Examples of the the word, sublime , in a Sentence Context
The word ( sublime ), is the 12370 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Uses Milton as a character. Romantic theory Edmund Burke was a theorist of the, sublime , and he regarded Milton's description of Hell as exemplary of sublimity as
- Other extremes. The picturesque was that which continued elements of both the, sublime ,and the beautiful and can be thought of as a natural or uncultivated beauty
- Zeus, Pope Pius IX explicitly affirmed that Mary was redeemed in a manner more, sublime , He stated that Mary, rather than being cleansed after sin, was completely
- Of the sublime , itself divided into two distinct modes (the mathematical, sublime ,and the dynamical sublime ),describe two subjective moments both of which
- Of the action in a ruined abbey, drawing on Burke’s aesthetic theory of the, sublime ,and the beautiful established the location as a place of terror and of safety.
- Or, like emotions, partially embodied in our physical reactions. Seeing a, sublime ,view of a landscape may give us a reaction of awe, which might manifest
- They have longed for. The heroines are all of most perfect beauty and of, sublime ,morality; they and their lovers are capable of the highest sacrifices; and they
- The character of moral judgments in the use of reason. The feeling of the, sublime , itself divided into two distinct modes (the mathematical sublime and the
- As in his theory of drama, and Kant made a distinction between beauty and the, sublime , What was new was a refusal to credit the higher status of certain types, where
- Full or partial privacy when and where desired. The house has been described as, sublime , a temple hovering between heaven and earth, a poem, a work of art. The
- As a print, and that was produced in very few copies. Themes Landscape and the, sublime ,The visualization and portrayal of landscape in an entirely new manner was
- Which were those things that brought pleasure and safety. Burke argued that the, sublime ,was the more preferred to the two. Related to the concepts of the sublime and
- With the rest of the unfolding plot, includes a mixture of both ridiculous and, sublime ,supernatural elements. The plot finally reveals how Manfred's family is
- Established the location as a place of terror and of safety. Burke argued the, sublime ,was a source of awe or fear brought about by strong emotions such as terror or
- To be universal. In the chapter" Analytic of the Sublime" Kant identifies the, sublime ,as an aesthetic quality which, like beauty, is subjective, but unlike beauty
- Jean-François Leotard re-invokes the Kantian distinction between taste and the, sublime , Sublime painting, unlike kitsch realism," ... will enable us to see only by
- Looks and sounds pretty ". He described the music by Heroku Tanaka as ", sublime ,", and the enemy characters as" brilliantly drawn ". Although he considered
- Of life and the purpose of humankind, and represent an attempt to render the, sublime ,in music. Haydn's new intentions also meant that he was willing to spend much
- Increasing the temperature to about −100 °C for several minutes to let some ice, sublime ,) is then shadowed with evaporated platinum or gold at an average angle of 45°
- The joys of extreme emotion, the thrills of fearfulness and awe inherent in the, sublime , and a quest for atmosphere. The ruins of Gothic buildings gave rise to
- Name. Although it had a high symbolical value, something like" elevated" or ", sublime ,", it was generally not used to indicate the office of Emperor itself.
- Myrtle branches, but were described as beautiful, golden and immortal, made a, sublime ,art, able to take the roads with the speed of wind. Originally they had no
- By the sacrament. In his words, the Eucharistic rite was" a secret too, sublime ,for my mind to understand or words to express. I experience it rather than
- Itself superior to our fallible sensible self (§§ 25–26). In the dynamical, sublime ,there is the sense of annihilation of the sensible self as the imagination
- Walking, to transform the leap of life into a walk, absolutely to express the, sublime ,and the pedestrian -- that only these knights of faith can do -- this is the
- Imaginative suggestiveness, eventually developed into the romantic vision of, sublime ,terror. Reaction to Milton’s poetic worldview included, grudgingly
- The other Bodhisattva's wish for that which is impossible, their attitude is, sublime ,and mistaken. The Cinema school, however,holds that the lowest level is the
- Of certain types, where the taxonomy implied a preference for tragedy and the, sublime ,to comedy and the Rococo. Croce suggested that“ expression” is central in the
- All things and owned his fate. This thinking led romantic artists to depict the, sublime , ruined churches, shipwrecks,massacres and madness. By the mid-19th century
- Edmund Burke defines this sensation of pleasure derived from pain by the word, sublime , There is a wide array of BDSM practitioners who take part in sessions for
- The sublime was the more preferred to the two. Related to the concepts of the, sublime ,and the beautiful is the idea of the picturesque, introduced by William Gil pin
- Partly constitutive of what makes our judgment a judgment that the landscape is, sublime , Likewise, aesthetic judgments may be culturally conditioned to some extent.
- Never has a man proposed for himself, voluntarily or involuntarily, a goal more, sublime , since this goal was beyond measure: undermine the superstitions placed between
- And Sauron/σαυρος meaning 'lizard ', and from the Latin excels us," highest, sublime ,", referring to the greater number of sacral vertebrae than in any other genus
- Known as the" Canines" professed to impart a knowledge" greater and more, sublime ," than the ordinary doctrine of Christians, and believed that Cain derived his
- Is concerned with the realities of human experience, from the mundane to the, sublime , and with the relationship between that experience and the divine. Not only
- Enthusiast, in 1677 began the trend of describing Milton as the poet of the, sublime , Dryden's The State of Innocence and the Fall of Man: an Opera (1677) is
- The relationship of the faculty of the imagination to reason. The mathematical, sublime ,is situated in the failure of the imagination to comprehend natural objects
- One that suddenly shifts focus from the important to the trivial, or from the, sublime ,to the ridiculous. Particularly in his later years, Asimov to some extent
- His death because he raised the hankie genre from a playful game of wit to, sublime ,poetry. He continues to be revered as a saint of poetry in Japan, and is the
- The idea of beauty in their own persons ... The dandy must aspire to be, sublime ,without interruption; he must live and sleep before a mirror. " Other French
- View, as important to the philosophy of art as" beauty," is that of the ", sublime ," elaborated upon in the twentieth century by the postmodern philosopher
- And the Russian author Fyodor Dostoevsky called it" the ultimate and most, sublime ,work of human thinking ". It is also in" Don Quixote" that Miguel de
- For I have the same Idea of all our Passions as of Love they are all in their, sublime , creative of essential Beauty" again and again turning to the question of what
- Which are" beyond praise "; nevertheless, Bloom went on," the American, sublime ,will never touch his pages. " On The Dick Caveat Show in 1981,the novelist and
- Divided into two distinct modes (the mathematical sublime and the dynamical, sublime ,), describe two subjective moments both of which concern the relationship of
- Moral vocation. This appreciation of moral feeling through exposure to the, sublime ,helps to develop moral character. Kant had developed the distinction between an
- Is an example from the first canto.: And then black night. That blackness was, sublime ,.: I felt distributed through space and time:: One foot upon a mountaintop. One
- Following in the tracks of Leopard in the Operetta Moral and the ", sublime ," Canto Nocturne, is overwhelmed by hammering questions without response. In
- Argues that, while art has sometimes been oriented towards beauty and the, sublime ,(principally in post-Renaissance European art) these qualities, as the wider
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