Examples of the the word, funded , in a Sentence Context
The word ( funded ), is the 12367 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- As classical liberalism taken to the extreme by only supporting voluntarily, funded ,defense by competing private providers. One of the first liberals to discuss
- Of a French threat, colonists believed the colonial militias (which were, funded ,by taxes raised by colonial legislatures) to be sufficient to deal with any
- Responding to public inquiries, and organizing conferences. They are, funded ,by local members and responsible to the AA groups they represent. Other
- Retain selection by ability at 11. They maintain Grammar Schools (State, funded ,secondary schools),which admit pupils according to performance in an
- Is likely to be high and maximizing it is a legitimate concern. All projects, funded ,by ADB are evaluated to find out what results are being achieved, what
- Promoted her work. John Allison of BB&T and Ed Snider of Comcast Spectator have, funded ,the promotion of Rand's ideas, while Mark Cuban, owner of the Dallas Mavericks
- First began with the development of the U. S. Space Program. In 1959,NASA, funded ,its first exobiology project, and in 1960,NASA founded an Exobiology Program;
- Begun, aqueducts were constructed or improved, and that a new mosque was well, funded ,in his capital at Córdoba. Construction on what would in time become the world
- By Afghan refugees. Another four of the Taliban's leaders attended a similarly, funded ,and influenced madrassa in Kandahar. Many of the mujahideen who later joined
- Private US broadcaster * Australian Broadcasting Corporation, national publicly, funded ,broadcaster of Australia * ABC Radio, the former name of Cumulus Media Networks
- Career, the Chorus was essential to a play's success, and it was recruited and, funded ,by a chorus, a wealthy citizen appointed to the task by one of the arc hons. A
- Undersea explorer E. Lee Spence and 5 years after being filmed by a dive team, funded ,by novelist Clive Custer. *2007 – An EF2 tornado touches down in Kings County
- City of Ames offers a transit system throughout town, called Ride, that is, funded ,jointly by Iowa State University, the ISU Government of the Student Body, and
- Is often referred to as a secondary school regardless of whether it is state, funded ,or private. Secondary education in the United States also includes middle
- Services, shifting costs from publicly funded education programs to privately, funded ,health insurance. After childhood, key treatment issues include residential
- Social security system, CASS (Caixa Andorran de Seguretat Social),which is, funded ,by employer and employee contributions in respect of salaries. The cost of
- Its natural resources. According to recent U. S. Geological surveys that were, funded ,by the Afghan Ministry of Mines and Industry, Afghanistan may be possessing up
- The first television interview with bin Laden in 1997,the idea that" the CIA, funded ,bin Laden or trained bin Laden ... is a folk myth. There's no evidence of this
- To help with the standard revision and future acceptance, the US Air Force, funded ,the development of the GNAT Compiler. Presently, the GNAT Compiler is part of
- Armenia's economy declined by 14.4 percent in 2009. According to research, funded ,by the USAID CAPS project,Armenia's exceptionally high rate of economic
- Buddhist sang ha. Following Ashoka's example, kings established monasteries, funded ,the construction of steps, and supported the ordination of monks in their
- Year (approximately 36 % of all government spending),making it the best, funded ,health care system per-capita in Canada. Every hour more than $1.5 million is
- According to Saskatchewan law. For many years the provincial government has, funded ,the greater part of the cost of providing K–12 education. Prior to 1994 public
- Has been done on the solvent extraction of americium. For example, a recent EU, funded ,project code named" EUROPA" studied trained and other compounds as
- And library; and $250,000 to Edinburgh for a free library. In total Carnegie, funded ,some 3,000 libraries, located in 47 US states, and also in Canada, the United
- But, their complaint is not just that the state's defensive services are, funded ,by taxation but that the state assumes it is the only legitimate practitioner
- Adsorptive media systems have been approved for point-of-service use in a study, funded ,by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U. S. EPA) and the
- Over Mount Everest, a British expedition, led by the Marquis of Clydesdale, and, funded , by Lucy, Lady Houston *1936 – Bruno Richard Hauptmann is executed for the
- Medieval aesthetics Surviving medieval art is primarily religious in focus and, funded ,largely by the State, Roman Catholic or Orthodox church, powerful
- Office is located in New York City. The ANSI annual operating budget is, funded ,by the sale of publications, membership dues and fees, accreditation services
- The 10 part per billion drinking water standard. According to a recent film, funded ,by the US Superfund, millions of private wells have unknown arsenic levels, and
- Release Inventory and Superfund Basic Research Programs. TAXMAN is a resource, funded ,by the US Federal Government. TOXMAP's chemical and environmental health
- Been shown to be ineffective. Research funding Although the Dutch government, funded ,CAM research between 1986 and 2003,it formally ended funding in 2006.
- And some kinds of" moments of silence" in public schools or schools, funded ,with public money. *Almost full freedom of speech and of the press, including
- Of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline led to an oil boom. Royalty revenues from oil have, funded ,large state budgets from 1980 onward. That same year, not coincidentally
- Private health insurance to cover autism services, shifting costs from publicly, funded ,education programs to privately funded health insurance. After childhood, key
- Rather was basic to the brain, hard-wired and pleasurable. Another experiment, funded ,by the National Institutes of Health and conducted in 2007 at the Duke
- Is a result of the fact that most anthropology is carried out in nationally, funded ,research laboratories (CNRS) rather than academic departments in universities
- Cooperatives, non-profit organizations (which would, just as today, be, funded , by individuals for their existence),businesses, etc. (in short, a free
- Revolutionary War) by the Concord (Massachusetts) Band. The commission was, funded ,by the Town of Concord and assistance was given by the Eastern National Park
- Of Giza and the temples at Thebes. Building projects were organized and, funded ,by the state for religious and commemorative purposes, but also to reinforce
- Refers to an ill-defined group of prestigious private independent schools, funded ,by students' fees, although it is often more loosely used to refer to any
- Stations. KSC The Blaze 1330 AM, is a broadcast station that is owned and, funded ,by the Cronkite School of Journalism, and is completely student-run save for a
- Holland in 1915 in honor of Mrs. Louise Carnegie, wife of Andrew Carnegie who, funded ,field research to find complete dinosaur skeletons in the American West.
- And it was incorporated by Royal Charter on August 21, 1902. The Trust was, funded ,by a gift of $10 million (a then unprecedented sum: at the time, total
- Provinces, Alberta provides for all citizens and residents through a publicly, funded ,health care system. Alberta became Canada's second province (after
- Reappeared in 1932 and the company was rescued by L. Pride aux Bruce who, funded ,the company for the following year before passing the company on to Sir Arthur
- Bring the design to market Commodore International bought Amiga Corporation and, funded ,development. The first model was released in 1985 as simply" The Amiga from
- Where protection of individual liberty and property has been voluntarily, funded ,rather than being provided by a state through taxation. Medieval Iceland
- School. A US prep school or preparatory school is an independent school, funded ,by tuition fees; the same term is used in the UK for a private school for
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