Examples of the the word, freshly , in a Sentence Context
The word ( freshly ), is the 12371 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Perfectly brushed, perfectly fitted, showing much perfectly starched linen, all, freshly , laundered,and composed with an elaborately knotted cravat. From the mid 1790s
- Honey can be distinguished by fragrance, taste,and consistency. Ripe, freshly ,collected, high-quality honey at should flow from a knife in a straight stream
- Upon a young chicken. Wist rand reported seeing this same species eating a, freshly ,killed snake. Whitaker examined the stomachs of 139 thirteen-lined ground
- Does not immediately fix itself, such as graphite, chalk,or charcoal, although, freshly , applied ink can be smudged, wet or dry, for some effects. For shading and
- In some places, the Island was bustling again as some things had been, freshly ,re-built and those that were not were quite on their way. There remain housing
- Chicken (it will be the first UK college to do so). Also, since October 2008, freshly , prepared sushi as well as a weekly taco bar is available. Pembroke is Cambridge
- Greece, and ancient China. Characteristics Lead is bright and silvery when, freshly ,cut, but the surface rapidly tarnishes in air to produce the commonly observed
- Writing at first in Greek, but eventually chronicling their history in a, freshly ,non-Greek language. While early Roman works were still written in Greek, the
- A document called the Donation of Constantine first appeared, in which the, freshly ,converted Constantine hands the temporal rule over" the city of Rome and all
- Books were republished in the 1960s to the 1980s,it was not uncommon to see, freshly ,written introductions by Charters apologizing for the out-of-date tone;
- Claims that this included not only ritual cannibalization of the livers of, freshly ,killed prisoners, but also the cannibalization-for-sustenance of living
- Carr (" A Short History of Fiji ",1984,page 3)," Ceremonial occasions saw, freshly ,killed corpses piled up for eating. 'Eat me! ' Was a proper ritual greeting
- Before refrigerators – these morsels are often served with sweet mustard and, freshly ,baked pretzels. Liberal, Bavarian baked sausage loaf, often served with potato
- Apricots, aubergines, onions,beans, raisins commonly coupled with seafood, freshly ,caught from the surrounding coastlines, including tuna, sea bream, sea bass
- Before being obliterated. The elimination of the Legacy Virus gave Magneto a, freshly ,healthy army, leading him to declare a campaign of global conquest. A small
- Well-tested class will reduce the number of bugs - as compared to the use of, freshly ,developed or ad hoc code - in the final output. In addition, efficient class
- Medicine, hardware goods, sewing implements, and a multitude of stands offering, freshly ,made, home-style cooking and drinks in the tradition of aquas frescoes and stole
- The N protein interacting with the DNA; the protein instead binds to the, freshly ,transcribed mRNA. Nut sites contain 3 conserved" boxes," of which only Box
- Ran on Sunday, December 31, 1995. It depicted Calvin and Hobbes outside in, freshly ,fallen snow, reveling in the wonder and excitement of the winter scene. " It's
- Mediterranean diet is rich in olive oil, fiber,vegetables, fruit,flour, and, freshly , cooked food. In contrast to the traditional Italian pizza used in the research
- Made from the new crop. In many parts of England, tenants were bound to present, freshly ,harvested wheat to their landlords on or before the first day of August. In the
- On" reserve" and during third pass ran out of fuel. Emergency landing in a, freshly ,plowed field caused wheels to dig in, aircraft flipped over, airframe was not
- Flavor, premium sake is rarely used for this type. * Shiboritate (搾立て),", freshly ,pressed ", refers to sake that has been shipped without the traditional
- Separate petrochemicals based on their boiling points, the piping carrying, freshly ,separated propane in oil refineries can become partially radioactive because of
- Treated did not hatch and died after 3–4 days. Agriculture Ozone application on, freshly ,cut pineapple and banana shows increase in flavonoids and total phenol contents
- That groups of the Avers survived the disintegration of their empire. The, freshly ,unified Magyars (Hungarians) led by ARPA settled in the Carpathian Basin
- Or" Different odd and even" are enabled, Word will not allow the user to, freshly ,begin page numbering an even page after a section break (and vice versa).
- Proper rituals and was therefore well behind Flamingos, replaced him with his, freshly ,raised army at Aluminum to cover the route along the Adriatic coast. A third
- Run the gauntlet of the Atlantic crossing were sometimes destroyed entering, freshly ,cleared British harbors. More shipping was being lost than could be replaced
- Enters the Earth's atmosphere is carried away by ablation and the interiors of, freshly ,landed meteorites are rarely heated much and are often cold. For example, a
- One place, or if the escaping neutrons are sufficiently contained, then these, freshly ,emitted neutrons outnumber the neutrons that escape from the assembly, and a
- Punishment, Wylde writing how the neighborhood of Ada" was full of their, freshly ,dead bodies; they had generally crawled to the banks of the streams to quench
- Historical events, they raise views at odds with traditionalists, which must be, freshly ,judged. Revisionist history is often practiced by those who are in the minority
- Are ionic salts. The radium ion is colorless, making radium salts white when, freshly ,prepared, turning yellow and ultimately dark with age owing to
- As one of the heavy metals. Metallic lead has a bluish-white color after being, freshly ,cut, but it soon tarnishes to a dull grayish color when exposed to air. Lead
- Enough that it can be cut with a knife. In air, the bright silvery luster of, freshly ,exposed sodium will rapidly tarnish. The density of alkali metals generally
- Spices such as ginger and garlic, and preparation of an initial masala from, freshly ,ground dried spices are sometimes used. The first curry recipe in Britain
- Day, particularly honored guests in rural settings are treated to a feast of, freshly ,killed lamb. Such guests are sometimes asked to bless the lamb and to ask its
- Continued. John began to explore an alliance with the French king Philip II, freshly ,returned from the crusade. John hoped to acquire Normandy, Anjou and the other
- Idea with him when he moved to 20th Century Fox in 1984,where Fox's then, freshly ,installed proprietor, Rupert Murdoch was a more interested listener. Meanwhile
- The resulting Braille is not as easily readable as Braille that has been, freshly ,embossed, in much the same way that a poor-quality photocopy is not as readable
- In some cases, evidence of accidents or repairs may be added, such as dents or, freshly ,painted replacement parts, and weathered models can be nearly indistinguishable
- As well as in native grasses up to away from the test sites, released when, freshly ,cut grass was blown by the wind. GM proponents point out that outcrossing, as
- By taking mucous samples from the external gum surface of the upper jaw of two, freshly ,captured individuals. The rapid growth of these bacteria was noted by Fred eking
- The passage of the bill. Furthermore, any newly elected Bundestag will have to, freshly ,decide on the rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung),which is done by a
- Bacteria (in slower traditional methods, lactic acid forms naturally). Next, freshly ,steamed rice is added, and the yeast is cultivated for 10 to 15 days (in the
- http://www.wardheernews.com/Articles_06/July_06/15_Mazrui_Roble.html. The, freshly ,independent Somalis loved politics. Every nomad had a radio to listen to
- For four years and become rich, that will be done so much it is hard to find, freshly ,corked wine. There is also the theory that adding to the price of a luxury
- Are eaten. Videos, Tallarines, ñoquis, ravioles and anemones can be bought, freshly ,made in many establishments in the larger cities. Italian-style ice cream is
- According to a table which they have learned. The count starts at 0 for a, freshly ,shuffled deck for" balanced" counting systems. Unbalanced counts are often
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