Examples of the the word, engrave , in a Sentence Context

The word ( engrave ), is the 12357 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Developed some very specialized equipment. They have designed machines that can, engrave ,the inside of a ring. They have also created machines that have the ability to
  2. Then won the best-of-five series 3-2. After the Cup win, the team did not, engrave ,its name on the Stanley Cup. The NHL would later engrave " Toronto Arenas 1918
  3. Pattern applied to its surface into an acid solution. Also, an artist can, engrave ,it buy hand using wheels. Sandblasting can create a similar effect. Gallery File
  4. History of the production of elongated coins, various methods have been used to, engrave ,the design into the roller. Early elongated where hand engrave d with burn
  5. Reasons, as it is cheaper to engrave two names at the same time as to, engrave ,the second name when the second spouse dies. It can also be seen as a sign that
  6. 1:1 Minimum 50:1 (reduction) In this way machinists can neatly and accurately, engrave ,numbers and letters onto a part. The device which maintains electrical contact
  7. The inside of a ring. They have also created machines that have the ability to, engrave ,the back of a watch. A laser can cut into both flat and curved surfaces.
  8. Erected and then the foundation stone itself. Upon the stone he is directed to, engrave ,crosses on each side with a knife, and then pronounce the following prayer: "
  9. Why he should not give them some perception of his goodness, and in some sort, engrave ,his word on their hearts. Some challenge the Calvinist doctrine based on their
  10. Of Clement of Alexandria to his readers (Pedagogue, III,xi) to, engrave ,their seals with the dove or fish. However, it can be inferred from Roman
  11. Effect. These graves have very small cutting points. Professional engrave rs, engrave ,with resolution of up to 40 lines per mm in high grade work creating game
  12. Be difficult for him to die a brave and manly death. Thus, it is essential to, engrave ,this business of the warrior into one's mind well. " Kagoshima Noshing (
  13. Be difficult for him to die a brave and manly death. Thus, it is essential to, engrave ,this business of the warrior into one's mind well. " NATO was a ferocious
  14. A tattoo name by his master, most often incorporating the word" horn" ( to, engrave ,) and a syllable derived from the master's own name or some other significant
  15. Tradition to baptize children using the ship's bell as a baptismal font and to, engrave ,the names of the children on the naval bell afterwards. Tracking down and
  16. Bowl and collar. This Cup also properly honored those teams that did not, engrave ,their names on the Cup. Also included was 1918–19 No Decision Montreal
  17. Γλυφή, glyphē," carving," and the verb γλύφειν, glýphein," to hollow out, engrave , carve" ( cognate with Latin global" to peel" and English cleave). Compare
  18. Right bank of the Danube in Germany. * Roman legionaries of Legion II Aviatrix, engrave ,on the rock of the Trench Castle (Slovakia) the name of the town Margarito
  19. Piece is expanding relative to its surroundings. So lasers are indeed used to, engrave ,on glass, and if the power, speed and focus are just right, excellent results
  20. Its" firm determination never to repeat the same mistake and that they would, engrave ,such issue through the study and teaching of history ". Asia Women's Fund In
  21. To write often, compose ’ is based on scribe ‘ to write’ ( <‘to draw lines, engrave ,with a sharp-pointed instrument’ ). * dicta ‘ to say often, repeat ’ is from
  22. Having formed an intimacy with Sir David Wilkie, Raimbach in 1812 began to, engrave ,some of Wilkie's best pictures. At his death, he held a gold medal awarded for
  23. Encyclical Annul Ingress Sums:" This is our last lesson to you; receive it, engrave ,it in your minds, all of you: by God's commandment salvation is to be found
  24. To the engrave r Ellis Gamble in Leicester Fields, where he learned to, engrave ,trade cards and similar products. Young Hogarth also took a lively interest in
  25. Of Godfrey Kneller's London Academy of Painting, who had employed him to, engrave ,portraits. Virtue had a deep interest in antiquarian research, and much of his
  26. Win, the team did not engrave its name on the Stanley Cup. The NHL would later, engrave ," Toronto Arenas 1918" in 1947. In many books, the name Toronto Arena is
  27. 2008. Laser engraving, or laser marking, is the practice of using lasers to, engrave ,or mark an object. The technique does not involve the use of inks, nor does it
  28. To this end, he hired William Smollett, the foremost engrave r in England, to, engrave , Richard Wilson’s Destruction of the Children of Niobe. By 1770,the British
  29. Tradition to baptize children using the ship's bell as a baptismal font and to, engrave ,their names of the children on the naval bell afterwards. Tracking down and
  30. Music journalism and was interested in folk song, and learned lithography to, engrave ,his own works. Life Childhood Weber was born in Putin, Holstein,the eldest of
  31. Ship and store expensive wines in transit. Most wineries that use wooden boxes, engrave ,their logo and designs on the front panel. These panels are usually highly
  32. On where to find the sacred engravings of the Nephrite prophets and on what to, engrave ,upon them. At the age of eleven, Mormon was taken to the land of Arabella by
  33. A compound of (hairs 'sacred' ) and γλύφω (glyph 'Ι carve, engrave ,'; see glyph). The glyphs themselves were called (ta hieroglyphic grammar
  34. From the stone. This is usually done for financial reasons, as it is cheaper to, engrave ,two names at the same time as to engrave the second name when the second
  35. A new surface with carbon paper, and hand embossing. Styluses are also used to, engrave ,into materials like metal or clay. Styluses are used to make dots as found in
  36. Wax comb is used to maintain the grip of the wax. Usually, the comb is used to, engrave ,a cross-cut pattern into the wax to create a tackier surface. The second method
  37. His understanding and ingenious devise a symbol to represent the Universe ", and, engrave , this on the disc.: There is, therefore,nothing movable or immovable under the
  38. Engraver James Gill ray appears to have been peeved at not being commissioned to, engrave ,any of the Shakespeare scenes and, in revenge, published Shakespeare Sacrificed
  39. The work of an engrave r in stone, like the engravings of a signet, shalt thou, engrave ,the two stones with the names of the children of Israel: thou shalt make them
  40. Most laptop mods consist of new paint or other finishes, others have chosen to, engrave ,or cut out designs into their laptop cover (behind the screen). Laptops may
  41. 221 BC–206 BC),the government required blacksmiths and weapon-makers to, engrave ,their names onto weapons in order to trace the weapons back to them, lest their
  42. S physical plant developed a special machine called the" Senior Sand Hog" to, engrave ,the thousands of names required each year. School superstition states that it
  43. S tools. Whitmore says plausibly:" Copley at the age of fifteen was able to, engrave ,in mezzo tint; his stepfather Pelham, with whom he lived three years, was an
  44. Where the laser passed over. Typically, these sprays can also be used to, engrave ,other optically invisible or reflective substances such as glass and are
  45. To petition the NHL Commissioner, to be considered on a case-by-case basis, to, engrave , a player's name on the cup if the player was unavailable to play due to "
  46. Low by allowing the propellant gases to expand before being required to, engrave ,the projectile. Best accuracy, however,is typically provided with a minimum of
  47. During that time Grinevsky-Alexeieff took his tools and taught herself how to, engrave ,and became the bread winner for the family. While the invention of the
  48. And engrave r at the mint, and unfortunately for the farthing it was his job to, engrave ,the designs for the new coinage, and he produced a spectacularly ugly portrait
  49. During this time, Inlaid technique known as" Gangnam ", where potters would, engrave ,semi-dried pottery with designs and place black or white clay materials within
  50. Or other materials. Some laser engrave rs have rotary attachments which can, engrave ,around an object. Artists may digitize drawings, scan or create images on a

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