Examples of the the word, degenerate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( degenerate ), is the 12351 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Homosexuals and entire racial groups -- such as the Roma and Jews -- as ", degenerate ," or" unfit "; the segregation or institutionalization of such individuals and
  2. For example, the ex-Futurist Office) wished to import the concept of ", degenerate ,art" from Germany to Italy and condemned modernism, although their demands
  3. That Adolf Hitler wanted to include Futurism in a traveling exhibition of, degenerate ,art, Marinetti persuaded Mussolini to refuse to let it enter Italy. During the
  4. In that the artificial portions are actually vehicles for small and physically, degenerate ,beings. *Inspector Gadget, who is a cyborg with various" gadgets" built into
  5. Cooling fermions rather than bosons to extremely low temperatures have created, degenerate ,gases, where the atoms do not congregate in a single state due to the Pauli
  6. Many generations to produce new species. Buffoon suggested that species could, degenerate ,into different organisms, and Erasmus Darwin proposed that all warm-blooded
  7. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar worked on the calculation of the statistics of a, degenerate ,Fermi gas. In these papers, Chandrasekhar solved the hydrostatic equation
  8. Two other titles describing binary search trees are that of a complete and, degenerate ,tree. A complete tree is a tree with n levels, where for each level d ← n - 1
  9. Good reason: the curves parametrize a space of lattices, and those lattices can, degenerate ,('go off to infinity' ), often in a number of ways (taking into account some
  10. Name of her husband," Willy ", writer,music critic," literary charlatan and, degenerate ,". Claudine still has the power to charm; in Belle Époque France it was
  11. Line segments as a type of degenerate ellipse A line segment is a, degenerate ,ellipse with semi-minor axis 0 and eccentricity 1,and with the focal points at
  12. For truth must be common to all ", Wollstonecraft contends that society will, degenerate ,without educated women, particularly because mothers are the primary educators
  13. Same line there is no Delaney triangulation (the notion of triangulation is, degenerate ,for this case). For four or more points on the same circle (e.g., the
  14. Boolean algebra with only one element is called a trivial Boolean algebra or a, degenerate ,Boolean algebra. (Some authors require 0 and 1 to be distinct elements in
  15. Enough to explain the daunting physical paradoxes that were apparently part of, degenerate ,stars. Relativity During World War I Eddington was Secretary of the Royal
  16. A triplet of nucleotides could code for an amino acid. Such a code might be ", degenerate ,", with 4×4×4=64 possible triplets of the four nucleotide subunits while there
  17. Life — blood of new generations — is now made up of people who are old and, degenerate ,and cannot defend itself against a younger people which launches an attack on
  18. Social welfare because, in his view, it encouraged the preservation of the, degenerate ,and feeble. While in power, the Nazis created social welfare programs to deal
  19. Will behave appropriately under such transformations. Line segments as a type of, degenerate ,ellipse A line segment is a degenerate ellipse with semi-minor axis 0 and
  20. Yakov Frankel in 1928,together with some other remarks on the physics of, degenerate ,matter. Frenkel's work, however,was ignored by the astronomical and
  21. But happens for the excited H-atom, where 2s and 2p states are" accidentally ", degenerate ,(see this article for the origin of this degeneracy) and have opposite parity
  22. First-order Stark shift) only if some wave functions belonging to the, degenerate ,energies have opposite parity; i.e., have different behavior under inversion.
  23. Spontaneous deformations of high-symmetry molecules induce the splitting of, degenerate ,levels to gain the electronic energy. The Jahn-Teller type electron-phonon
  24. Influential theoretical molecular biologist. Proof that the genetic code is a, degenerate ,triplet code finally came from genetics experiments, some of which were
  25. A rooted complete binary tree can be identified with a free magma. * A, degenerate ,tree is a tree where for each parent node, there is only one associated child
  26. Was a good and a bad variant of each system (he considered democracy to be the, degenerate ,counterpart to polity). For Aristotle the underlying principle of democracy is
  27. Of vertex-uniform polyhedra, as do the uniform prisms. For n 2 we have as, degenerate ,case the regular tetrahedron, and for n 3 the non- degenerate regular octahedron
  28. S reputation. Since the 17th century, casuistry has been widely considered a, degenerate ,form of reasoning. Critics of casuistry claim its argumentation is specious and
  29. n) time in the worst case, when the unbalanced tree resembles a linked list (, degenerate ,tree). Assuming that BinarySearchTree is a class with a member function "
  30. Complex chemistry possible. It is also responsible for the pressure within, degenerate ,matter, which largely governs the equilibrium state of white dwarfs and neutron
  31. Momentum configuration is called degeneracy. How to distinguish between these, degenerate ,baryons is an active area of research in baryon spectroscopy. Parity If the
  32. All levels with different \ell within a given n are (to a good approximation), degenerate , and have the same energy. This approximation is broken to a slight extent by
  33. Government declared it illegal in 1931. The Nazis argued that homosexuality was, degenerate , effeminate, perverted,and undermined masculinity because it did not produce
  34. The Gods declare that drama is the 'Fifth Veda' because it is suitable for the, degenerate ,age as the best form of religious instruction. While the date of composition
  35. Show: splendidly, exotically armed and armored barbarians, treacherous and, degenerate , are dominated by Roman iron and native courage. His plain Romans virtuously
  36. Claimed the nation would enter a final decadent stage where the nation would, degenerate ,as noted by decreasing birth rate, decreasing cultural output, and the lack of
  37. The permanent dipole moment of an atom in a non- degenerate state (see, degenerate ,energy level) is given as the expectation (average) value of the dipole
  38. Generally begins in the family, and if the moral character of a people once, degenerate , their political character must soon follow. " The electromagnetic spectrum is
  39. Fractals contain small copies of the entire fractal in distorted and, degenerate ,forms. Fractals defined by recurrence relations are usually quasi-self-similar.
  40. B X Y + C Y^2 + D X + E Y + F = 0 provided B^2 - 4AC < 0. To distinguish the, degenerate ,cases from the non- degenerate case, let ∆ be the determinant of the 3×3 matrix
  41. Does not have to exist, the nodes that do exist must fill from left to right. A, degenerate ,tree is a tree where for each parent node, there is only one associated child
  42. Strength decreasing proportionately. In the future, as morality continues to, degenerate , human life will continue to shorten to the point where the normal life span is
  43. One center to another. *: One important indicator of reactivity is the rate of, degenerate ,exchange of ligands. For example, the rate of interchange of coordinate water
  44. Vanishes, : \angle \Mather\range = 0. In the case of open-shell atoms with, degenerate ,energy levels, one could define a dipole moment by the aid of the first-order
  45. Phenomenon. In a magazine article, he decried rock and roll as" brutal, ugly, degenerate , vicious. ... It fosters almost totally negative and destructive reactions in
  46. And physical states. In the 1930s and 1940s,the Nazis labeled Munch's work ", degenerate ,art" ( along with Picasso, Paul Klee, Matisse,Gauguin and many others modern
  47. The Nazi movement, from nearly the start, denounced the Bauhaus for its ", degenerate ,art ", and the Nazi regime was determined to crack down on what it saw as the
  48. Literals separated only by ORS. A single literal is often considered to be a, degenerate ,disjunction. Truth table The truth table of ~A \or B: Properties commutativity:
  49. Elements of thought processes in the human cultural fabric, that tended to, degenerate ,into stereotyping, factionalism,and discrimination. In his own words,"
  50. Errors to be detected is desired. Codes with minimum Hamming distance d = 2 are, degenerate ,cases of error-correcting codes, and can be used to detect single errors. The

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