Examples of the the word, proclaim , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proclaim ), is the 5886 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The fishing zones in the Adriatic Sea. Italy denies the right of Croatia to, proclaim ,its own fishing zone before January 1,2008,because that would break an
  2. Tetzel did, according to what he considered his authoritative instructions, proclaim ,as Christian doctrine that nothing but an offering of money was required to
  3. Legions in Germania Superior refuse to swear loyalty to Gala. They rebel and, proclaim ,Zulus Vilnius Germanic us as emperor. * 193 – The Senate chooses Personal
  4. Domingo and proclaim ing the abolition of slavery there. He did not, however, proclaim , full independence for the country, nor did he seek reprisals against the
  5. Authority, especially biblical inerrant; * An emphasis on teachings that, proclaim ,the saving death and resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ; David
  6. Simply" Friends ". Fox seems to have had no desire to found a sect but only to, proclaim ,what he saw as the pure and genuine principles of Christianity in their
  7. Anglo settlers in Sonoma, California,start a rebellion against Mexico and, proclaim ,the California Republic. *1863 – American Civil War: Battle of Second
  8. Merger into some" Super Church ", but rather to discover ways to celebrate and, proclaim ,the unity and oneness that is Christ's gift to his church. Congregations
  9. Religion. During the William ite war in Ireland, he also reluctantly agreed to, proclaim ,the autonomy of the Irish Parliament from the English one and the restitution
  10. To be crippled and attending a faith healer revival, only to jump up and, proclaim ,herself healed. Thurber had two brothers, William and Robert. Once, while
  11. Men. The point of these speeches, and ultimately the entire book of Job, is to, proclaim ,the absolute freedom of God over His creation. God is not in need of the
  12. Of the supposed marriage proposal. Attila sent an emissary to Ravenna to, proclaim ,that Honor was innocent, that the proposal had been legitimate, and that he
  13. Days Nineveh shall be overthrown. " The people of Nineveh believe his word and, proclaim ,a fast. The king of Nineveh puts on sackcloth and sits in ashes, making a
  14. Regions of Zhejiang, Fujian,Guangdong and Jiangxi in 214 BC, enabled him to, proclaim ,himself the First Emperor (Qin Shi Huang). Imperial era Qin Dynasty (221-206
  15. Tire & Rubber Company is founded. *1903 – Macedonian rebels in Russo, proclaim ,the Russo Republic, which exists only for 10 days before Ottoman Turks lay
  16. He points out however that modern anthropological theories" do not merely, proclaim ,the inherent universal equality of all people as human beings; they also stress
  17. Holy Ghost did not permit the Apostle Paul on his second missionary journey to, proclaim ,the Gospel in Asia, Mysia, and Lithuania (Acts 16:6 sq. ). There is just as
  18. On November 22, 1783. Maryland's law specifies that" the Governor annually shall, proclaim ,April 13 as John Hanson's birthday and dedicate that day to the statesman. "
  19. I of Ethiopia visits Brazil, his Imperial Bodyguard seizes the capital and, proclaim ,him deposed and his son, Crown Prince Asia Worsen, Emperor. *1962 – NASA "
  20. These are the set feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which you shall, proclaim ,in their appointed season. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the
  21. Berwick, Fatty and Moses, rising to identify themselves as the injured parties, proclaim ," in the whole human race / there is no greater criminal / than a man without
  22. That exceeded transcription and calculation. One of its social effects was to, proclaim ,the honesty of merchants as a group; one of its epistemological effects was to
  23. Guided you, blessed Father Herman, : on your evangelical journey to America: to, proclaim ,the Gospel of peace.: Now you stand before the throne of glory;: intercede for
  24. Means," to hold or participate in a demonstration against ". The older sense ", proclaim ," is always transitive (protest one's innocence). * write: In BRE, the
  25. At the general elections, King Alexander would not hesitate any longer to, proclaim ,Queen Draga's brother as the heir to the throne. In spite of this, it had been
