Examples of the the word, synchronization , in a Sentence Context

The word ( synchronization ), is the 12369 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That permits multiple users to work on the same document in real time, in full, synchronization , The Presentation view of Abi Word, which permits easy display of presentations
  2. BWF files include a standardized timestamp reference which allows for easy, synchronization ,with a separate picture element. Stand-alone, file based, multi-track recorders
  3. Enables speech recognition and vocal synthesis, at the same time processing lip, synchronization ,and visual recognition by 90-degree micro-CCD cameras with face recognition
  4. To RS-232 data cables. It can connect several devices, overcoming problems of, synchronization , Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which has more
  5. Information, for extra detail. ) Horizontal synchronization The horizontal, synchronization ,pulse (horizontal sync SYNC),separates the scan lines. The horizontal sync
  6. Speed hacks give the player increased foot speed. These work by sending false, synchronization ,data to the server. * Recoil hack removes any recoil (and thus improves
  7. By the level-sensitive" sync stripper" circuit of the receiver. Vertical, synchronization ,Vertical synchronization (Also vertical sync or V-SYNC) separates the video
  8. So manual adjustment of the records is necessary to maintain the beat, synchronization , # Before fading in the new track, check that the beats of two tracks match by
  9. To the motion of Venus, such as some ancient Egyptian calendars;, synchronization ,to Venus appears to occur primarily in civilizations near the Equator. *The
  10. Graphics, changes to the image are often kept in step with the vertical, synchronization ,pulse to avoid visible discontinuity of the image. Since the frame buffer of a
  11. To the music so the team members execute the elements with precise timing and, synchronization , There are many organizations that host their own state and national
  12. By a color burst signal transmitted on the back porch, just after horizontal, synchronization ,and before each line of video starts. If the color burst signal were visible on
  13. And sorts the pulses into horizontal and vertical sync. Loss of horizontal, synchronization ,usually resulted in an unwatchable picture; loss of vertical synchronization
  14. The depiction of motion. The analog television signal contains timing and, synchronization ,information so that the receiver can reconstruct a two-dimensional moving image
  15. To cause an audible signal in the receiving terminal),SYN (which is a, synchronization ,signal),and END (a signal that is intended to trigger a response at the
  16. From 0.3 V (black) to 1 V (white),until the next horizontal or vertical, synchronization ,pulse. The format of the horizontal sync pulse varies. In the 525-line NTSC
  17. Bits. A variable length space can be inserted between the code words. No bit, synchronization ,signal is required. This is sometimes called character oriented communication.
  18. Combine those things with standardization, centralization,concentration, and, synchronization , and you wind up with a style of organization we call bureaucracy. ” * Third
  19. Merging words. In total there are 33 × (14 + 3) 561 bits. A 27-bit unique, synchronization ,word is added, so that the number of bits in a frame totals 588 (which are
  20. Rsync, including the rsync algorithm, a highly efficient file transfer and, synchronization ,tool. He also was the original author of rip, which uses a similar algorithm
  21. Or Sun Microsystems Sun Java System Directory Server, which can perform two-way, synchronization ,with AD and thus provide a" deflected" integration, as Unix and Linux clients
  22. To give a composite video signal; this contains luminance, chrominance and, synchronization ,signals; this is identical to the video signal format used by analog video
  23. Indicated they would trade functionality for ease of use; 51 percent cited data, synchronization ,as a major issue; and 67 percent said that finding time to evaluate systems was
  24. Television system needs to take luminance, chrominance (in a color system), synchronization , ( horizontal and vertical),and audio signals, and broadcast them over a radio
  25. Symbol sequences, the allowed range of values, methods to be used for, synchronization , etc. *Errors: Disturbances (noise) in analog communications invariably
  26. And SONNET/SDH. The packets may be encapsulated in a data frame, with a frame, synchronization ,bit sequence indicating the start of the frame, and sometimes also a bit
  27. Sync stripper" circuit of the receiver. Vertical synchronization Vertical, synchronization ,(Also vertical sync or V-SYNC) separates the video fields. In PAL and NTSC
  28. Data streams contain both audio and video, and often some metadata that permit, synchronization ,of audio and video. Each of these three streams may be handled by different
  29. Scanning in the camera (or other device for producing the signal) in exact, synchronization ,with the scanning on the television. The physics of the CRT require that a
  30. Synchronization usually resulted in an unwatchable picture; loss of vertical, synchronization ,would produce an image rolling up or down the screen. Time base circuits In an
  31. Synchronization usually resulted in an unwatchable picture; loss of vertical, synchronization ,would produce an image rolling up or down the screen. Transition to digital
  32. See section below - Other technical information, for extra detail. ) Horizontal, synchronization ,The horizontal synchronization pulse (horizontal sync SYNC),separates the
  33. Point numbers. That is, they are designed and operate on assumptions about a, synchronization ,signal. This signal, known as a clock signal, usually takes the form of a
  34. Receiver is based around the block diagram shown below: Sync Separator Image, synchronization ,is achieved by transmitting negative-going pulses; in a composite video signal
  35. Capitalization, and punctuation. Machine communications typically use special, synchronization ,sequences. *Language: All digital communications require a language, which in
  36. The payload to 2336 user-available bytes per sector, only 16 bytes (for, synchronization ,and header data) less than available in Red-Book audio. " Frame" For the Red
  37. By a pulse from the master clock and certain sequences used to force rapid, synchronization ,following a power failure. *Synchronous electric clocks don't have an internal
  38. film's artistic value when watching it dubbed into another language. Also, lip, synchronization , is normally lost when dubbing, even with quality dubbing between closely
  39. Etc.). The rhythm band is projected in the studio and scrolls in perfect, synchronization ,with the picture. Thanks to the efficiency of the rhythm band, the number of
  40. To questions about transmission of electric signals and electrical-mechanical, synchronization ,of time, two technical problems that show up conspicuously in the thought
  41. Both frames, producing a page tearing artifact partway down the image. Vertical, synchronization ,eliminates this by timing frame buffer fills to coincide with the vertical
  42. Computer games and Computer aided design (CAD) packages often allow vertical, synchronization ,as an option, because it delays the image update until the vertical blanking
  43. Structural imperialism "," cultural dependency and domination "," cultural, synchronization ,"," electronic colonialism "," ideological imperialism ", and " economic
  44. Is a 4.85 along pulse at 0 V. In the 625-line PAL system the pulse is 4.7 is, synchronization ,pulse at 0 V. This is lower than the amplitude of any video signal (blacker
  45. Bit sequence indicating the start of the frame, and sometimes also a bit, synchronization ,bit sequence, typically 01010101,for identification of the bit transition
  46. Logical clocks provide a causal happened-before ordering of events. * Clock, synchronization ,algorithms provide globally consistent physical time stamps. Properties of
  47. Determining the beginning of a sequence. In written or spoken human languages, synchronization ,is typically provided by pauses (spaces),capitalization, and punctuation.
  48. That autism is marked by under functioning high-level neural connections and, synchronization , along with an excess of low-level processes. Evidence for this theory has been
  49. Judges look at the difficulty and execution of jumps, stunts and tumbling, synchronization , creativity, the sharpness of the motions, showmanship,and overall routine
  50. Hold controls, usually on the rear of the television set. Loss of horizontal, synchronization ,usually resulted in an unwatchable picture; loss of vertical synchronization

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