Examples of the the word, roadmap , in a Sentence Context

The word ( roadmap ), is the 12365 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With national funding authorities, each Cluster has a technological ‘, roadmap ,’ defining the most important strategic domains. Specific goals are achieved
  2. Life expectancy and have simplified NCCN guidelines so that patients can have a, roadmap ,to reach the decision recommended for their clinical situation from where they
  3. 29 EU and ESA members as well as members of parliament were in attendance. If a, roadmap ,is accepted at the November 2010 Brussels conference as planned, it is
  4. Interpreter to create an executable. * A REPL version is on the openEuphoria, roadmap , Use Euphoria is designed to readily facilitate the handling
  5. JavaScript engine (Tampermonkey) and better XP COM APIs. Rapid release A draft, roadmap ,indicated that Mozilla hoped to release several versions in 2011,but despite
  6. GUIs, along with a wide variety of additional ancillary software. Development, roadmap ,The Subversion committers normally have at least one or two new features under
  7. Such as INTER and other tokamaks). In the case of the former, there is no solid, roadmap ,to power generation. In the case of the latter, commercial power generation is
  8. OE is bundled as HP-UX 11i-TCOE.; HP-UX 11i v1 (11.11): According to HP's, roadmap , = A phonetic algorithm is an algorithm for indexing of words by their
  9. Netherlands of pre-historic origin. Its existence is recorded on the Roman, roadmap ,Tabular Peutingeriana under the name of Cecum. Quick is twinned with Malden in
  10. 2008 paper by Gartner on the Tequila processor stated that" ... the future, roadmap ,for Titanium looks as strong as that of any RISC peer like Power or SPARC. "
  11. Working with AppleEvents without being OSA components. The Mac Ruby development, roadmap ,shows that OSA conformance is planned in version 0.6. One of the most
  12. To the Lord of Power (Result Albania),a detailed technical manual and, roadmap ,for the" journey without distance ". * The Book of God's Days (Adam
  13. Count per chip within a decade. The semiconductor industry technology, roadmap ,uses a three-year doubling time for microprocessors, leading to a tenfold
  14. By which it is seeking to get there. A strategy is sometimes called a, roadmap ,which is the path chosen to plow towards the end vision. The most important
  15. To come up to speed on the software in a timely manner, and also provides a, roadmap ,to modifying code or searching for bugs. Documentation in criminal justice "
  16. Being even shorter) in late 2009. The semiconductor industry maintains a ", roadmap ,", the ITS, which sets the pace for MOS FET development. Historically, the
  17. Field, laid out the http://qist.lanl.gov/qcomp_map.shtml Quantum computation, roadmap , * 2003 – Todd D. Pittman and collaborators at Johns Hopkins University
  18. With more robust search capabilities and higher scientific yields. In its, roadmap , TWIC identified the Southern Hemisphere as one of the key locations in which a
  19. Inner Mongolia has become more independent in implementing its own economic, roadmap , Demographics When the autonomous region was established in 1947,Han Chinese
  20. Of several U. S. National Laboratories) and the Foresight Institute. The, roadmap ,was originally scheduled for completion by late 2006,but was released in
  21. Development and WebOS based hardware products, from a robust smartphone, roadmap ,to future slate PCs and netbooks. However, on August 18, 2011,HP announced
  22. Topics In 2008,the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a preliminary ", roadmap ," that may lead the U. S. to abandon Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  23. To ship Intel chipsets under license. On 23 August 2006,ATI showed its chipset, roadmap ,to motherboard vendors which showed that next-generation chipsets for the Intel
  24. Last thing the reader hears is, I can work my way backward, like following a, roadmap ,in reverse. " *" A reader told me recently, in London, said that ‘ well, I
