Examples of the the word, rates , in a Sentence Context

The word ( rates ), is the 12364 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Consequence of inflation, that is the tendency of all prices and wage, rates ,to rise. The result of this deplorable confusion is that there is no term left
  2. IMF-sponsored economic liberalization program that resulted in positive growth, rates ,in 1995-2005. Armenia joined the WTO in January 2003. Armenia also has managed
  3. Better on most measures of economic performance compared to countries with low, rates ,of taxation and low social outlays. He concludes that Friedrich Hayek was wrong
  4. Through money supply growth and further borrowing via artificially low interest, rates , Accordingly, many Austrian School economists support the abolition of the
  5. This country have high incidence rates of tuberculosis and high HIV prevalence, rates , Dengue, filariasis,leishmaniasis, and onchocerciasis (river blindness) are
  6. If it does not borrow or loan at a magnitude consistent with current interest, rates , regardless of whether rates are below their natural levels. Thus businesses
  7. Fooled into making unprofitable investments by temporarily low interest, rates , In response, Austrian economists Carelli and Dumpster have argued that a
  8. The first quarter of 2007,possibly the highest of any nation worldwide. Such, rates ,cannot be sustained, but despite reaching 26.4 % in 2005 (second-highest GDP
  9. To ensure full gamification of the country by 2021. Banking The GDP growth, rates ,observed in Azerbaijan during last years made the country one of the fastest
  10. Shown to have been contaminated with host animal CNS tissue, have ADAM incident, rates ,as high as 1 in 600. Treatment No controlled clinical trials have been
  11. Laws in the 1830s,1840s,and 1850s,and kept reducing rates , so that the 1857, rates , were the lowest since 1816. The South had no complaints but the low rates
  12. Might be partially responsible for the noticeable disparities between the birth, rates ,of male and female children in some places. The preference for male children is
  13. Are obtained by minority women" because minority women" have much higher, rates ,of unintended pregnancy. " Some abortions are undergone as the result of
  14. Concentration in the water increases at both low temperatures and high flow, rates , aquatic amphibians in these situations can rely primarily on cutaneous
  15. Are below their natural levels. Thus, businesses are forced to operate as though, rates ,were set appropriately, because the consequence of a single entity deviating
  16. Wrote the tariff laws in the 1830s,1840s,and 1850s,and kept reducing, rates , so that the 1857 rates were the lowest since 1816. The South had no complaints
  17. Dry," having outlawed the importation of alcoholic beverages. Suicide, rates ,for rural residents are higher than urban. Domestic abuse and other violent
  18. Avoid for the climate conscious consumer ". The Environmental Protection Agency, rates ,Apple highest amongst producers of notebook computers, and fairly well compared
  19. A further process to extract aluminum. In Europe aluminum experiences high, rates ,of recycling, ranging from 42 % of beverage cans,85 % of construction
  20. This study suggests that" wound packing may significantly increase the failure, rates , " A small pilot study has found no benefit from packing of simple cutaneous
  21. Been followed by a redesign of the PLSS backpack, so some of the highest heart, rates ,recorded from Apollo astronauts occurred during LM egress and ingress. At 02:39
  22. Cycle theory, the business cycle unfolds in the following way: Low interest, rates ,tend to stimulate borrowing from the banking system. This expansion of credit
  23. Several parts of the country. Many regions in this country have high incidence, rates ,of tuberculosis and high HIV prevalence rates . Dengue, filariasis
  24. Depth-profiles for different isotopes allows estimating the mixing, rates , The physics behind this method is as follows: oceanic waters contain
  25. In respect of salaries. The cost of healthcare is covered by CLASS at, rates ,of 75 % for out-patient expenses such as medicines and hospital visits,90 %
  26. And gold –; Debt - external –; Economic aid - recipient –; Currency –; Exchange, rates ,– * Azerbaijani Manet per US dollar - 0.7893 (as of 2011; Fiscal year –
  27. 1857 rates were the lowest since 1816. The South had no complaints but the low, rates ,angered Northern industrialists and factory workers, especially in Pennsylvania
  28. And petroleum reserves; however, its life expectancy and infant mortality, rates ,are both among the worst-ranked in the world. Etymology The name" Angola "
  29. Varied considerably from one art to the other, the differences in overall, rates ,of injury were much less pronounced. Soft tissue injuries are one of the most
  30. May be the origin of J2” said Kopecks. According to the observed mutation, rates , certain J2 haplotypes found on FT DNA database projects share a common ancestor
  31. Organization's standard of 10 parts per billion. However, a study of cancer, rates ,in Taiwan suggested that significant increases in cancer mortality appear only
  32. Due to elevated levels of emigration after the break-up of the USSR. The, rates ,of emigration and population decline, however,have decreased drastically in
  33. Jeffrey Sachs observes that among developed countries, those with high, rates ,of taxation and high social welfare spending perform better on most measures of
  34. Bank artificially" stimulating" the economy with artificially low interest, rates ,(thereby permitting excessive increases in the money supply),the
  35. The world rate - 35 per 1000 women. By gestational age and method Abortion, rates ,also vary depending on the stage of pregnancy and the method practiced. In 2003
  36. And money issuance would cause increases in the money supply so that interest, rates ,would drop to zero or near to it. Rothbard disagreed with this, as he explains
  37. Issue its own euro coins. Andorra has one of the world's the lowest unemployment, rates , with the statistics on June 2009 showing almost 0 % unemployment within the
  38. At a magnitude consistent with current interest rates , regardless of whether, rates ,are below their natural levels. Thus, businesses are forced to operate as though
  39. It became clear that the clocks participating in TAI were ticking at different, rates ,due to gravitational time dilation, and the combined TAI scale therefore
  40. Most dangerous place for a child to be born, with the highest infant mortality, rates ,in the world. About 1 in 5 children dies before the age of five, and 1 out of
  41. Cause of most business cycles, as they tend to set" artificial" interest, rates ,too low for too long, resulting in excessive credit creation, speculative "
  42. The country has one of the world's-highest per-housing-unit occupancy, rates ,for housing, and government officials have publicly stated that the country has
  43. Of Canada. Many of Alberta's cities and towns have also experienced very high, rates ,of growth in recent history. Over the past century,Alberta's population rose
  44. He was moving rapidly from task to task as time ran out. However, as metabolic, rates ,remained generally lower than expected for both astronauts throughout the walk
  45. 1975 independence, during the long years of civil war. However, high poverty, rates ,and blatant social inequality are chiefly the outcome of a combination of a
  46. Incidents in Europe. The Netherlands and Sweden have also consistently had high, rates ,of antisemitic attacks since 2000. Much of the new European antisemitic
  47. Under the age of 50 years are called" young onset MND ", whilst incidence, rates ,appear to tail off after the age of 85. There are three" hot spots" of MND in
  48. Institute states that Alberta also has very high levels of economic freedom and, rates ,Alberta as the freest economy in Canada, and the second-freest economy amongst
  49. a million abortions 22 million occurred safely and 20 million unsafely. Abortion, rates ,are very difficult to measure in locations where those abortions are illegal
  50. Period Mission Control used a coded phrase to warn Armstrong that his metabolic, rates ,were high and that he should slow down. He was moving rapidly from task to task

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