Examples of the the word, hereditary , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hereditary ), is the 12350 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And the polity had three main centers of power — an assembly of elders,a, hereditary ,ruler, and an eponym. The ruler presided over the assembly and carried out its
  2. Speaker of the House of Lords. Lord Aberdeen was one of the ninety-two elected, hereditary ,peers that were allowed to remain in the House of Lords after the passing of
  3. Great holy man. While later tradition and legend characterized Śuddhodana as a, hereditary ,monarch, the descendant of the Solar Dynasty of (Pale: Osaka),many scholars
  4. For the malignant influence of another Goth, Sarus, an Mali, and therefore, hereditary ,enemy of Alaric and his house. Alaric, again outwitted by an enemy's
  5. Formed kingdoms (Regina) which, it is generally believed, were permanent and, hereditary , Minus describes Alemannic rulers with various terms: Reyes excelsiores ante
  6. Time, Charlemagne regarded the title as an honorary achievement which held no, hereditary ,significance. This division might have worked, but it was never to be tested.
  7. Strain of the plague bacterium. This has happened due to his undiagnosed, hereditary ,hemochromatosis (iron overload). He was an Associate Professor of Molecular
  8. To abandon the rules of his Order, to marry, and to convert Prussia into a, hereditary ,duchy for himself. This proposal, which was understandably appealing to Albert
  9. Promoted. This was not as unusual as it seems to people acquainted with modern, hereditary ,monarchies. Barbara Levi ck notes that Augustus had named his grandson Costumes
  10. The American constitution and the revolutionary French ones; but maintaining a, hereditary ,monarch limited by the constitution, like the Spanish one. The Serbian
  11. And was ennobled as Lord Luke of Dagenham in the county of Bedford. This, hereditary ,title passed to Ian St John Lawson Johnston in 1943 and to Arthur Charles St
  12. Effectively begun in 1534,when DOM João III divided the territory into twelve, hereditary ,captaincies, but this arrangement proved problematic and in 1549 the king
  13. Variation in the prevailing social ranks which tended to become traditional, hereditary ,system of social structuring. This system of thousands of exclusive, endogamous
  14. Alfonso V the right to reduce" Saracens, pagans and any other unbelievers" to, hereditary ,slavery. This approval of slavery was reaffirmed and extended in the Romanus
  15. White Mountain and by 1622,despite the aid of English volunteers, had lost his, hereditary ,lands in the Palatinate to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II. Having agreed
  16. On through the sex chromosomes. The autosomes contain the rest of the genetic, hereditary ,information. All act in the same way during cell division. Human cells have 23
  17. A degeneration of the retina causing blindness) and several less serious, hereditary ,eye problems such as Coloma (a hole in the eye structure),and persistent
  18. In spite of meritocratic overtones, the Tetrarchy retained vestiges of, hereditary ,privilege, and Constantine became the prime candidate for future appointment as
  19. An area extending from the Galway/Mayo border to Chill Head in Co. Mayo. The, hereditary ,chieftains of Umhall were the O’Dallas, recorded in the area in 814 AD when
  20. Types There are many types of color blindness. The most common are red–green, hereditary ,photoreceptor disorders, but it is also possible to acquire color blindness
  21. But are not limited to, multifocal motor neuropathy,Kennedy's disease, hereditary ,spastic paraplegia, spinal muscular atrophy and monomeric amyotrophic. A small
  22. At the Battle of White Mountain, and the ties between Bohemia and Habsburgs ', hereditary ,lands in Austria were strengthened. The war had a devastating effect on the
  23. But their heirs would return to the title of duke. The title of king became, hereditary ,under Ottoman I (1198). His grandson Ottoman II (king from 1253 to 1278)
  24. Charles St John Lawson Johnston in 1996. The current Lord Luke is one of the 92, hereditary , peers elected to remain in the House of Lords of the United Kingdom after its
  25. The first Brazilian constitution, enacted by DOM Pedro I. It was monarchic, hereditary ,and highly centralized, permitting the vote only to property-holders. *
