Examples of the the word, interdependence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interdependence ), is the 12358 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Coexist. Experimentally, the phase lines are relatively easy to map due to the, interdependence ,of temperature and pressure that develops when multiple phases forms. See Gibbs
  2. Is any philosophic, political,economic or social outlook that emphasizes the, interdependence ,of every human in some collective group and the priority of group goals over
  3. Communities. That same year,260,650 emigrants returned to Mexico. Growing, interdependence ,of both countries, the emigration of Mexicans to the United States has slowed.
  4. Associates and their victims; and, * organizations open systems: High levels of, interdependence ,between themselves and the environment in which they operate. There is no one
  5. Time. The underlying theme of endosymbiotic theory, as formulated in 1966,was, interdependence ,and cooperative existence of multiple prokaryotic organisms; one organism
  6. Insisted on the organic unity of the universe and the correlation and mutual, interdependence ,of all its parts. He said," the universe is its own soul and its own
  7. As valuing filial piety, harmony and group welfare, stability,and, interdependence , while a society exhibiting modernity would value" individualism (with free
  8. Wrote," In a Chamorro sense, the land and its produce belong to everyone., or, interdependence , is the key, or central value, in Chamorro culture ... depends on a spirit of
  9. To Bermuda, which was dependent on American produce. The realities of this, interdependence ,did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm with which Bermudian privateers turned on
  10. Countryside was used by town dwellers for recreation. The commission considered, interdependence ,of areas at many levels, including travel-to-work, provision of services, and
  11. Past decade, Vietnam has recognized the importance of growing global economic, interdependence ,and has made concerted efforts to adjust its foreign relations to reflect the
  12. May be integrative, destructive or both together, allowing for aspects of, interdependence , influence, and confluence, and addressing coherence in universal as well as
  13. Individual human willing and acting for the common good. For Cumberland, human, interdependence , precludes Hobbes's natural right of each individual to wage war against all
  14. Phase of panic terrors, exactly befitting a small world of tribal drums, total, interdependence , and superimposed co-existence. ... Terror is the normal state of any oral
  15. Consequences have unknown effects. He writes:" In economy like in ecology,the, interdependence ,rule applies. Isolated actions are impossible. A policy which is not carefully
  16. Are obsolete. According to the Stalinist development policy of planned, interdependence , all the economies of the socialist countries were linked tightly with that of
  17. A society is a body of individuals outlined by the bounds of functional, interdependence , possibly comprising characteristics such as national or cultural identity
  18. Economic globalization. 2) Skeptics hold that intensity of contemporary global, interdependence ,is considerably exaggerated and that the hyperglobalists ignore the continued
  19. Comes to undermine personal integrity and authenticity in a society marked by, interdependence , and hierarchy. In the last chapter of the Social Contract, Rousseau would ask
  20. As the behaviorist revolution has subsided. At the same time, because of the, interdependence ,of all social life, political science also moved towards a closer working
  21. Have jointly adopted an Action plan to reinforce their political and economic, interdependence , and further implement their current Association Agreement. This Action Plan
  22. Such as Alasdair MacIntyre, have theorized freedom in terms of our social, interdependence ,with other people. According to political philosopher Nikolas Comprises, the
  23. Their simultaneous collapse ... would one day provide the final proof of their, interdependence , " This resentment toward the Church weakened its power during the opening of
  24. Food and urban manufactured goods. This resulted in a great deal of economic, interdependence ,between the empire’s inhabitants. The historian Henry Moss describes the
  25. Transition of the 1970s and an experience of a global zeitgeist revealed the, interdependence ,of economies since World War II, in a world increasingly polarized between the
  26. It becomes clear that war is imminent. A common theme is the importance of, interdependence ,in society, and how a nuclear war can unravel these connections. The story
  27. Of what the other guy is doing or might do is to be contrasted with lack of, interdependence ,in other market structures. In a PC market there is zero interdependence
  28. Thus, the law of" interpenetrating opposites" records the inextricable, interdependence ,of components: the" transformation of quantity to quality" defends a
  29. Restoration of Moroccan independence within a framework of French-Moroccan, interdependence , The sultan agreed to institute reforms that would transform Morocco into a
  30. Print culture would soon be brought to an end by what he called" electronic, interdependence ,": when electronic media replace visual culture with aural/oral culture. In
  31. Or political rights (known as the full belly thesis). The indivisibility and, interdependence ,of all human rights has been confirmed by the 1993 Vienna Declaration and
  32. Their environments became recognized as the foremost source of complexity and, interdependence , In most cases the whole has properties that cannot be known from analysis of
  33. Is rational to act in one's self-interest. Contractual egoism acknowledges the, interdependence ,of self-interests through voluntary, freely chosen exchanges. These doctrines
  34. Version allows for the effects of chaos, thus illustrating Stoppard's theme of, interdependence ,of science and art. Themes Arcadia explores the nature of evidence and truth in
  35. Had taken to the nobility. Edward's court had been a martial one, based on the, interdependence ,between the king and his most trusted noblemen as military captains. In Richard
  36. For 92 % of Estonia's international trade, today there is extensive economic, interdependence ,between Estonia and its Nordic neighbors: three quarters of foreign investment
  37. Jobs, and divide them to skilled members of a society. Trade and economic, interdependence ,The division of labor makes trade necessary and is the source of economic
  38. Theory of money and economic fluctuations and his penetrating analysis of the, interdependence ,of economic, social and institutional phenomena. " He also received the U. S.
  39. And units separate in part from the whole instead of recognizing the, interdependence ,between groups of individuals, structures and processes that enable an
  40. In, and the economies of those countries are interlinked in a complex web of, interdependence , Industry is divided into four sectors. They are: As a country develops people
  41. Also been correlated to the eight trig rams of the I Ching: Chinese medicine The, interdependence ,of Gang FM networks in the body was noted to be a circle of five things, and so
  42. Of interdependence in other market structures. In a PC market there is zero, interdependence ,because no firm is large enough to affect market price. All firms in a PC
  43. In a strict chain of command. Horizontal collectivism stresses common goals, interdependence ,and sociability. Vertical collectivism stresses the integrity of the in-group (
  44. On display. The Eden Project includes environmental education focusing on the, interdependence ,of plants and people; plants are labelled with their medicinal uses. The
  45. Observation was cited as evidence for creation. The idea that specifically the, interdependence ,between parts would have implications for the origins of living things was
  46. Over time by actions of body, speech and mind. The constant transmutation and, interdependence ,of phenomena mean that nothing can be said in terms of ultimate truth to have a
  47. The division of labor makes trade necessary and is the source of economic, interdependence , Division of labor is a process whereby the production process is broken down
  48. Will also increase prices or hold existing prices constant. This high degree of, interdependence ,and need to be aware of what the other guy is doing or might do is to be
  49. Is sometimes summarized as" Assyro-Babylonian ", because of the close cultural, interdependence ,of the two political centers. The term" Babylonia ", especially in writings
  50. Accounts of the events in Jesus' life and his teaching, due to their literary, interdependence ,(see below under Authorship). The Gospel of John is structured differently

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