Examples of the the word, inmate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inmate ), is the 5895 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But are not considered statements of self-incrimination. ) If an, inmate ,is in jail and invoked Miranda on one case, it is unclear whether this extends
  2. The Polish Tobacco Monopoly adjacent to the site, until the camp was ready. The, inmate ,population grew quickly, as the camp absorbed Poland's intelligentsia and
  3. Something for which he himself takes sole responsibility). * A deranged, inmate ,(Denis Leary) delivers a rapid-fire monologue about how the Pittsburgh
  4. Publicly accusing six prison guards of the racially motivated murder of a black, inmate , According to a OSCE official report on defamation laws,57 persons in Canada
  5. Claims of being innocent. During his time at the prison, he befriends a fellow, inmate , Ellis" Red" Redding, and finds himself protected by the guards after the
  6. Wisconsin, convicted serial killer Jeffrey Danger is clubbed to death by an, inmate ,in the Columbia Correctional Institution gymnasium. Births *1118 – Manuel I
  7. Rule 15—Retroactive Note: The Court's School Days are Over" Washington,an, inmate ,from Georgia, was eventually prohibited from filing any future lawsuits or
  8. The Jewish community in Sight to Auschwitz-Birkenau. While at Auschwitz, his, inmate , number," A-7713 ", was tattooed onto his left arm. Wiesel was separated from
  9. As an inmate and carried on a thirty-five-minute conversation with another, inmate ,that he suspected of committing a murder that was being investigated. During
  10. His first report was smuggled to the outside world in November 1940,through an, inmate ,who was released from the camp. Name "/IN"> publishers"/> He eventually escaped
  11. And SAS Captain whom Womack has illegally detained for decades and the only, inmate ,of Alcatraz to ever successfully escape through Alcatraz's uncharted tunnels.
  12. Penal labor. He was reportedly killed in a labor camp in a fight with another, inmate , However, during the investigations during the Khrushchev Thaw it was
  13. Adherents in US prisons have the right to possess a Thor’s Hammer pendant. An, inmate ,sued the Virginia Department of Corrections after he was denied it while
  14. In the process of uncuffing an inmate , Bogart was struck in the mouth when the, inmate ,wielded one open, uncuffed bracelet while the other side was still on his wrist
  15. d. 2005) *1968 – Troy Anthony Davis, American high-profile death row, inmate ,and human rights activist (d. 2011) * 1969 – Christine Though, Canadian figure
  16. His toughness, it is also recounted that during his second prison term, another, inmate , stabbed him in the neck (leaving him with a fearsome scar that he subsequently
  17. Taken to Portsmouth. An alternate explanation is in the process of uncuffing an, inmate , Bogart was struck in the mouth when the inmate wielded one open, uncuffed
  18. See Harold 'Brain' Hellman (Harry Dean Stanton),a savvy and well-educated, inmate ,who has made the New York Public Library his personal fortress. Brain, who
  19. S watch, the guard would often be stripped of his uniform and become a Gulag, inmate ,himself. Further, if an escaping prisoner was shot, guards could be fined
  20. Document to a graphology test but Arnaud refused. A former ROA soldier and GULAG, inmate ,who was an erstwhile supporter of Solzhenitsyn, but later became his critic.
