Examples of the the word, rp , in a Sentence Context
The word ( rp ), is the 12361 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Given here, the operations are: next: (IP)+ → w; JMP (w)+ nest: IP → - (, rp , ); w → IP; next unrest: (RP)+ → IP; next This is perhaps the simplest and
- For example). The Fresenius endomo rp hic F is defined by: F (r) =, rp , for all r in R. Clearly this respects the multiplication of R:: F (rs) (rs)p
- In The Netherlands. As in The Netherlands, each citizen was to be issued with 1,RP, to kick-start the circulation of new money. Deposited money after October was
- Eggs harboring the same haploid genome selected during maternal meiosis. But, rp ,0 since there is no chance that any two half-brothers inherited the same allele
- Of the element nucleosynthesis, notably a proton capture process known as the,RP, process and a photodisintegration process known as the gamma (or p) process.
- 25, 1962,when 250th Air Defense Missile Regiment (250. Raketni UK PRO,250., rp , PVO) of JRV i PRO was established in Belgrade with the task of defending that
- In German, centime (c. ) in French, centesimo (ct. ) in Italian, and rap (, rp , ) in Romansh. The ISO code of the currency used by banks and financial
- Copy the contents of the source-register pointed to by pointer-register, rp , into the destination register.: * COPY (d, rs,i, rp ); rs → RP. Copy the
- Claudio (*. Ra, *. Rm),Realized (*. Rv, *. Rm, *. Rmvb),Real (*., rp , ),Realest (* Streaming: Mealtime Streaming Protocol (RTS: //)
- Rate on a short-term risk-free liquid bond (such as U. S. Treasury Bills).:, rp , = a risk premium reflecting the length of the investment and the likelihood the
- Example: SUB (3,3,3) will clear register 3.: * COPY (i, rp , d,rd);, rp , → rd, Indirectly copy the contents of the source-register pointed to by
- A Recovery Plan in an attempt to secure the future of this species. Name ", rp ," /> The Recovery Plan highlights the need to protect existing populations
- Film Defiance, which has been criticized by an online Polish news agency, www., rp , Pl, due to its alleged omission of the alleged involvement of the Bails
- Model A basic interest rate pricing model for an asset: i_n = i_r + p_e +, rp , + LP\, \! Assuming perfect information, pe is the same for all participants in
- Formal conservation agreement between the United States and Mexico. Name ", rp ," /> David Weiss,4th Earl of Weiss (29 April 1678 – 15 March 1720) son of
- To buy pointer-register RP into the destination register.: * COPY (d, rs,i, rp , ); rs → RP. Copy the contents of source register rs into the
- 1997. Latest election Image: Seem RP sale 2007. SVG|Seats in Seem Image: sent, rp , sala 2007. SVG|Seats in Senate Clifford Glenwood Shall (Pittsburgh
- With the addition of ruby annotation elements (ruby, rbc, rtc, rb, rt and, rp , ) to better support East-Asian languages. Other changes include removal of the
- Even locally constant at 0. Given any elements RJ,r2,r3,r5,r7,... where, rp , is in Up (and QC stands for R),it is possible to find a sequence (in) in Q
- L + consonant: LP, lt, lk, lf, l,LH, ls,lb, ld, lg,LM * r + consonant:, rp , rt, rk, rf, r,Rh, rs,Rb, rd,kg, rm,RN The s + voiceless stop clusters, sp
- With zero velocities instead),how to dampen the velocity, pick random numbers, rp , and kg for each dimension when updating the velocity-vector rather than using
- Acquired the 350th Air Defense Missile Regiment (350. Raketni UK PRO,350., rp , PVO) that regiment being armed with S-125M Neva-M has been pulled off from
- Is simpler:: \begin (ear)up & = & 2 \\ ex & = & 2 \\ \LN ex & = & \LN 2 \\, rp , & = & \LN 2 \\ p & = & \franc \\ & & \\ p & \approx & \franc \end The Gold crest
- Curved surface is: where p0 is saturation vapor pressure above a flat surface, rp , droplet radius, σ surface tension of droplet, ρ density of liquid’M molar mass
- For the entire genome of the half brothers. For the brothers above, rm 0.5 and, rp ,0. For the manual locus in the family of full siblings rm 0.5 too, since all
