Examples of the the word, twentieth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( twentieth ), is the 5881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Many rich tombs. Many fine tombs were made in the eighteenth to, twentieth ,dynasties, and members of later dynasties continued to bury their dead here
  2. Which derived a great impetus from improved technologies throughout the, twentieth ,Century. Catches have fallen due to overfishing and the use of the harbor by
  3. Successful, and the consequences of this continued into the nineteenth and, twentieth ,centuries, and even to the present day. During the occult revival of the early
  4. Growth in the twentieth century Antisemitism in the Arab world increased in the, twentieth ,century, as anti-Semitic propaganda and blood libels were imported from Europe
  5. Twenty years in advance. Kingsley AMIS set his 1976 novel The Alteration in the, twentieth ,century, but major events in the Reformation did not take place, and
  6. Avant-garde. Art for political change. One of the defining functions of early, twentieth ,century art has been to use visual images to bring about political change. Art
  7. For a wide variety of treatments through the Middle Ages and up until the early, twentieth ,century. Scent of amber and amber perfumery In ancient China it was customary
  8. Suggestive and supposedly ruining the high-society model's reputation. In the, twentieth ,century, Pablo Picasso's Guernica (1937) used arresting cubist techniques
  9. And so-called ritualism controversies of the late nineteenth and early, twentieth ,centuries. This controversy produced the Free Church of England and, in the USA
  10. Of Peace, it negotiated with garment manufacturers in the second decade of the, twentieth ,century. Grievance arbitration became even more popular during World War II
  11. Such as Herbert Spencer). Post-modern aesthetics and psychoanalysis Early, twentieth ,century artists, poets and composers challenged existing notions of beauty
  12. Break in the conception of the function of art, and then again in the late, twentieth ,century with the advent of postmodernism. Clement Greenberg's 1960 article "
  13. By an ad-hoc committee called the Crown Nominations Commission. Since the, twentieth ,century, the appointment of Archbishops of Canterbury conventionally alternates
  14. With the discovery of significant oil deposits in the North Sea during the late, twentieth ,century, Aberdeen became the center of Europe's petroleum industry. With the
  15. Numbering issues He should not be confused with Pope John XXIII of the, twentieth ,century. When Angelo Cardinal Locally was elected and became Pope John, there
  16. Of art as" beauty," is that of the" sublime," elaborated upon in the, twentieth ,century by the postmodern philosopher Jean-François Leotard. A further approach
  17. Academic art, Symbolism,impressionism and fauvism among others. The history of, twentieth ,century art is a narrative of endless possibilities and the search for new
  18. The Journal of Geophysical Research says" Our analysis suggests that the early, twentieth ,century warming can best be explained by a combination of warming due to
  19. Continued to grow indefinitely, and this became a dominant view in the early, twentieth ,century. Carrel started an experiment on January 17, 1912 where he placed
  20. Art Gallery houses a collection of Impressionist, Victorian,Scottish and, twentieth ,Century British paintings as well as collections of silver and glass. It also
  21. Music) and psychology than in philosophy. His popularity peaked in the early, twentieth ,century, especially during the Modernist era, and waned somewhat thereafter.
  22. Law. In response to the rapid creation of new independent agencies in the early, twentieth ,century (see discussion below),Congress enacted the Administrative Procedure
  23. Tourism Alberta has been a tourist destination from the early days of the, twentieth ,century, with attractions including outdoor locales for skiing, hiking and
  24. Were later ventured by sociologists and evolutionary psychologists in the, twentieth ,century. After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture portrait by
  25. In modified form as the chapel of Marshal College as late as the early, twentieth ,Century. St Machar's Cathedral was formed twenty years after David I (1124–53
  26. Immigration and transport. Administrative law expanded greatly during the, twentieth ,century, as legislative bodies worldwide created more government agencies to
  27. Jews a religious component. While there were antisemitic incidents in the early, twentieth ,century, antisemitism has certainly been heightened by the Arab-Israeli
  28. Wilder excesses of artists' self-portraiture, especially in the nineteenth and, twentieth ,centuries. Durer has never fallen from critical favor, and there have been
  29. Dreyfus, and criticized the persecution of Jews in France. Growth in the, twentieth ,century Antisemitism in the Arab world increased in the twentieth century, as
  30. Fulfilled the criteria he thought necessary for a spiritual path adapted to the, twentieth ,century. Non-scientific legacy While travelling, Einstein wrote daily to his
  31. Prohibited from having abortions. Beginning in the second half of the, twentieth ,century, abortion was legalized in a greater number of countries. Society and
  32. Which was religious; and the racial antisemitism of the nineteenth and, twentieth ,centuries. " Ancient world The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment
  33. Has appealed to both conservatives and radicals in the nineteenth and, twentieth ,centuries — Anatomy Lunacharsky, first Commissar of Enlightenment for the USSR
  34. Ideology made The Gulag Archipelago one of the most consequential books of the, twentieth ,century. The appearance of the book in the West put the word gulag into the
  35. Of his death, Miller was considered to be one of the greatest dramatists of the, twentieth ,century. Some calling him the last great practitioner of the American stage
  36. And the later Davidson Automobile Battery armored car. At the beginning of the, twentieth ,century, a number of military armored vehicles were manufactured by adding
  37. With informing humanity that it was entering the new Eon of Horus in the early, twentieth ,century. Born into a wealthy upper class family, as a young man he became an
  38. Art Noumea; it embraced influences from many styles of the early, twentieth ,century, including neoclassical, constructivism,cubism, modernism and futurism
  39. Was released with the involvement of all four members. " By the end of the, twentieth ,century ", American critic Chuck Letterman wrote a decade later," it was far
  40. Spanish as their symbol of power. During the rule of Francisco Franco in the, twentieth ,century and the spreading of compulsory schooling, Aragonese was regarded as a
  41. Undertook a massive shallow tube well drinking-water program in the late, twentieth ,century. This program was designed to prevent drinking of bacteria-contaminated
  42. Its roots in the philosophy of Immanuel Kant, and was developed in the early, twentieth ,century by Roger Fry and Clive Bell. Art as mimesis or representation has deep
  43. Of the month Basis—according to Delphi an tradition. The seventh and, twentieth , the days of the new and full moon, were ever afterwards held sacred to him.
  44. Scarcely a mile broad. The strategic site has been a prohibited zone in the, twentieth ,century. Hero and Leander's story took place near Abyss. Abyss was first
  45. Brian Doherty described her as" the most influential libertarian of the, twentieth ,century to the public at large," Despite Rand's traditionally Republican
  46. Ohm, and Henry developed the analogy between electricity and acoustics. The, twentieth ,century saw a burgeoning of technological applications of the large body of
  47. The first cousin of the Buddha by their fathers, and was devoted to him. In the, twentieth ,year of the Buddha's ministry, he became the Buddha's personal attendant
  48. Grenadines issued a set of stamps to celebrate the greatest achievements of the, twentieth ,century, one of which carries a recognizable portrait of Turing against a
  49. Economic growth and industrialization of Finland during the first half of the, twentieth ,century and many of his clients were industrialists; among these were the
  50. Brokers. Efforts to organize and standardize the market started early in the, twentieth ,century under Emanuel S. Mendel's. In 1908,the New York Curb Market Agency was

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