  21. Prisoners in its prison reception centers — which California claimed was for, inmate ,safety (gangs in California, as throughout the U. S., usually organize on
  22. It on the wrist of an old man (George" Buck" Flower). He meets a friendly, inmate ,nicknamed" Cabbies" ( Ernest Borg nine),who offers to help. Cabbies takes
  23. Immigration or emigration, tax evasion, providing contraband to a prison, inmate , or the theft of the items being smuggled. Examples of non-financial
  24. Andy is quickly befriended by Ellis Boyd" Red" Redding (Morgan Freeman),an, inmate ,serving a life sentence whose parole application was recently rejected. Red is
  25. Rights on the robbery case. In custody, he is involved in a fight where another, inmate ,is badly hurt. He speaks to the custodial staff regarding the fight without
  26. Judge (b. 1941) * 2011 – Troy Anthony Davis, American high-profile death row, inmate ,and human rights activist (executed) (b. 1968) * 2011 – Jun Henri, Japanese
  27. Since the death penalty reinstatement in the United States during the 1970s,no, inmate ,executed has been granted posthumous pardon. Public opinion In Canada
  28. Two hags in an insane asylum use scissors to blind a young, pretty fellow, inmate ,out of jealousy. L'Horrible Passion, by André de Lorde: A nanny strangles the
  29. In prison, Karmal was befriended by a fellow inmate , Mir Akbar Khyber. A third, inmate , Year Mohammad Kiddie Far hang, initiated both to pro-Moscow leftist views.
  30. To death. He has been described as" perhaps the world's best known death-row, inmate ,", and his sentence is one of the most debated today. Before his arrest, he was
  31. Elie Basel author of the Pulitzer Prize winning book Night was a teenage, inmate ,at Monowitz along with his father. The life expectancy of Jewish workers at
  32. Elicit incriminating responses. In this case, an undercover agent posed as an, inmate ,and carried on a thirty-five-minute conversation with another inmate that he
  33. Alcatraz. While working in the prison basement, he got into an argument with an, inmate ,who was standing in line waiting for a haircut; this person then stabbed him
  34. In the wastelands of Hell. Malebolgia is seen approaching an asylum or prison, inmate , demanding the prisoner return something of his. Spawn is confronted by a new
  35. Later, as president, Clinton was the first President to pardon a death-row, inmate ,since the federal death penalty was reintroduced in 1988. Democratic
  36. Of the Mind, without feeling as if he were in a madhouse, would qualify as an, inmate ,for Bedlam, I should be no less right. At first Fichte and Schelling shine as
  37. To Eurydice and Collins, seems to speak of her as having been recently an, inmate ,of his house, but without enabling us to form an opinion whether she was his
  38. 1991,a series of strips appeared to give credibility to a real-life prison, inmate ,who stated that former Vice-President Dan Quayle had connections with drug
  39. Necrophilia and cannibalism. On November 28, 1994,he was beaten to death by an, inmate ,at the Columbia Correctional Institution, where he had been incarcerated. Early
  40. Baptize him. While doing janitorial work in the prison gym, Dahmer and another, inmate , Jesse Anderson, were severely beaten by fellow inmate Christopher Carver with
  41. Including the time required to insert the IV lines and prepare the, inmate , the entire process lasted 43 minutes. Ohio executed a second man using sodium
  42. After President George W. Bush approved the execution (McVeigh was a federal, inmate ,and federal law dictates that the President must approve the execution of
  43. For five years as a result. In prison, Karmal was befriended by a fellow, inmate , Mir Akbar Khyber. A third inmate , Mier Mohammad Kiddie Far hang, initiated both
  44. According to Arkansas state and Federal law, a seriously mentally impaired, inmate ,cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the allegation of grave mental
  45. Gym, Dahmer and another inmate , Jesse Anderson, were severely beaten by fellow, inmate ,Christopher Carver with a broomstick handle on November 28, 1994. Danger died
  46. The Corinthian. * The Scarecrow (Dr. Jonathan Crane): In a cameo, the Arkham, inmate ,attempts to dissuade his friend Doctor Destiny from escaping (albeit not
  47. He had a small part in Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers, playing a ranting, inmate ,during a prison riot; his part was eventually cut, but can be seen on the
  48. To undergo three weeks of starvation and dehydration in the place of another, inmate , Generally ~30,but up to 100 ppm. Toxicity Phenol and its vapors are corrosive
  49. He is speaking to a state-agent; either a police officer posing as a fellow, inmate , a cellmate working as an agent for the state or a family member or friend who
  50. Maria also finds fulfillment outside of marriage, in an affair with a fellow, inmate ,and a friendship with one of her keepers. Neither of Wollstonecraft's novels

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