  26. Foundation for the whole church during our subsequent history. Such Protestants, proclaim ,that to share with the historic apostles the same faith, to believe their word
  27. A census, the newborn Jesus is laid in a feeding trough (or manger),angels, proclaim ,him the savior for all people, and shepherds come to adore him. Also, unique to
  28. To the rule of reason and in conformity with the witness of the saints; also to, proclaim ,the law of the king and to protect his welfare and that of his kingdom. Views
  29. And William Lyon Mackenzie King begins. *1945 – Sukarno and Mohammad Hat ta, proclaim ,the independence of Indonesia, igniting the Indonesian National Revolution
  30. Present-day events, taking to heart the Scriptural warning against those who, proclaim ," He is here! " Prematurely. Instead, the book is seen as a warning to be
  31. Tells them literally to go to hell, but the people are not even offended; they, proclaim ,that they already are in hell so that is no punishment. After fixing nothing
  32. Preachers," said he," speak in the name of the Church only so long as they, proclaim ,the doctrine of Christ and His Church; but if, for purposes of their own, they
  33. Their post-battle rewards, prompted them to raise Alaric" on a shield" and, proclaim ,him king; according to Jordanes (a Gothic historian of varying importance
  34. Commander-in-Chief as well. Kerensky's next move, on 15 September, was to, proclaim ,Russia a republic, which was quite contrary to the understanding that the
  35. Is the true chief executive. Dictators often use democratic titles, though some, proclaim ,themselves monarchs. Examples of the latter include Emperor Napoleon III of
  36. The Governor-General to withhold assent, suggest changes, refer to the Queen or, proclaim ,that the Queen has annulled the legislation. A number of Governors-General have
  37. Mattins, litany,and ante-communion, preferably as the matrix for a sermon to, proclaim ,the message of scripture anew week by week. ". Many ordinary churchgoers—that
  38. With loss of human lives prompted the General Assembly of the United Nations to, proclaim ,1990s as the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (ID NDR)
  39. The council would render a decision on who would be allowed to continue to, proclaim ,their views. This meeting, the first Zurich disputation, took place on 29
  40. Plot The plot centers on a conflict between Jonah and God. God calls Jonah to, proclaim ,judgment to Nineveh, but Jonah resists and attempts to flee. He goes to Poppa
  41. Kerr's Official Secretary, David Smith came to Parliament House to, proclaim ,the dissolution from the front steps. A large, angry crowd had gathered, and
  42. The monster with graffiti which reads 'Stomp Aberdeen '. Homer then goes on to, proclaim ,that 'Aberdeen rules! '. This is in spite of the fact that Groundskeeper Willie
  43. To a future incompetent Baldric. This remarkable encounter causes him to, proclaim ," Bad guys have all the fun ", and adopt the personality with which viewers
  44. Equal. However, much later in the novel he returns to the farm and continues to, proclaim ,the existence of Sugar candy Mountain. The other animals are confused by the
  45. Equinox. Also, the calculations of the great Indian Mathematician Bhaskaracharya, proclaim ,the Uganda day as the beginning of the New Year, New month and New day. * In the
  46. Of China, Yuan Shiva announces his intention to reinstate the monarchy and, proclaim ,himself Emperor of China. *1917 – In Nebraska, Father Edward J. Flanagan founds
  47. 1964 – Rebels in Zanzibar begin a revolt known as the Zanzibar Revolution and, proclaim ,a republic. *1966 – Lyndon B. Johnson states that the United States should stay
  48. Of the righteous, firmness of the churches and the forgiveness of sins. We, proclaim ,the Holy Trinity in One Godhead: we worship Him, we glorify Him, Lord have
  49. McMurray in 1996:" Become a people of the Temple—those who see violence but, proclaim ,peace, who feel conflict yet extend the hand of reconciliation, who encounter
  50. Asserting her" right and title" to the throne and commanding that the Council, proclaim ,her queen, as she had already proclaim ed herself. The Council replied that Jane

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