  25. Has always supported Myanmar and hopes it will continue to implement the ", roadmap ,to democracy" outlined by its government. Nobel Peace Prize Sung San Sub FYI
  26. Ever Turkish leader to visit Armenia and the announcement of a provisional, roadmap ,for normalizing diplomatic ties. It was announced that Turkey and Armenia
  27. Deputy administrator J. Clarence (Terry) Davies lays out a clear regulatory, roadmap ,for the next presidential administration and describes the immediate and longer
  28. Pilot introduced any new 8-bit microcontroller products. With no new product, roadmap , for FY2008 sales fell 20 % to $67.2 million. Sales fell 46 % in FY2009 to
  29. Science and the emerging discipline of astrobiology. In its astrobiology, roadmap , NASA has defined the principal habitability criteria as" extended regions of
  30. SIG is now in the process of evaluating other options for its longer term, roadmap , Bluetooth v4.0 The Bluetooth SIG completed the Bluetooth Core Specification
  31. Security checks.,Eich's post no longer necessarily reflects the Mozilla, roadmap , Marengo County is a county of the U. S. state of Alabama. It is named in honor
  32. 2D graphics, and better Unicode support. You can look at the, roadmap ,to get a sense of what needs to be done for the move to SDL 1.3/2.0. SDL 1.3
  33. Or poster containing artwork similar to the cover. The poster was called a ", roadmap ,", a reference by the band to the Bush Administration's ill-fated 2003 plan
  34. Violent extremists; Achieve broad-based consensus on core issues, configuring a, roadmap ,for conflict resolutions. Invoice ... was developed by over two hundred
  35. In Microsoft Office formats, such as Word, PowerPoint and Excel. History and, roadmap ,The name was originally an acronym for" Poor Obfuscation Implementation "
  36. Made to the Gecko off the base 750CXe. Future IBM has ceased to publish a, roadmap ,to the 750 family, in favor of marketing themselves as a custom processor
  37. Marketed as high-end replacements of Intel 850. Furthermore, the future memory, roadmap ,did not include Iambus. Other uses Video game consoles Rambus's DRAM saw use
  38. Tengwar according to the current http://www.unicode.org/ roadmap s/smp/ Unicode, roadmap , Tender are currently included in the unofficial Conscript Unicode Registry
  39. Instantiations of universality take us by surprise. Because there is no simple, roadmap ,to good, human beings need freedom and imagination to find it. Universality has
  40. Was forced to renew and define itself. There was a battle against simony. The, roadmap ,to celibacy was drawn, if not immediately enacted. Monarchs were excluded from
  41. She called on Iraqi leaders to urgently implement a national reconciliation, roadmap , Main sights Ancient architectural monuments of Kirk include: The
  42. Was named after the girlfriend of the chip designer. Amiga graphics chipset, roadmap ,Optic neuritis is the inflammation of the optic nerve that may cause a complete
  43. Adobe FAQ describing a future, roadmap ,for Robocall and Frame maker *
  44. The level and degree of retraction can be determined, serving as a useful, roadmap ,prior to any surgery. Those with a hamstring strain of greater than 60 mm in
  45. Held out the possibility of negotiations with President Karma and outlined a, roadmap ,for political reconciliation. This contrasted with the views of Taliban leader
  46. Possibility of independence from Denmark. However, a planned referendum on a, roadmap ,towards independence in 2001 was called off following Danish Prime Minister
  47. Free scale 683XX (CPU32 aka 68330,68360 aka QUICK) Improvement, roadmap ,68010 * Virtual memory support (restartable instructions). * 'loop mode' for
  48. Chip set designed and built by others. HP's HP 3000 MPE division had similar, roadmap ,problems but found a clever way forward in 1986. HP Labs designed a RISC
  49. Then to build systems by further assembling the products of these reactions. A, roadmap ,for the development of MNT is an objective of a broadly based technology
  50. Astronomy (AMIGA) near Gin gin in Western Australia. A 2010 developmental, roadmap ,issued by the Gravitational Wave International Committee (TWIC) for the field

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