  26. It may appear for the first time in the patient (sporadic form: Scud). In the, hereditary ,form, a mutation occurs in the gene for PRP, PRNP. Ten to 15 percent of CJD
  27. Known as Te Maeve New Celebrations locally. Executive The monarch is, hereditary ,; her representative is appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the
  28. Great men, the nobility of his land. These were technically royal officials and, hereditary ,princes. He was also dependent on the resources of the churches. Henry IV
  29. Known also as Modbus Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, hereditary ,motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN), hereditary sensorimotor neuropathy (
  30. Franklin opposed the creation of the Society because he viewed it, with its, hereditary ,membership, as a noble order unwelcome in the newly independent Republic
  31. Hydrocephalus and cerebellums. Hereditary ataxia Ataxia may depend on, hereditary ,disorders consisting of degeneration of the cerebellum and/or of the spine;
  32. Abbey. Lyell was knighted (Kt),and later made a baronet (BT),which is an, hereditary ,honor. He was awarded the Copley Medal of the Royal Society in 1858 and the
  33. Regular ranks. Russian tsars before Peter I of Russia maintained professional, hereditary ,musketeer corps (streets in Russian) that were highly unreliable and
  34. A salty cytoplasm takes up most of the cell volume. All cells possess DNA,the, hereditary ,material of genes, and RNA, containing the information necessary to build
  35. Will appoint a cabinet minister from another party.; Elections: The monarchy is, hereditary , The Governor General is appointed by the monarch on the advice of the Prime
  36. Under Habsburg control as the Habsburgs became first the elected and then the, hereditary ,rulers of Bohemia. The Defenestration of Prague and subsequent revolt against
  37. At this time there were two customary means of selecting a leader: having a, hereditary ,leader for general purposes, and choosing someone with good qualities in times
  38. The House of Lords regularly until the House of Lords Act 1999 barred most, hereditary ,peers from their seats. In the article Guest remarked: Personal life Guest
  39. Appointed Sarmatia Human. This appointment caused bitter resentment among the, hereditary ,Whom nobles and commanders and the resistance which they offered to the
  40. Electrode implants (acquired or iatrogenic form: iced); it can be inherited (, hereditary ,or familial form: FCD); or it may appear for the first time in the patient (
  41. Yellow River in the North China Plain. China's political system was based on, hereditary ,monarchies, known as dynasties, beginning with the Xia (approx. 2,000 BC) and
  42. Promised he would be the Warden of the East March, a position that was formerly, hereditary ,for the Percy's. He served under Richard during the 1482 invasion of Scotland
  43. Functions of an organism occur within cells, and that all cells contain the, hereditary ,information necessary for regulating cell functions and for transmitting
  44. Thought to be an inherited disorder, unless in the context of a specific, hereditary ,syndrome. History Lusaka and Virchow first described arteriovenous
  45. Errors. * Ethology. Compares animal species using behavioral traits presumed, hereditary , * Astrophysics. Infers the history of relationships between galaxies to create
  46. Is a list of reigning monarchies. Except where noted, monarch selection is, hereditary ,as directed by the state's constitution. Former monarchies * The Chinese
  47. Or as a part of another disease (for example, Von Hippel-Lindau disease or, hereditary ,hemorrhagic telangiectasia). Arms have been shown to be associated with Aortic
  48. S side descended from the House of Trastamara, a noble family of Castile. By, hereditary ,right he was king of Sicily and disputed the island of Sardinia with Genoa.
  49. To the Throne Unlike most monarchies,Cambodia's monarchy isn't necessarily, hereditary ,and the King is not allowed to select his own heir. Instead, a new King is
  50. French Revolution, the Basque woman was truly ‘ the mistress of the house,’, hereditary ,guardian, and head of the lineage ". Although the kingdom of Navarre did adopt

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