and, embodiment ,theory). Neurobiological theories Based on discoveries made through neural
- Marilyn, took her own life. Habits and personality Morse is ostensibly the, embodiment ,of white, male,upper-middle-class Englishness, with a set of prejudices and
- The form of a star. Galactic' death allows the entity Abraham - a metaphysical, embodiment ,of destruction and antithesis of cosmic entity Eternity - to emerge from his
- With death and feared by men, but he was not Death itself — the actual, embodiment ,of Death was Thanos. When the Greeks propitiated Hades, they banged their
- And is instrumental in sealing away the entity Amatsu-Mikaboshi, a metaphysical, embodiment ,of Chaos and another antithesis of Eternity. After an encounter with the High
- Heightened perception of reality described him as" the physical, metamorphosed, embodiment , of a cosmos. " Galactic considers himself a higher being than all non-abstracts
- Biographies, might be seen to help propagate the Orwell myth so that as an, embodiment ,of human values he is presented as a" trustworthy guide ", while examination
- Secretary, recording all the statistics. Room regards him as" the true, embodiment ,of the quiet courage that inspired the sanitary groups. " Grand catches the
- Phenomenon; until the last few decades a sovereign was seen as the personal, embodiment ,of the state (" L'eat c'est moi ", so to speak),and therefore could not be
- S dramatic sweeping gestures and gentlemanly mannerisms drew their living, embodiment ,from Irving. Which he found in the Whitby Library, and consulted a number of
- Cross. To the Fathers,Rome's opulent and luxurious Church seemed a palpable, embodiment ,and manifestation on Earth of Rex Mundi's sovereignty. The Catholic Church
- His Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences of 1840,Whewell held Kepler up as the, embodiment ,of the most advanced forms of scientific method. Similarly, Ernst Friedrich
- In a final conversation with Fiona and Duncan, Leto reveals that Fiona is the, embodiment ,of the Golden Path, a human completely shielded from prescient view. He
- And (Laos) " a people, tribe,nation, etc." In other words, Achilles is an, embodiment ,of the grief of the people, grief being a theme raised numerous times in the
- It is an iconic building that came to symbolize modern architecture as the, embodiment ,of van der Rohe's aphorisms" less is more" and" God is in the details. "
- Caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the, embodiment ,of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Faiths, or conversely as
- Oath, a slave might achieve the quality of a Roman (Romania),become the, embodiment ,of true virus (manliness, or manly virtue),and paradoxically, be granted
- Recent times, Russian existentialist philosopher LEV Shelton viewed Job as the, embodiment ,of the battle between reason (which offers general and seemingly comforting
- Part 2,Kinda 27,suit 107,Smokey 5705. Women were considered to be the, embodiment ,of great virtue and wisdom. Thus, we have:" O bride! May the knowledge of the
- Primarily concerning the term's meaning and origin. As there is no physical, embodiment ,of a Hoosier, IU is represented through their letters and colors alone. The RCA
- May also be regarded in Hegelian terms as wielding powers suitable to the, embodiment ,of the national will. Modern constitutional monarchy As originally conceived, a
- Of his own people and his oppressors. In this sense the Dalai Lama is the, embodiment ,of an ideal of Tibetan values and a cornerstone of Tibetan identity and culture
- That shaped it. The Zeitgeist, the " Spirit of the Age," is the concrete, embodiment ,of the most important factors that are acting in human history at any given
- Satan, Yaldabaoth, or Yahweh. Jesus is identified by some Gnostic sects as an, embodiment ,of the supreme being who became incarnate to bring gnosis to the earth. Others
- In his text to what actually occurred, because the Doge served as a literal, embodiment ,of the idealization of the reality of Venetian politics. For Contains, this
- Questioned by new approaches in psychology, such as dynamical systems, and the, embodiment ,perspective. Because of the use of computational metaphors and terminology
- Called Copperheads, not to mention the Confederates who saw him as the, embodiment ,of the Yankee threat. Assuming command for the Union in the war After the fall
- Markov wrote a Russian adaptation that focused on Prince Hamlet as the, embodiment ,of an opposition to Claudius's tyranny—a treatment that would recur in Eastern
- Napoleon Bonaparte is considered the first monarch proclaiming himself as an, embodiment ,of the nation, rather than as a divinely-appointed ruler; this interpretation
- Japanese pre-Dreadnought. Strategy and doctrine Battleships were the, embodiment ,of sea power. For Alfred Thayer Mahan and his followers, a strong navy was
- Concept, the hellish parts of the Ultimate Delusion called" Prakrit ". An, embodiment ,of this is the concept of Data (non-dualism) where there is no good or
- Both Love and Strife. The sphere being the embodiment of pure existence is the, embodiment ,or representative of god. Empedocles assumed a cyclical universe whereby the
- Die. When Smith asks if Big Brother exists, O'Brien describes him as" the, embodiment ,of the Party" and that he will exist as long as the Party exists. Cult of
- Comparisons. Their cognitive science of mathematics was a study of the, embodiment ,of basic symbols and properties including those studied in the philosophy of
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