- By p, the characteristic, and hence they vanish. Thus: F (r + s) (r + s)p, rp , + SP = F (r) + F (s). This shows that F is a ring homomo rp hism. In general
- Formulation is the market portfolio that contains all risky assets, and so the,RP, terms in the formula are replaced by rm, the rate of return of the market. Beta
- Approved by a national referendum on 25 May 1997. Latest election Image: Seem, rp , sala 2007. SVG|Seats in Seem Image: sent RP sale 2007. SVG|Seats in Senate
- 5 March 1959,due to rampant counterfeiting. * 22 November 1957: 1 and 2½,RP,'1948' DJB notes withdrawn, effective 1 December 1957,because these
- Position vector remains bounded, having its smallest magnitude at periapsis, rp , which is given by:: r_p=\franc The maximum value r is reached when θ = 180. This
- Particle i = 1,...’S do: *** Update the particle's velocity: vi ← ω vi + up, rp , ( pi-xi) + kg kg (g-xi) *** Update the particle's position: xi ← xi + vi
- Or different:: :Example: SUB (3,3,3) will clear register 3.: * COPY (i, rp , d, rd ); RP → rd, Indirectly copy the contents of the source-register pointed
- Xn) in Q such that for all p (including ∞),the limit of in in Up is, rp , The field Up is a locally compact Hausdorff space. If \math bf is a finite
- Of these include the r process, which involves rapid neutron captures,the,RP, process,which involves rapid proton captures, and the p process (sometimes
- A friend of Austria ". Ferrari is featured on a 1968 stamp of Liechtenstein,30,RP, red brown, Scott no. 448,SG no. 496. Notes * Kouchibouguac National Park is
- Is: \beta_a = \franc, ~ where Ra measures the rate of return of the asset, rp , measures the rate of return of the portfolio, and COV (Ra, rp ) is the
- P, where p is a prime number. Namely, the mapping φ that takes r in R to, rp , is a ring endomo rp hic of R. The image of φ is then RP, the Sebring of R
- Of the asset, rp measures the rate of return of the portfolio, and COV (Ra, rp , ) is the covariance between the rates of return. The portfolio of interest in
- New 'Seeing Republic Indonesia' ( ORI) at the rate of 50 Japanese rupiah to 1,RP, ORI. Outstanding debts were revalued according to their date of origin, with
- Neva-M armed 450th Air Defense Missile Regiment (450. Raketni UK PRO,450., rp , PVO) ceased to exist after it was previously transferred from the town of
- Jmpl %o7 MIPS: JMP era X86: JMP *EAX ARM: move pc,r2 IA64: BR. RET. Sptk. Few, rp ,6502: JMP ($0DEA) The National Childbirth Trust (NCT) is a UK-based charity
- Description, ( Peter: Paternoster/Grand Rapids: Germans,1980,504 pp;, rp , And try. into Korean,1990); *The Responsibility of Hermeneutics (with Roger
- Thorium, as well as the most neutron-rich isotopes of each heavy element. The, rp , process involves the rapid abso rp tion of free protons as well as neutrons, but
- Giessen, programmer/artist. (http://www.farb-rausch.de/~fg home) * Ronny ", rp ," Pries, founder,musician/artist. (http://www.ronnypries.de/ home) * LERX ".
- Frac for 1 ≤ k ≤ p − 1. Therefore, the coefficients of all the terms except, rp , and SP are divisible by p, the characteristic, and hence they vanish. Thus: F (
- Register rs into the destination-register pointed to by the pointer-register, rp , .: * ANZ (r, Iz); Conditional jump if r is positive; i.e. IF r > 0 THEN jump
- Rm 0.5 too, since all expression is from the mother's allele. Normally, rp ,0.5 for full siblings with the same father, but the effect of imprinting is to
- Different fathers. Call rm the coefficient of matrilineal relatedness and call, rp , the coefficient of patrilineal relatedness. What is the coefficient of
- Marshall Islands. File: D-Ostafrika 1919 39 II A. jpg|Long scroll: two-color,3,RP, .,German East Africa. Small design Yacht The smaller, forward-facing design was
- Rp into the destination register.: * COPY (d, rs,i, rp ); rs →, rp , Copy the contents of source register rs into the destination-register pointed
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