Examples of the the word, encouragement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( encouragement ), is the 5890 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Sole Force and Great Teacher. Hoxha's governance was also distinguished by his, encouragement ,of a high birthrate policy. For instance a woman that would give birth to an
  2. Coup against Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, and gave increasing unofficial, encouragement ,to Baltic independence. At the same time, by replacing the Soviet-Finnish
  3. Spreading among the Bulgarians. Ill feeling mounted against Russia for its, encouragement ,of the rebellions. The crop failure of 1873,the sultan's lavish expenditures
  4. Commander. Immediate steps were taken to improve efficiency within the army:, encouragement ,and, where possible, money,was sent to the commanders in the field; promotion
  5. Peso; this surcharge does not apply to other currencies, so it acts as an, encouragement ,for tourists to bring currencies like Euros, pounds sterling or Canadian
  6. George had mild food allergies that kept him feeling unwell, and he needed, encouragement ,to eat. The second, The Barbary Pirates (1953),is a children's history of
  7. In recognition of work already done, it was at the same time intended to be an, encouragement ,for further achievement on the part of the recipients and a stimulus to renewed
  8. River for much of the rest of the war, disrupting commerce and providing, encouragement ,to an active Loyalist portion of the population, particularly in Sussex County.
  9. Religious or political censorship, below ). They further argue that government, encouragement ,of content filtering, or legal requirements for content-labeling software
  10. In his dissatisfied attitude towards women. '" I had no advice, no counsel, no, encouragement , no consolation, no assistance, no support, of any kind, from anyone, that I
  11. But he persistently vetoed all proposals to intervene by force of arms. With, encouragement ,from the successful assassination of his father, Alexander II, in 1881,the
  12. 528“ 9. And a grasped of the faithful word according to our doctrine, for the, encouragement ,of sound moral instruction, and also to rebuke the opposition. 10. For there
  13. Have been a former painter's model and Miller, an insurance agent. " What an, encouragement ,all these bloodthirsty capering are for the arts! But there is at least one
  14. The administration and the Dutch barrier garrisons; with Eugene's backing and, encouragement ,civil disturbances in Antwerp and Brussels were forcibly suppressed. After
  15. Events in the field. For instance, Ramsey Campbell has acknowledged Derleth's, encouragement ,and guidance during the early part of his own writing career, and Kirby
  16. Men" ) who ventured overseas and married local women. With Albuquerque's, encouragement , mixed marriages flourished. He appointed local people for positions in the
  17. Or speaking positively of the destruction of Nineveh, it is also a positive, encouragement ,and" message of comfort for Israel, Judah,and others who had experienced the
  18. Published in Latin but were quickly translated into other languages, with his, encouragement , Beginnings of Protestantism Attempts at impartiality in dispute Martin Luther
  19. Area. Finland rejected this, as it had by then a re-built defense force and the, encouragement ,of Germany. Both Finland and Romania were expected to join in the campaign. Two
  20. Lloyd-Jones, one of Lewis's contemporaries at Oxford, gave him much-valued, encouragement , Asked by Lloyd-Jones when he would write another book, Lewis replied," When I
  21. His wife Caitlin said in her embittered memoir“ Nobody ever needed, encouragement ,less, and he was drowned in it. ” Thomas“ exhibited the excesses and
  22. And the fact that a great deal of it is undisturbed for much of the year is an, encouragement ,to the wildlife. The more common mammals include: Dartmoor ponies, rabbits
  23. To place: note variations in gambling laws, for example, and the prohibition or, encouragement ,of dueling in history. Other crimes, called male in see, count as outlawed in
  24. The war. " Faced with a revved up, war-ready population, and all the editorial, encouragement ,the two competitors could muster, the US jumped at the opportunity to get
  25. Agamemnon's son Orestes later avenged his father's murder, with the help or, encouragement ,of his sister Electra, by murdering Aegis thus and Clytemnestra (his own mother
  26. Of Cuba and Puerto Rico, or to independent Gran Colombia, usually with the, encouragement ,of Haitian officials, who acquired their lands. The Haitians, who associated
  27. Educational principles are still used in classrooms today, including " teach by, encouragement ,", art education, music education, acting exercises, learning through
  28. Available courses and topics. The 21st century ushered in the acceptance and, encouragement ,of internet research conducted on college and university campuses, in homes
  29. Equity, and compassion in human relations; * acceptance of one another and, encouragement ,to spiritual growth in our congregations; * a free and responsible search for
  30. English government to be reserve naval forces, and were sometimes given active, encouragement ,; as far back as 1545 Francis Drake was knighted by Queen Elizabeth, when he
  31. Figures; and teams of men carry them through the streets as crowds shout, encouragement , This early ninth century military leader is commemorated in this way because
  32. Met legendary Peanuts creator, Charles Schulz. Following his advice and, encouragement , Holbrook created a strip in the fall of that year about a college graduate
  33. S revanchist adventure in 1935 ". Levine also noted that the victory" gave, encouragement ,to isolationist and conservative strains that were deeply rooted in Ethiopian
  34. War II caused him to switch to ants, which could be stored in vials. With the, encouragement ,of Marion R. Smith, a myrmecologist from the National Museum of Natural History
  35. Protecting Athens from attack from that quarter. Around the same time, due to, encouragement ,from influential speaker Themistocles, the Athenians also constructed the Long
  36. At the time. For this painting, David was not honored by a royal" works of, encouragement ,". For his next painting, David created The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies
  37. While a graduate student, one of his teachers was Dorothy Partner, whose, encouragement , Coppola later acknowledged as pivotal to his film career. Very soon he enrolled
  38. Of play construction ". Rowe provided realistic feedback along with much-needed, encouragement , and became a lifelong friend. Miller retained strong ties to his alma mater
  39. Among commands more knowledgeable about their own situation. In addition,the, encouragement ,of initiative at all levels aided implementation. As a result, significant
  40. Let alone PowerPoint slides. Even after he succumbed to his UT colleagues ’, encouragement ,and acquired a Macintosh computer, he used it only for e-mail and for browsing
  41. Folly of this age that would rather be imposed on by a French booby, than give, encouragement ,to a good English cook! ” Of the French recipes, she does add to the text she
  42. Portraits of eminent American statesmen; however, he met with but slight, encouragement , During his years in Düsseldorf, he was a resource for visiting Americans: he
  43. In practice, Calvinists teach sovereign grace primarily for the, encouragement ,of the church because they believe the doctrine demonstrates the extent of God
  44. Classification of his contemporary Melvin Dewey, and with Dewey's initial, encouragement , developed his own classification scheme for the Winchester Town Library and
  45. A great-grandnephew of Bram Stoker, Canadian writer Acre Stoker, with, encouragement , from screenwriter Ian Holt, decided to write" a sequel that bore the Stoker
  46. Holistic approach based on the 4 'E's; education (of everyone involved), encouragement , ( to apply the education),enforcement (to protect the rights of others)
  47. Opportunity to attack and fulfill their desires of expansion. With the initial, encouragement ,of Russian agents, a series of agreements was concluded between Serbia and
  48. Career as one himself. Bergman worked at The Cincinnati Post and gave Watterson, encouragement ,and advice throughout his time as a student. In his 1990 speech to Kenyon
  49. Dedicated his short violin and piano piece Salt d'Amour to her. With Alice's, encouragement , the Elgar's moved to London to be closer to the center of British musical life
  50. Playing a noticeably high card when this would not be expected can signal, encouragement ,to continue playing the suit, and a low card can signal discouragement and a

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